alternate trial part two

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.... Ries stood there with his BeltLine half down as he smirked, stepping off the bed he winks

"I wasnt going to hurt you princess, i was just going to show you how much romantic I can be" "yeah no...nuh uh nope you tried to get into my pants or dress like that no way"

She presses her back against the ceiling staring at him, the air slightly chaning drastically making her feel woozy. Losing control of her wings ries stops smirking and furrows his brows.

"My princess..are you okay....ugh my head"

He held his head as well feeling the same thing, from outside the room nobody knew didn't know what was going on. Even Ries's body guard who stood in the room with the others...stumbling forward slightly y/n then fell he instantly reaches out catching her on time as she lays on top of him.

Everybody was in perfect condition not feeling tired or woozy like these two, strange purple glowing light emits off the ground forming a ritual type of thing with a note flying upwards. Strange whirring noises echoes in the castle catching the attention of the eight prince's of the Galashi Aphrodite kingdom.

Fera senses the air change drastically she felt woozy as well, swaying unsteadily she collapsedthe same glowing ritual type of thing happens to her as well.

"Lady Fera!! Shaun, Alik go check on the princess and prince Ries!!!"

They run off in a hurry having their cape flow behind them, from inside the room princess y/n Vala Teri and prince Ries were suddenly gone in thin air followed by Fera as well.

"Princess y/n!!!" "Why is the door not opening!!! Guards!!"

They shout in alarm, several guards come running as they start using their bodies to ram into the doors that strangely shut tight. With a few harsh pushing agaisnt the door it finally busts open some of the guards tumble and fall.

"Where are they!?!?" "Princess y/n!!! Prince Ries!!!!" "Guards search the kingdom and castle now!!"

Shaun Vala Teri wanders his eyes to the floor. They land on the note with strange writing. He picks it up and reads it, his face turning pale.

"No!" "Prince Shaun what is it!?" "There's a trial these three have been chosen to compete in a battle with other opponents" "where is this place located?" "Across the galaxies in a different place but I don't understand why them!?"

One of the other guards comes running with a weird sphere in their hands it has a screen popping up in the air showing them the three.

"The hell...."

Taking it from their hand they all watch the screen. Their sister laying on her side in a different outfit followed by the other two.

(Y/n's outfit)

(Ries's outfit)

(Fera's outfit)

Y/n POV..

She groans slightly and sits up confused, looking upwards is Ries in a sitting position but he's out of it. Another groan comes from the room, looking over Fera's in a different outfit. Ries slowly wakes up in complete confusion.

"You did this didn't you!?!" "Don't pin this on me!!" "Where the hell are huh did you change us while we were sleeping!?" "No...even if I did I would've left a love mark on my future wife right princess y/n..." "That's it..."

Fera widens her green eyes and lunges forward tackling y/n to the marble flooring. Prince ries stood up dusting his outfit off, y/n has flaming balls emitting around her in the air as she glares at him.

"Y/n!!! Chill your head down princess!! Your going to smoke us-"

Loud buzzing sound echoes in the room and the outside as well. The lights flicker red and black, y/n puts out her flames as ries comes over to them in case something happens.

"What in the goddesses name is going on..."

A loud echoing roar bounces off the walls from outside. Ries furrows his brows as he starts thinking deeply. Meanwhile y/n and fera spot a section of weapons on a rack.

"The bow in mine!" "No it's mine you know damn well I'm trained professionally for the bow princess!!!" "So have I!!! Fera!!" "Y/n!!!"

They start arguing over which one who gets the bow and explosion arrows, ries scoffs at his future wife's cuteness as he walks over with just three steps. He grabs a spear, a large hammer with purple and blue designs on it, and a chain with a Kuni.

"To settle this one in a genuine way my future wife gets the spear that controls the electric waves, fera you get the hammer to stun the opponent, and I get the chains and Kuni together" "....." "Huh."

The loud roaring sound of whatever creature keeps going followed by some loud rumbling noises. Suddenly the door starts to slide open with ease having some burning embers and ashes.

"Uhh princess know which creature is responsible for this right?"

Fera was leaning over as she held the weapon in hand, it looked like it has some other things on it.

"It could either be a Titan mixed with either a dragon, centar, or a Grim God....either of those could be the reason why" "Neptune! smells like sulfur and burnt rock..."

He holds his nose with a disgusted look as he follows them closely mainly to protect them from whatever was going to happen. Whatever creature was making this ruckus andess surely doesn't have any good intentions of being nice.

Fera looks up in alarm and shouts.

"Tree!!!" "Shit duck!!"

They duck in time as it bounces off the strange looking room they were in but with the force field surrounding it they hear a beeping noise as it quickly goes under the terrain.

"Wait no! Come back!!" "What are we going to do!?" "Well whoever kidnapped us must've been the one to put whatever creature they had in stock in the same dome which is ...."

He looks up scanning the area.

"Big enough".."what the heck!!!" "Please calm down princess I'm also sorry for picking an argument with you"

Fera starts sniffling with a pout. Y/n holds her close to chest, Ries's eyes turn into a glowing star as the rest of his face turns dark.

"Quit making that face Ries...." "When can I have a turn?" "No!" "Just for a minute-watch out"

He uses his weapon and power to stop the fireball flying towards them.

"We're gonna be needing that defense here soon keep it in mind, and also I hope you know how to heal someone with magic" "hey don't forget I know how to use my magic!!"

Fera pulls away from her breast slightly blushing as she looks away. Acting like she didn't enjoy it but she was enjoying being in y/n's chest like that.

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