after shock

3 0 0

"prepare for revival and healing magic"

The medical workers start working on their bodies.

Fera half conscious with her hand stretched out gently holding her best friends palm. Y/n wanted to go home so badly but she also wanted her brother back from the dead of course.


Gentle whirring and green light surround the entire room, zephyrus uses this time to go through the halls of the arena. His feet pattering on the tiled floor Sirus staying in place as he kept watching over the fight.

'why does that power seem so familiar to me...her aura matches the girl from so long's strange perhaps I can see the progress those healers are doing'

As much as he loved that fight between two royals he also didn't want to lose his new players. But there's something about that girl, grinning slightly he summons one of the retrievers.

"My lord!" "Please retrieve the prince's body and the other one as well" "yes sir..." "Thank you and also keep up the work and don't be delayed or else got it" "y-yes I understand i wont delay!!"

The retriever disappeared into thin air leaving him in the halls again.  Faint rumbles can be heard he continues walking in the halls. The small sound of revival magic comes from the medical wing. 

"Scars on her torso will remain we will pick up the rest here shortly save the mana or restore it by getting food into your systems" "yes chief" "thank you but I must let you all know lord zephyrus has been making this arena and the player's have been chosen it'll be a rough week or so".

He stood next to the door listening intently on their conversation slowly peeking around the corner he looks through the glass to see them both holding hands unconscious.  Mainly his trophy that's dressed in the hospital gown.

One of the medical workers spot him and grow pale in their place. He doesn't wave at them at all, just focusing on those two. Once the door opens he steps in to speak with the workers in the room.

"M-my lord...we were healing these two an-" "i seen is she coming along?" "We still have healing to do since their wounds are critical but we will make sure they are healed up before they can fight again" "excellent work..tonight will be a banquet for the players"

They nervously gulped at his response he lifts up her lock of hair and smooths it out softly. Turning back towards the healers he spoke up again.

"There will be a message for every single player in this arena and when the princess wakes up I would like to have a word with her" "m-my lord but they are still unconscious-" "I said when the princess wakes up what part of that did you not hear?.." "were sorry for not hearing correctly!!" "Well next time you should hear the entire thing before saying such things"

He points at her unconscious body again not looking away.

"As of now she will be placed in a different room after your done with healing, we'll be having more players that are injured and for her friend Fera I believe since she has healed her up last time I think she might be good use for the fight for her and another player that I will be placing into their team"

Looking back down at her beauty, there was something strange that he couldn't atop thinking about. But it looks like he will be making a visit into the garden of subconscious dreams and memories again.  Placing his hand up on her forehead he begins to collect some of her thoughts.

A small orb of her thoughts, feelings, dreams, and Aura floats up, it's a soft golden glow with green waves. 

"I'll be coming back to check in"

Waving them off they sigh In relief, zephyrus walks out with the orb following him, creating a portal he walks through entering the garden of subconscious dreams and memories there in the center a large purple weeping willow tree stands.

"Brother!!! You're back!!" "There's my little sister"

He hears the echoing sound of familiar children's laughter a faint figure of a child and the other one of Shaun appears.  Watching these two carefully he could feel a bit jealous, the little figure of the child looked similar to the princess.  She wore a long white dress with her short hair slightly braided.

"I missed you!!" "I can tell you did y/n" "I wanna join you and the others in the war" "not yet y/n you know that's far too soon" "but I am a strong fighter big brother" "oh really alright then give your own brother a good punch to the arm" "alright hya!"

Zephyrus stood there watching the little girl give her older brother a small light punch to the shoulder.

"What was that?" "That's my strong punch!" "Oh my goodness you got me man down!!" "Aahh I didn't mean to hit you so hard big brother!!"

The older brother Shaun playfully falls to the ground putting up a great act of being hurt.  Having the little girl panic, it looked adorable at that age.

"Oh no I'm not gonna make it you got me" "I sorry!!!" "A hug could fix the problem" "on it hua!"

She topples onto her older brother who laughs.  Zephyrus stepped over to them and kneels next to the Little girl studying her features, so it was the smaller form of his trophy as a child.

Such innocence at this age, he will have to look into it even more, standing up slowly the older brother locks eyes with him.

"Who are you..?" "Someone who is important that's all you need to know" "oh I see.."

Feeling jealous still zephyrus places his palm on the little girls see through shoulder, she doesn't look up though instead her eyes are locked onto her brother.

"It seems like your sister has deep care for you" "yes I believe so she's a good person" "though i have to say that she reminds me of someone that was so close, tell me What I need to know for future reference" "y/n I have a small little job for you one of our brothers has a crepe dessert go to get it without being spotted gotta be quick and quiet as a mouse okay?" "Okay! Big brother! Hehe" .

The little girls see through memory runs off somewhere zephyrus and Shaun stand silently. A cold expression grows on his face.

"Things aren't meant to be said even as a spirit such as myself this is terrible way to act" "true that...your sister is something so remarkable since she's being healed and unconscious in the medical field right now as we speak" "whatever your planning I wont let you do as you please zephyrus the castrated god of destruction and death itself"

His eyes widen in surprise how did find out about him. Smirking slightly his eyes glowed slightly red.

"My how flattering of you did you figure it out in such short time....." "There's one thing you missed last time I heard of this arena my oldest brother was in it before and won the game the first time...he came home the next day halfway blind with a scar..." "Ah now I remember..he also had another team member with him which was a girl that was strong just like your sister too bad she did not last that long"

Shaun's ghostly image stood there not moving a single inch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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