A Guardian's Tale

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To my surprise, we had begun to encounter more and more monsters. Before the swamp I had been suspicious of the lack of foes in a forest famous for its dangers. The swamp beast certainly rose to the standards she had been made to believe the Dark contains, but other wise it had been pretty smooth sailing on the whole. At first I thought that Kishi had simply scared off most other beasties, but now I think it was just luck.

Currently, Kishi and I were mid-fight, taking on a pack of dire wolves and one very large and very pissed off mosquito. It was our fifth large fight since leaving the swamp behind and even my god level of stamina was beginning to wane. Still, I had things to live for and I wasn't about to let a bug get the best of me.

I dashed past Kishi who had her fangs locked onto the neck of a large wolf that was still half her size, two others lay dead at her feet. I jumped as high as my legs would allow, soring up into the air at least twenty feet, my dagger flashing in what little light there was to be had in the Dark. Spinning, I brought the short blade down, puncturing the hard carapace of the bug, its translucent wings beating hard and causing leaves and branches to come crashing down around me, but I held tight, planting my feat on its back and twisting my blade.

The mosquito let out a high pitched wail and began to list to the side. Finally... this had been the third major wound I had applied to the monster and the damn thing would not bleed to death! It came to the ground with an awful mix of bug crunch and tree snapping, throwing me to the softer, mossy earth with an "oof!" before I rolled a few feet and jumped back to my feet, staggering a little.

"Lady Enna!" Called Kishi, worried for my safety. I watched as another wolf took advantage of her distraction and leapt onto her cream colored back, digging in red claws and sinking fangs around her spine, trying for a death blow.

"Kishi!" I screamed, afraid for my new friend. She was powerful, a great deal stronger than me. But if I was feeling exhausted, with the energy I could pull from my people and the world around me (Though that was much harder here in the Dark) then she must have been wiped. I may not have great strength, but I had the stamina of the energizer bunny.

Ignoring my bruised and battered limbs, I rushed forward, catching another wolf alight with fox fire as I passed, before lunging forward, blade in hand. The sharp tool of death sunk deep into the direwolf's eye socket, causing the beast to drop from Kishi's back and howl in agony.

Kishi shook out her now mattered fur and stood at my side. I was an even bigger mess than she was with minor wounds all over my body and blood trickling into my eye. I tried wiping the gore off my hands so that I could grip the blade better and hopefully not have it slip from my hands completely. panting I took the fighting stance that Nord had taught me and faced off with the last three wolves, Kishi at my side.

At the same time we both let out battle cries and charged the enemy, me with my short dagger gripped in both hands, and she, claws extended and fox fire wreathing her whole body. 

"Ow..." I groaned about ten minutes later as Kishi and I tried getting the gore off in a rather nasty smelling stream. The battle had been but a few short feet away beyond a clump of thick trees but I could still see the corps of the mosquito between the branches.

"You fight well, little one." Kishi said in a gentle voice from where she stood in the middle of the stream. Her paws were in the water and her fur glistened with the wetness. I winced at the thought of having to wait for all that fur to dry. At least she was back to being cream colored rather than mostly red with blood.

"You are the amazing one, not me. But thanks all the same. I will be sure to tell my teachers of your compliment. Maybe I won't get yelled at as bad for being captured and dragged into  a scary forest." yeah right!

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