🔥⛺Le Grand Concours⛺🔥

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Cash: Welcome back! Last week the campers had to battle a spinner then an extreme game of tic tac toe. The yellow team ended up winning YET AGAIN and the red team all voted for Helen. However Helen used her immunity idol and her sole vote managed to get Hazel eliminated which was kind of a bummer cause she was one of my favorites but whatever! Today campers will have to test their lingual knowledge and culture themselves on the french language. Who will be next? Will the red team finally win a challenge? Find out this episode on Sugar Sky Summer Camp!

 Who will be next? Will the red team finally win a challenge? Find out this episode on Sugar Sky Summer Camp!

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Izel: Milton wait up!

Milton: Yes?

Izel: I wanted to say thank you for voting Helen yesterday, even though she didn't get out I still appreciate it.

Milton: No problem, I didn't care that much anyway.

Izel: But seriously next time we lose we have to vote Helen.

Milton: All because she killed a spider? That seems a bit extreme.

Izel: So you're okay with her slaughtering innocent people.

Milton: A spider is a nuisance not a person.

Izel: All creatures are children of mother earth!! Including you!

Milton: I didn't subscribe to that.

Izel: Ugh you are so insensitive!

Milton: Oops.

*Izel storms off*

*Izel storms off*

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Goldi: Helen!

*Helen turns around*

Helen: Yes?

Goldi: Are you doing okay? I mean after last nights eliminatio-

Helen: Don't act like you care, You voted me.

Goldi: Even if I didn't it wouldn't have made a difference.

Helen: That isn't the point, everybody wants me gone.

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