A lot alike | Chapter 7

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Seeun who had followed Yeosang and San flew as fast as possible towards the rest of the ateez and xikers members,

"Yeosang.... San... Seonghwa... The.. boys brother...!" Seeun was unable to speak, he was clearly out of breath.

After a few seconds Seeun began talking again,

"Yeosang and San went to follow the Android Guardians who has captured the boys brother... And Seonghwa.. he followed some strange girl"
Everyone had a rather confused look on their faces. They accomplished the mission they had, but at what cost? They lost members in the progress.

"Seeun, did you see where they went?"
Hongjoong asked, Seeun started shaking his head and avoiding eye contact.

"I tried following them, I went as fast as possible but there was too much smoke for me to see."
Seeun was a bit panicked, Minjae walked towards him and gave him a small hug trying to call him down.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard, and a big flash was seen. It almost looked like it was thundering.. the xikers members were confused, this was clearly new here. They rushed towards the Black Pirates underground bunker.

"Strange, The weather is always clear here unless there's something happening..."
Junghoon said while looking at a tv screen that showed what was happening outside.

Since the bunker was made underground they didn't have windows, So instead of a window they had this tv screen, they had cameras scattered everywhere around Strictland so they had easy access to see everything that was happening which was pretty smart.

"It's like Z is giving us a warning."
Jongho mumbled.. clear enough for the others to hear.

Nobody knew what to do, where Yeosang, San and Seonghwa went, how to get them back, and if they had found the boys brother. Everything seemed completely useless for Mingi in that exact moment. He was feeling the same exact feeling he had when he had told the members their time that they had spent together was useless. Mingi was afraid to feel like this again, he clearly didn't want to feel this feeling. He kept it all inside of him, like he always did. This time he couldn't put in his earphones as there was no connection in the bunker. He just sat down on a couch quietly watching everyone argue about plans and such things.

The bunker looked cozy, it looked pretty small because of how many Black Pirate members were hanging out here, this was there home. Because if they went outside they would instantly get caught by the Guardians. The members were thinking of a plan, they had lost all connections towards the members who were missing. The last place Seeun saw them was in a somewhat misty area in Strictland. So for the Xikers members to go around flying would be pretty useless as Seeun already failed to do so the first time. Although it felt useless, Minjae and Junmin went to check anyway. Sometime later they came back, with a sad expression on their faces.

"It's like they disappeared from this demention."
Minjae said

"No trace of them or anything!"
Junmin continued.

"Are there more dementions... other than A and Z." Wooyoung asked,

"Ofcourse.. in total there's about 8 dementions! Your world, Strictland, Our world and a few other ones. But we haven't been there. So there's not much to say" Yechan responded to his question

It was all too strange and new for the ateez members, but they'll get used to it.

"So tell us, what's your world like?"
Yunho asked Yechan.

"Well... theres not much too it"
he said, he then stopped talking and thought about it for a few seconds,

"In our world were pretty feared, some love us and our powers some fear us and our powers, they don't know wether we are good or evil. And we like to keep it that way, it makes things more exiting. So there's normal humans..."

"and a few abnormal creatures..like zombies!!"
Yujun said, he seemed excited to mention the zombies. The other members smiled and continued

"Remember the time we had facing the zombies?" Jinsik continued

The Xikers members laughed for a bit, leaving the ateez members confused. But "as long as they were having fun" hongjoong thought. they still needed to come up with a solid plan to find the missing members, Hongjoong looked at the corner of the bunker where the little boy was sitting. It looked like he had been crying for a while, nobody noticed he was sitting there. It must've been pretty hard of him loosing his brother over and over again. Hongjoong tapped Yunhos shoulder and pointed at the little boy, hinting Yunho to go talk to him. As Yunho had experienced the same thing.

"What's up?"
Yunho asked the little boy as he sat down next to him.

The little boy looked up at Yunho, his eyes were so red and puffy. His face was all wet from his crying. he was unable to respond.

"I know how you feel."

"I've never really introduced myself, I'm Yunho."
Yunho said while smilling at the boy. Yunho had the most sweetest smile anyone could ever have, it was like looking at something you enjoyed so much.

"How would you know how I feel."
The boy responded with a angry tone in his voice

"I experienced my brother die twice. Both of those times were my fault.. although I'll never truly understand what you're feeling and what you're going through, I do know that what we feel or felt is somewhere in the same topic."

"How was your brothers death your fault, Yunho?"

"Well, you see.. Since birth my brother had a dysfunctional right leg, so his left leg would always be swollen as it is doing all the leg work.. he used to always play the guitar, he was really good at it. He had always dreamed about becoming famous and playing for millions of people. The first time he had gotten into a car accident, I felt guilty as I wasn't really spending much time with him, I was always out... on my motorcycle. I then met ATEEZ. We found the Cromer, lost yeosang and traveled back in time. Where my brother was still alive. I chose to stay with my brother as the rest of the members did all the word.. I just wanted to spend time with my brother while he was still alive. I found out ateez was captured and went straight to them with my motorcycle friends. My brother had seen us on television and rushed to us with his car... just for him.. to get into another car accident. He told me it was never my fault, but if it isn't why do I feel guilty?"
After Yunho was done explaining, the boy put his hand on Yunhos hand.

"That.. must've been hard on you."

Yunho nodded,

"It was, but I had my friends.. so I knew everything would be alright."

Yunho wanted to ask the boy if he had friends, but he stopped himself as he realised they were in Strictland. He just smiled at the boy

"I never really.. had the chance to make friends, I don't think I ever will." The boy said while looking at the ground. Yunho shook his head

Yunho put his hand on the boys shoulder,

"We're a lot a like, you know."

"We'll be your friends."
Yunho pointed at himself and then at the rest of the members, who were still to busy talking and laughing.

A small smile formed on the boys face, Yunho was relieved to see that.

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