Living Together

175 9 5

A year later


I groaned as the sound of the alarm rang on my phone. It was early in the morning but I had to get up and make breakfast before Obito headed in for work. I sat up stretching upwards while letting out a yawn. I smiled looking over at my sleeping boyfriend next to me and blew him a kiss before carefully getting out of bed and heading downstairs to our kitchen.

I took out all the ingredients and pans I would need and started on breakfast for us. I made scrambled eggs with a side of bacon and turkey sausage patties with a tall glass of orange juice.

For the past year, Obito and I's relationship has gotten a lot more serious. Things had gotten really bad for me a while back that caused me to forget to pay my rent or utility bills and at work, I would zone out completely to where I ended up looking like a zombie. Thankfully Obito was there.

He could tell it was a bad panic attack I was going through along with depression and did everything he could to help me through it. I felt frozen. Everything around me was going in slow motion but I couldn't move or hear anything. All I could see was Obito kneeling in front of me holding my hands while his mouth moved but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

When I could come out of it I'd cling to him tight and tell me to hold me until I felt better. I found it was best for me to initiate the physical contact and tell him if I wanted a kiss or hug or gave him permission when asked.

When the attacks started to become frequent is when I asked him if I could move in with him. He agreed and I've been here ever since. Our house is filled with nothing but laughter, smiles, and support.

"Why must you always wake me up with bacon? I'd rather stay in bed and dream of you". He complained as he came down the stairs. "Morning sleepy head". I said fixing both our plates and setting them on the table.

"Can I hug and kiss you"? I nodded. He came over and hugged me from behind while giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, my sweet sweet angel". "I love you too Obi".

"Is there anything you want to do after my meeting"? "Can we cuddle in bed and watch a movie"? "If that's what my prince wants. I'll bring home snacks after work". "Thank you".


I had given Kakashi a few days off. He had a terrible last week and tried his best to convince me he was alright but I saw through it right away. He was sleep-deprived. He could barely keep his eyes open at his desk and bumping into things constantly.

I went along with it at first be I didn't want him to feel as if I was overstepping but I had to step in. It was obvious that if I didn't he would keep going until he passed out. One night after work I sat down and had a talk with him. I explained to him how worried I was about his health, he listened to my concerns and agreed to take it easy for a few days.

In return, I made sure to cut my work back some so I can come home early to cook and spend time with him. Today I only had to go over a few papers as well as attend an online meeting with a client. She was German but thanks to Kakashi I no longer needed a translator. Since we've been together he's done a great job at teaching me different languages.

I opened my laptop and was immediately greeted with a young woman who was in her mid-thirties. She had long wavy blonde hair and soft brown eyes. A month ago she had contacted me wanting me to work on a new kind of device.

"Herr Uchiha, vielen Dank, dass Sie sich bereit erklärt haben, mit mir über dieses Thema zu sprechen". ( Mr. Uchiha, thank you so much for agreeing to speak with me about this topic )

"Natürlich Ada, ich helfe dir, so gut ich kann, aber ich würde gerne persönlich von dir hören". ( Of course Ada, I'll help any way I can but I'd like to hear about it from you personally )

"Sicherlich. Wie ich in meinem Brief geschrieben habe, ist meine Mutter sehr krank. Meine Familie und ich wissen nicht, wie viel sie noch hat, deshalb habe ich mich an Sie gewandt. Ich hatte gehofft, Sie könnten ein Gerät entwickeln, das die schlechten Zellen in ihrem Körper eliminieren könnte, damit an ihrer Stelle neue wachsen könnten". ( Certainly. Like I stated in my letter my mother is very sick. My family and I don't know how much she has left which is why I reached out to you. I was hoping you could create a device that could eliminate the bad cells in her body so that the new ones could grow in their place )

"Ian tut mir wirklich leid, von deiner Mutter zu hören, aber damit das auch nur annähernd möglich ist, müsste ich Medizin verstehen, was ich nicht kann. Mein Papa Hashirama ist der beste Arzt, den ich kenne, aber ich fürchte, ich verfüge in dieser Hinsicht nicht über seine Fähigkeiten". ( Ian so sorry to hear about your mother truly I am but for that to be even remotely possible I would need to understand medicine which I don't. My papa Hashirama is the best doctor I know but I don't possess his skills when it comes to that I'm afraid )

"Bitte, Sir, bitte ich bin Sie, können Sie es zumindest versuchen? Meine Mutter ist der Fels unserer Familie. Ich weiß nicht, wie wir ohne sie auskommen sollen. Als ich ein kleines Mädchen war, sang sie mir immer vor dem Schlafengehen vor, für meinen Abschlussball fertigte sie mein Kleid von Hand an und erledigte drei Jobs, um mich und meinen Mann auf unsere Traumflitterwochen zu schicken.

Als mein Vater seinen Vater verlor, geriet er in eine schwere Depression und als Folge davon kümmerte sie sich um ihn, seine Mutter, mich, meinen Mann, sechs weitere Geschwister und auch deren Partner. Ich musste etwas tun, um ihr zu helfen". ( please Sir in begging you, can you at least try? My mother is the rock of our family I don't know how we'll manage to function without her. When I was a little girl she would always sing to me before bed, for my prom she handmade my dress and worked three jobs to send me and my husband on our dream honeymoon.

When my father lost his father he went into an immense depression and as a result, she took care of him, his mother, me my husband, six other siblings, and their partners as well, There has to be something I can do to help her)

"Mein Herz ist bei dir und deiner Familie. Ich kann selbst nichts medizinisch tun, aber wenn es dir recht ist, würde ich ihre Rechnungen gerne persönlich bezahlen und meinen Papa bitten, sie als Patientin aufzunehmen. Er hat ein Gerät namens Doctors Assistant, von dem ich glaube, dass es Ihrer Mutter helfen kann". ( my heart goes out to you and your family. I can't do anything medically myself but if it's alright with you I would like to personally pay for her bills as well as ask my papa to take her on as a patient. He has a device called Doctors Assistant that I believe will be able to help your mother )

"Danke, vielen Dank. Du hast keine Ahnung, wie viel mir das bedeutet". ( thank you, thank you so much. you have no idea how much this means to me )

" Keine Ursache". ( your welcome )

On the way home I called papa and informed him about the current situation as well as headed to the store and picked up a box of popcorn, chips, cookies, candy, and soda. I parked in the garage and made my way inside through the garage door that connected to the house.

"Kashi I'm home".

"I'm upstairs". I smiled as I carried everything upstairs with me making my way towards our room. He was snuggled underneath the covers looking at something on his phone.

"How was my prince today"?

"Good. How was work"?

"Also good. Can I join"?

He nodded. I placed all of the snacks on top of the bed and made my way over to him taking him in my arms. He nuzzled close, grabbed the remote, and picked a movie for us to watch.

Word Count: 1461

Office Employee Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora