act one...alternate trial

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"the festival is about to begin y/n let's go!!!!"

Y/n Vala Teri the fairy princess of the kingdom of Aphrodite her special powers are to create crystals for defense, electric waves to stun opponents, Sakura winds for hypnosis, etc.

"Fera slow down!!!" "Common were going to be late, your father wouldn't mind you watching the festival with me let's go!!" "Woman!!!"

They run and run as fast as they can go y/n only being 9th sibling out of her family her older brothers have always been the ones to stop her from sneaking out but not this time.

Though today she was supposed to be meeting up with the prince that's traveling from the kingdom of Atlantis that's from the water. 

'as long as I don't have to meet up with Reis that fish breathing gilled prince and his siblings Kris, Steph, and Ari this would be so much better' "hey your not thinking about fish eyes again are you"

Fera raises her eyebrows in curiosity.

"No I am not thinking about gill-head or fish eyes I don't even like him" "oh really because I been hearing it all over the kingdom about him coming today to meet up with you" "ok even though im 2,220 (22) years old and still young theres noway I'll ever marry him or have his children id rather kick some ass and fight"

Fera being her best friend/personal follower she's sworn to protect her and stay by her side for eternity. Especially with y/n Vala Teri looking like a busty woman all the kingdoms in her world have been wanting to get with her and own her.  But thankfully she has declined everyone of their offer and even smothered one of the dragon princes under her hip during battle which resulted in a blood gushing nose. 

Except for the prince of Atlantis, Reis he did not take no for an answer though he was 13 ft tall and muscular built with the marking of Atlanta Royalty on his torso. His kingdom was known to be that size. Y/n's Royal black wings expanded from her back from the marking on her back, but she hardly ever used her powers or wings for that matter.  Fera allows her white fairy wings to come out as well as they take flight into the Sakura trees.

She'll be damned if they find her out here in the kingdom district of Aphrodite. Landing on the streets that are completely crowded fera pulled y/n over to the side looking at the clothes.

"So what do you plan on doing with fishy?" "I could try and sabotage the engagement with him" "girl he will try to get you knocked up and we don't want that or need that" "exactly and ew I am not having any babies with him or any prince!"

The festival begins, fera has bought a two piece white outfit for y/n to change into which she had no choice since she had to hide in the crowd. 

"It's the prince and his brothers!!!!"

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"It's the prince and his brothers!!!!"

Y/n widens her pearl purple colored eyes

"We're searching for the princess y/n Vala Teri she has the royal marking on her back, if anyone has seen her bring her to the castle or face the consequences!!" Jak Vala Teri, Alik Vala Teri, Farris Vala Teri spoke in unison riding their royal grim horses.

Multiple sets of black and red mixed phoenix's are flying over the district, fera with her teal hair pulled back she pulls y/n that has long silver hair with lavender purple faded tips out of the streets very fast.

They giggle but she felt bad

"They're going to be so mad if they find us out here" "isnt it better to be out here than being around fish eyes?" "Hahaha"

The two wouldn't stop laughing, some of the people are murmuring to one another as they are wandering through the streets in the district.

"It's princess y/n Vala Teri...." "Should we run-" "your coming home princess let's go"

Shadow Vala Teri looms over them she gulps nervously, Tae Vala Teri, Shaun Vala Teri, Xander Vala Teri grin at their sisters twentieth attempt to escape the castle grounds. 

"Dang it I almost got away!!!!" "Is this your way of hiding dressing up as a damsel in distress and looking like a street performer princess?"..."you gotta understand I don't want t-" "to marry the prince of Atlantis Reis we get it but he's waiting for you at the castle as we speak".

Scoffing at this Alik Vala Teri scoops his sister off the ground Fera hops onto the same grim horse as Shaun Vala Teri. 

"Ugh so not fair I don't want to marry fisheyes!!" "Yeah well he won't take that too kindly-" "ah I forgot to say he has a gift ready for her not only that but he wants to be alone with you little sister"

Alik Vala Teri slightly leans over, they go back to the castle y/n was not happy seeing Reis inside waiting patiently.  He's standing in the main hall in his royal attire, tassels on his medals, he turns around with a smirk. 

"Ah princes y/n I'm happy to see you're here and dressed up in....a street performer outfit...doesn't matter my acquaintance to have you is a pleasure, come let's go have a word alone shall we?" "Ohh of course prince Reis....of course..."

She forces a smile, her brother places her down as he pulled her away down the hall corridor. Reis opens the door to her room.

"Hang on wa- woah!!"

She yelps in surprise as he hoists her over his shoulder closing the door behind him and locking it, Reis walks up to her bed and lays her body down.  Her breast slightly bounce from the impact as he towers over her body.

  Her breast slightly bounce from the impact as he towers over her body

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(This is Reis even though it's downloaded but hear me out-)

Her face becomes sweaty slightly more as he slowly takes his jacket and shirt off revealing those muscles those ripped muscles. 

'is this his way of wanting to speak to me alon-' "I cannot wait until our wedding day but I must ask you to accept my request for a walk I want to show you my-" "ahahaha I forgot I think my brother's are wanting me to attend a meeting.. yes a meeting with the sorcerer in the library" "a meeting I haven't heard anything about a meeting perhaps I can assist you and come with you my princess". 

Aaaagh damnit how is she supposed to shake this prince off her back, he grins at her face and lowers his head

"Uh..I I....I I... it's an important question that selphius is going to ask me...yeah... definitely an important question for me.. alone" "it can wait until I am finished".

He chuckles, unbuckling his BeltLine y/n panicked, growing flustered she instantly pushes him off and flies to the ceiling of the room.

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