one bed

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Several hours later they're lead to a room different from where they last woke up in.

Fera and y/n Vala Teri poke their heads through the entry of the bedroom. 

"There's a giant bed.." "thinking what I'm thinking" "yep" "good, last one to the bed is a flightless fairy" "says the one who got her wings broken but your on"

They begin to rush through the big room, if it weren't for fera playing dirty.

"Most likely last one there has to sleep with the prince" "ew girl what the Actual hell"

Fera cackles as y/n tackles her, prince Ries stumbles into the room with a look of irritation.

"Y/n my queen don't you think it's childish to be doing this type of thing" "well yeah but it's a large bed" "a bed that we can all share.. especially if it's with you~" "dattebayo!!!"

He laughs at her response and places the weapons down, fera stopped in her tracks and looks over her shoulder.

"Hey since we're back from the battle grounds I think it's safe to say that we can look at the damage done on your wings and see if it's repairable" "alright fine"

They sit on the bed Ries comes over and sits down with his muscular legs parted.  Y/n allows her black wings to come out as she winces. Fera takes a closer look at it....

"Repair magic spell... healing of the body"

Y/n stayed in place, ries lays back exhausted from the battle hopefully they will have a tiny break..

Until they heard the summoners voice.

"Welcome back to another round of the multi dimensional summoners arena, we've all witnessed how powerful our little princess y/n Vala Teri was with her teammates let's give them an applause for the next round in thirty five minutes but it will be so good to watch, let the blood shed!!!"

The crowd starts cheering they couldn't catch a break from the arena now.  Fera was finished up with the healing as y/n collapsed on the bed passed out.   Fera lays down covering her up as she fell asleep.

Prince Ries looks over at his future bride, pulling her body on top of him he gently strokes her lower back. 

(Slight 🍋)

The curves under his palms were like a magnet to him. The suddenly the room changed so dim.

"Oooh what do we have here...perhaps a few more hours can be adjusted say prince Ries is it...what is this girl you are holding to you~?" "My future wife" "ooooo that's interesting though I must ask you this one question your highness...when you win this arena what do you plan on doing?" "I'm going to marry my wife...thats what im gonna do" "nice nice but I must add if there were a way to get what you want what shall you do hmm~?" "Whatever it means necessary just to be with my wife even if it"

He trails off.. the room falls quiet as he kept holding her close. 

From behind the sphere of the two sat the white haired male that's forever eternally young, he grins maliciously with his red eyes and short white hair.

From behind the sphere of the two sat the white haired male that's forever eternally young, he grins maliciously with his red eyes and short white hair

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Lord of all beings zephyrus the forgotten God castrated out of the house of God's and goddesses.

He licks his lips lightly in hunger and desire he speaks through the sphere again..

Back in the room prince Ries Lan Carrillo runs his hands over her hip drawing small circles.

"Perhaps we can make a deal....your highness, the princess will sit out through the arena, in exchange for a replacement" "replacement...who shall replace my future wife in the arena" "I can summon anyone you wish whats the word...are you in on the deal" "yes...i want my wife's brother shaun Vala Teri to take her place" "wonderful and when shes sitting out for your hand in marriage ill make sure shes dressed up just for you~".

Ries blushes at the thought of his future wife's image before his eyes.  Cupping her bottom cheek in the left palm he gently plays with her entrance moving the panties aside gently pumping his fingers inside. 

Feeling his erection growing slightly he softly groans as the sphere has disappeared. Or so he thought.

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