a deal

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"I wanna know why I am in this place" "I am afraid I can't tell you" "and why not" "thats for me to know only" "are you ser-" "i dont think you should speak to someone like that especially me~"

Zephyrus leans down whispering that part into her ear, she shivers slightly but composes herself. With his breath fanning her neck her nipples harden a tiny bit under the fabric.

Taking a seat on the chair his shadow looms over her, she noticed that he was adjusting pants while looking up slowly at his back.  Zephyrus turns around slightly with a cold look before smirking. 

"Do you like what you see princess?" "Shut up like for real shut up-"

She instantly catches her tongue as he grips her jaw giving her face a slight pull.  Standing up slowly their eyes lock again, he moves his shirt off his chest revealing those muscles and a strange mark on the left slender pecks. 

He places her palm against it with a cold look.

"Recognize this mark princess" "no I only heard about it in history books" "and do you exactly have any idea of who I really am..." "No"

He licks her ear softly earning a soft gasp to escape.  Feeling his cold lips press against the neck she felt something slither under the fabric.  It felt like a tail, gasping in shock whatever it was latches on. 

The stinging sensation of her skin being pierced with whatever the male had slowly travels up to her entrance, clenching her bottom she nearly screams if it weren't for his slender palm which started to change form.

"You really have no idea of what I can actually do, I can tear anything apart, especially life itself for example I can just tear you open right now but I won't do that"

His figure suddenly snapping and popping as he changes form, widening both eyes her entrance was starting to sting as he forces it to open.  Some blood trinkles onto the floor.

"Aahh!!" "Ah yes the familiar cry of pain oh how much I missed it, perhaps you can be the newest collection of my favorite trophies"

Her face turns red with tears falling down, zephyrus plays with her and grins with malicious desire.  Giving her body a harsh pull her body lays down on the pile of bones with more black moving vines.  From outside the glass he watches fera shoot the creatures.  Breathing heavily he looks back at her now crimson colored thighs.

"L-let me go please I don't deserve this! Gaaah!!" "Your right you don't but...."

He steps closer kneeling down and grins with hunger, reaching forward he moves the fabric over her lower half using the magic to summon a creature.  Its body completely grey, flesh caved in as if it wasn't fed. 

"Perhaps we can make a deal princess just like your fiance has made" "go fuck yourself!!" "Ooh spicy though I must ask could you handle the death of a loved one?"

She whimpers as the black veins pierces her body, some wrapping around her torso tightly, looking back at him he places his palm upon the creatures arm.  Its eyes glowing white, whatever it was looked down with hunger and excitement coursing.

"Dont do this to me please i don't want to lose anyone close to me" "but you might not have a choice and this creature here standing before you will be standing guard" "please!...I'm begging you please"

Zephyrus grins and licks his lips lightly.  The bulge growing, in the doorway of the room stood one of his women.

"Ah Layla darling what a fucking wonderful surprise come please me in my chamber will you?" "Yes master" "wonderful, and also princess y/n..your brother Shaun is taking your place" "dont you dare hurt my brother- aaaghh!!!"

The vines dig deeper causing her body to curl up in pain. He laughs and leaves the room leaving the girl in the black vines.  Alone with the creature watching her every move, looking back outside the window she can watch the battle go down. 

"Shaun... Fera!!..please don't die"

Watching in terror the others are fighting for their lives especially Shaun and Fera.  Looking over to Ries Lan Carrillo she caught a glimpse of his dark grin.  What is he up to, she didn't know exactly but these vines have a tight hold on her. 

Rolling to the side slightly she grunts in discomfort. The creature stepped forward one step.

"Fera... Please stay alive, Shaun don't die big brother"

She starts weeping in tears, the other opponents fighting for their lives as well she starts praying and hoping her friend and brother stay safe.

One of the creatures from the arena slam against the window causing her to jump slightly but yelp.  It was an echo, but the guard standing close looks up at the window before it's gaze turns back to the princess.  Covering her mouth quickly she has trouble breathing from the large hand.

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