🏕️🔥The Cruel Duel🔥🏕️

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Cash: Welcome Back! Last time on Sugar Sky, the campers practiced french and the red team finally had a win. Everyone on the yellow team blamed Trina but she was able to trick every single person on that team to save herself. What will happen next? Find out this episode on Sugar Sky Summer Camp!

 What will happen next? Find out this episode on Sugar Sky Summer Camp!

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Benny: I just feel bad y'know?

Trina: I do too, but we have to move on if we have any chance at winning.

Benny: You sure he won't be mad at us?

Trina: No he definitely is.

Benny: At least he's with his little boy crush.

Trina: Adam?

Benny: Trevor.

Trina: Trevor? Wow poor kid.

Benny: I know right, but I had to support him.

Trina: So-

⭐📣Cash: Attention everybody! Today's challenge will be the final team challenges, after today the teams will merge and you will all be competing for individual immunity! Today's challenge will also work a little differently, more on that later!

Trina: Oh hell no!

Benny: This isn't good, we need to get Charles out today.

Trina: So what we're gonna throw the challenge? How is that gonna help us, I'm already a target and we haven't made too many friends.

Benny: If we do happen to lose today that isn't our fault, why is it so wrong if we move the process along?

Trina: That's actually a really good idea.. If we don't get noticed we can convince Valerie to vote for Charles.

Benny: And Valerie's vote equals Valentino's vote.

Trina: But after the merge..?

Benny: I say we stay teamed up but maybe get some new allies. Janet would be a good one, maybe Helen and overall we can't seem too good or we'll be voted off easy.

Trina: Okay but we can't just not try or they'll know something's up, as far as allies I'd prefer Helen. She's nice and was even willing to use her statue on me.

Benny: Okay so we'll go to Helen first.

Trina: Another idea, we do everything we can to take out the other team even after the merge.

Benny: Why?

Trina: So the competition stays within our team, you know they're gonna target us so we should target them.

Benny: Okay so we got our plan?

Trina: Got it. Hey I'm gonna go talk to Charles and make him trust us a little more.

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