their strong force of fury

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Fera and y/n were now both sharing the same feeling...fury..... That's all they could feel.

"You tried to shoot me.." "he was going to shoot fera...right after the sacrifice of Shaun...he was going to shoot Fera" " there a deal you want to make for your brothers sake" "shut it...your damn deal about what huh...about something ridiculously bad!?"

She slowly turns her face towards him fury taking over. He doesn't budge in his spot but can feel their auras spiking.

"Ridiculous or not .but I must let you know that I have heard your message of you would rather fight instead of marrying the fish gilled prince himself" "tsk"

but I must let you know that I have heard your message of you would rather fight instead of marrying the fish gilled prince himself" "tsk"

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"I remember the same look from many many years ago of a certain fighter with that same exact aura and stare...she was strong like you are" "just say it already I don't have the damn fucking time for the long ass fucking story"

Zephyrus sighs and spoke again

"Right, here's the can get back into the arena and fight with the others, but..." "...." "You and I will be facing off in the final match if or the other Ally Fera herself teams up with you, kill the Prince of Atlanta if you must princess" "what's in it for me huh!" "Fury in your beautiful eyes, I can bring your older brother back in the end if you can win the other matches against other opponents and keep them from dying or whatever you did last t-" "I accept...if it means to kill prince ries myself, I won't back out of this deal" "i see then so be it only in exchange for a price"

She glares at him in bitter darkness and cold as it matches his Aura. He stepped forward having the black vines detached from her body.

"You will be the one to bring a new life" "a new life...a new life you say hahaha don't get me started on that!!" "Now now hear me out, you will bring a new life of your own blood, and I can grant you immortality for you,fera, your entire kingdom, many more that's in touch with your kind"

He stood before her and leaned over placing his palm on her shoulder gently touching her neck. Muttering more things as her expression doesn't change.

"Fine" "wonderful princess~"

He gives her neck a peck. Leaving a strange mark thats similar to his mark.
Within a quick motion she's back into her first outfit that she woke up in during the first fight with the centar creature.

Turning back to the arena she doesn't take her eyes off of ries specifically. Neither Fera as well they both glares at him in fury and hatred.

"Now I know why she doesn't want to marry you...a backstabbing selfish bastard!!" "Oh fera don't be so naive to a Royal prince such as myself...I can only grant one Mercy for a person who chooses to get mercy" "cut the crap....Shaun was summoned here!!! And y/n is nowhere to be seen!! And now you try to kill me.. especially me right after Shaun sacrifices himself Infront of all our eyes" "how cute for a weakling little girl that can't handle the pressure"

He slowly walks forward with the gun in hand having it pointed at her head but she doesn't move one bit. Y/n felt her own aura spiking still the black misty magic slowly emitting off her body as her eyes start to change its normal form.

Looking at her own reflection she can hear red eyes.

Looking at her own reflection she can hear red eyes

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She mutters his disgusting name off her tongue red electric bolts flash around her in the air. Zephyrus takes a seat in silence as the mark on her neck changes form.

Black veins surround her eyes and hands, the black wing mark on her back is changed to something different.

"Go and fight"

She's not happy, looking up slowly their eyes lock, within a flash she's standing behind fera who also had this fiery look in her eyes, dabi, aizawa, hawks stood back looking over to ries that almost killed his Ally. 

"Y-y/n..what brings you here..?"

His voice stutters in fear and panic, he knew what happened.

"You... almost killed her...someone that's dearest to me just like my brother" "your brother did it for the sake of all our lives right haha...b-but fera she didn't have the same perspective as i do hahaha...c-common now let's try to forget this" " want us to forget..."

The air changing drastically fera could feel it, the other three opponents could also feel it as well dabi felt the hairs on his neck stand up.  A sick feeling they all knew too well that something wasn't right.

"Baby look I was going to be doing this for our life" "our life...our life!?..are you insane you fish gilled freak, do you honestly think I'm going to marry you!!" " don't mean that right??" "I fucking mean it ries I despise you" "b-but you didn't despise the fact that I felt you while you were asleep"

With one swing of her hand a few inches away from the asshole, his cheek bleeds.  Ries covers his face in shock but soon changes it to a sinister grin.

"My sweet sweet y/ your going to just act like a child who just lost their own sucker...this was only for the better of my doing to be the king who takes over your kingdom...I will marry you and you will be forced to have children with me" "such foolish thing to say to will never be marrying me.." "aw don't be like that sweetheart...this is for our benefit after all I plan on kill every single person in your kingdom and your brothers even the children as well~"

Her blood running colder than before Fera couldn't believe what she heard as well because she had an older brother and a little newborn sister at home and after hearing that coming from his mouth she was groeing angry with her best friend.

"What ..did you just say?" "Oh fera don't get in the grownups conversation your only two years younger than us" "you want to kill everyone in the kingdom of Aphrodite...children, men, women!? Her family my family as well are you serious"

He chuckles in a twisted way as his shoulders bounce, y/n stood next to fera his aura spiking as well.

"Ladies and gentlemen this will be the special event...of a royal clash...we all can feel the aura changing from the royals and fera herself as well lets give it a round of applause for the prince of Atlantis Reis lan carillo the backstabbing betrayer that tried to kill his own team member"

The crowd starts shouting profanity and booing at him, he scoffs as if not giving a single care about it.  He only locked eyes with the princess before him ignoring Fera as well.  The other three opponents are watching in silence backing away until a door opens, they enter their room when the glass slides down. 

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