🔥⛺Time Travel Frenzy⛺🔥

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⭐️Cash: Welcome back! Last time the players went across a very large board game but Helen is the one who was able to conquer it and go right into the final five. Trina did some manipulation here and there saving herself and getting my sister eliminated. But i'm not salty. Who will be next? Will the girls trio make the final 3? God, I hope not! Find out today on Sugar Sky Summer Camp!


Benny: Valentino, I'm sorry she tricked me!

Valentino: You got my only ally eliminated! Now i'm a target!

Benny: We can work together to-

Valentino: I don't want to work with you. Just leave me alone.

⭐️Cash: Guys you all need to go to the mess hall.

Benny: Is it challenge time?

⭐️Cash: No, just meet with everyone there. I'll go tell the girls.


Hazel: What do you want?

⭐️Cash: Were here for Helen.

Helen: Me?

Benny: So then why are we here?

⭐️Cash: Helen winning immunity yesterday means she gets to stay in the V.I.P cabin for the rest of the game with the person of their choosing.

Helen: What if that person gets eliminated?

Benny: Or you.

⭐️Cash: If Helen or her choice gets eliminated she can either pick someone else, or if she gets eliminated the immunity winner gets the cabin.

Helen: I can pick someone to stay with me?

⭐️Cash: Yes, but only one.

Helen CF: How am I gonna pick between Trina and Hazel?

Helen: Ehhh....

Valentino: Hurry up.

Helen: I guess.. Trina..?

Trina: Yay!

Hazel CF: I'm not mad that she picked Trina but I think she should've picked Benny, if we can trick him once we can trick him twice.

⭐️Cash: If you guys wanna start the challenge today we can do that.

Benny: Hell no.

⭐️Cash: Fine, Helen and Trina you can explore your new cabin.

*Everybody splits up*


*Hazel walks into cabin*

Hazel: Oh yeah, nobody's here.

*Hazel walks to the boys side*

Hazel: Valentino can I talk to you?

Valentino: Not now Hazel.

Benny: Yeah, piss off.

Hazel: Bitch i'll push you off a cliff.

Benny: Mk.

*Hazel storms out*


Trina: Wow this place is amazing!

Helen: I know! Theres queen sized beds in everything.

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