Meeting Each Other

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Today was the day my life would change forever. I woke up early and made myself scrambled eggs with Avavado, a few slices of bacon to go with it, and a banana and blueberry smoothie with almond milk to wash it down.

Papa: How are you feeling?

My papa texted as I ate.

Me: nervous, excited, worried

Papa: The last thing you need to feel is worried. Your father and I are both proud of you and know you will do great things.

Me: What about Hibiki and Stone?

Papa: Your father has tested all three of you and watched you closely over the years. Your brothers are more than capable of running the company but their imagination doesn't come close to the things you can come up with.

Me: You flatter me

Papa: I only tell the truth. Have a good day at work I know you'll do an amazing job. Let me know how it goes

Me: I will. Love you🙂❤️

"Hey Obito". Kazumi greeted as I walked through the doors. Not many people knew this but Kazumi was my younger brother Shisui's boyfriend. "How's it going"? "Good, your early though aren't you"? "Eh, Dad wanted to talk to me before everyone officially gets here".

"Makes sense". "I'll see you later, don't overwork yourself". I said smiling as I made my way to the elevator. I pressed the button and a few seconds later I was walking inside Dad's or should I say my office.

"Right on time". He smiled as he stood up from his seat. I was about to say something but noticed the desk across from his. "I hired a new secretary slash designer a few days ago to help you out. You don't need the help I know but it'll provide him with the work experience while also managing to keep your workload from piling up. Whether or not you keep him on is internally up to you though".

"Is that why you called me in early"? "Yes and no. How are you truly feeling"? I looked at him sincerely. "I don't wanna let you down". He smiled placing his hand on my shoulder. "You won't, your Obito Uchiha one of the best graphic designers out there". I smiled. "Thanks, dad".


"Morning Kakashi, ready for another day of hard work"? Rin Nohara asked as I made my way out the elevator. I nodded my head and kept on walking not wanting a conversation to start up. "I know you turned us down last night but maybe you and I can grab lunch today? I know this great Italian place".

I gave her a somewhat friendly smile as I opened the door to mine and Mr. Uchiha's office before closing it and rushing to my desk.

It's ok, your ok. Your in your office with Mr. Uchiha your safe Kakashi

"You must be Kakashi Hatake".

My body froze as his voice entered my ears. This voice was different from Mr. Uchiha's voice. Mr. Uchiha's voice was deep and gentle while his brother Izuna's voice is smooth and gentle. This voice however was raspy but not too rough kind of raspy most people with that kind of voice have.

I looked over and saw a young man about two or three years older than me sitting at Mr. Uchiha's desk. He was sitting down so I could only see his dark blue business shirt. His hair was jet black with a few pieces being spiky and stopped at his shoulders and had the same color eyes.

"I am". He stood up and walked over to me. I was taken aback at how tall and fit he was. I was 5, 11 but he was about 6, 4. "Obito Uchiha, I've heard a lot of good things about you".

He offered me his hand. I looked at it for a few seconds before slowly lifting mine up to shake his.

A handshake won't hurt you, a handshake won't hurt you

"Thank you, sir, is there anything I can get for you before I start"? "No I'm ok, what are you working on if you don't mind me asking"? "Well uh, I'm not sure what your father has you working on but I'm trying to make a device that'll manifest any medical tool surgeons may or may not need.

Some hospitals run out of the equipment or medicine they need for a certain patient I know it's not often but some hospitals don't have as much money as others do and have access to limited resources. If possible this device will be helpful to the hospitals here as well as other hospitals around the world.

It's also possible I can program it to help the doctor look for the research they need as well as give them information on other doctors that could help them with their surgery if need be and or give information on medication that isn't local here or different surgical techniques. It's not complete yet but um".

I turned the screen for him to see the outline of it. It was oval-shaped and still in the process of getting all the data together.

"Small and easy to carry around". I nodded. "Once the prototype is done send it to me, I know a doctor that can test it out".

"Yes sir".

He turned to me and smiled. "I can already tell you'll do great things for this company Kakashi".

"Thank you, sir".


After work was over I headed straight home, changed into a pair of sweatpants, and headed into the kitchen to cook me a quick pasta dinner before calling my dads.

Dad: So how did it go?

Me: Good you just forgot to mention the part where he may be a genius.

Dad laughed.

Papa: What do you mean by that?

I mentioned the device Kakashi was currently working on and explained how it could potentially help the hospitals.

Papa: let me be the one to test it out

Me: I already planned on it

Papa: Thank you. Is he easy to work with?

Me: Mhm. I could tell he was surprised to see me in the office instead of dad but it didn't bother him. I guess he thought the switchover wouldn't happen this fast or that he would've been told when I would arrive but it doesn't matter I like working with him a lot.

Dad: That's good to hear, will you be able to handle the project I was working on?

Me: I will. I went through your notes and added a few of my own

Word Count: 1103

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