Chapter 39

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Gently shutting the door behind him as quietly as he could, Jungkook avoided making any kind of noise that could potentially wake up Seokjin as he tiptoes down the flight of stairs towards the front door. It had been such an hassle getting the boy to remain calm before eventually falling asleep after coming face to face with the unwanted visitor from earlier.

When the said unwanted visitor had shown his face to him, Seokjin had involuntarily lost his balance and collapsed to the floor with a thud, his head spinning out of control while his heart drummed heavily in his ears. It had taken Jungkook all of his strength to help calm the boy down by whispering reassuring words to him until he allowed himself be carried up to his bedroom where he eventually ends up falling asleep. Jungkook knew the trauma was far from over, he also knew that by the time Seokjin awakened he'd have to do even more to help contain his tantrums and paranoia. But for now, he needed to return to the man outside the door and tell him off before he ended up in a coma because of him.

Grabbing the door by the knob, he flings it open in one go only to find the said man still standing out there in the cold with both of his arms tightly knotted over his chest in seek of warmth.

"Why the fuck are you still here?" Jungkook questions in an obviously livid tone, one he didn't give a hoot about concealing in any way. "I thought I told you to be gone by the time I got back?" He added while still glaring at the man.

"I'm sorry" The man whispers underneath his breath, his eyes peering right back into that of Jungkook's. "I just needed to see my son, does he really not want to see me?"

A sinister chuckle was quick to escape Jungkook's lips as he could barely believe his ears. Was this man being for real? Was he genuinely asking him that? "It's taking all the control in me not you punch you right now, like it's taking every single willpower within me not to send your words right back down your throat until you can taste fresh blood"

Minshik flinches a little, taking a few step backwards in order to create a safe distance between himself and the strange well built man who seemed to know so much about him than he ever expected. "Do you by any chance know me?" He questions, his intrusive thoughts winning considering how he never wanted to ask that.

"No I don't, and I have absolutely no intention to. So can you please get the fuck away from this property before I loose my shit?"

"You have no right to tell me to leave, and I'm not moving an inch from this spot until I see my son! I don't even know who you are, how am I even sure he's safe with you here?" Minshik argues back almost immediately, now quite offended by how this strange man was belittling him on the same property that could have rightfully been his had Seokjin not been born.

Jungkook could barely control the series of tired scoffs that came out his mouth in waves, he just couldn't believe the audacity of the man in front of him. "Are you being serious? He's not safe with me here but you think he's safer with you? You the same person who made him the way he is? You the same scumbag who stripped him of his joy and his innocence as a child? You the same piece of stupid shit who abandoned him and freely fed him to the wolves to satisfy your own selfish interests? you the same bastard who's such a pathetic excuse of a father? You!" Jungkook taunts in absolute rage as he took long stride towards the man with nothing in mind except to punch him till he passed out.

Although at the back of his mind, Jungkook knew he needed to keep his cool no matter how uncanny the entire situation presented itself to be. Because come to think of it, as much as he wanted to exert revenge on the traitor in front him, he knew it wasn't his call to make at the end of the day especially when he wasn't even told to do so by Seokjin. Yes he knew the boy deserved so much closure for all the hurt he had to endure for his whole life, but he also knew he could possibly do nothing except if told to. So he eventually backs up a bit, fist clenching and unclenching in severe anger as he tried his possible best to keep his breathing under control.

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