🔥⛺Order in the court⛺🔥

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⭐️Cash: Welcome back!! Let's recap last week.. The teams were chosen and Helen was not happy about it, Everyone participated in a relay race where the yellow team seemed to be losing but Valentino popped Izel's balloon and brought back the lead, Adam got to the end but because of his penalty Kent was able to steal the win and Adam was voted off for it. Today our teams will practice their judicial knowledge. Who will be next? Find out on this episode of Sugar Sky Summer Camp!


*Valentino walks in*

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*Valentino walks in*

Valentino: Hey Valerie. I wanted to talk about today's challenge.

Valerie: Okay.. What about it?

Valentino: Well we technically lost last time, if it weren't for Adam. And now he's gone and we have no edge.

Valerie: We have one more player than them, and as long as Hazel and Helen keep fighting then we should be okay. And if we aren't we can always vote for Charles like we planned.

Valentino: You're righ-

⭐️📣Cash: Attention everybody!! There has been two safety idols hidden around camp, This will save you even if you get voted off. You can use this idol on yourself or anyone of your choosing.

Valentino: Oh.. Shit!

Valerie: Should we really spend our time looking for it, we should save our energy for the challenge.

Valentino: Okay sure but that could really give us an advantage!

*Cash walks into the cabin*

⭐️Cash: Valentino, can I talk with my sister?

Valentino: Yeah, whatever.

*Valentino walks out of cabin*

Valerie: Yes?

⭐️Cash: Here.

*Cash hands Valerie immunity idol*

Valerie: Huh..?

⭐️Cash: Take it.

Valerie: What?! But were supposed to find it.

⭐️Cash: Val, I want you to be safe.

Valerie: But that isn't fair.

⭐️Cash: I'm the host I can do what I want.

Valerie: No i'm not taking that.

⭐️Cash: Val come on.

Valerie: My name is Valerie!

*Valerie grabs idol and walks out*

*Valerie grabs idol and walks out*

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