You wont win

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A week later

"Okay y'all ready to go?" I look over at Tom to see how he's doing. He looks nervous. He's looking at the floor biting his inner lips. "I'm ready, let's go!" Bill said happily and ran to the car.

"Tom, darling.." I started but I got interrupted. "I'm fine.." he mumbled but before he could walk away I stopped him. "Tom wait..." i cupped his face gently and looked into his eyes. "Tom, it's gonna be okay..." I whisper and he looks me in my eyes, as soon as our eyes meet, tears form in his eyes. "Oh Tom..." I hugged him tightly but still gently in some way. He started sobbing.

"I'm so scared..." he mumbled into my neck. "It's okay... shh.." I let him cry onto me.

I take his hand. "Let's go my love" we walk out and sit in the car, bills driving and toms in the passenger seat. I go to get in the back but Tom pulls me into his lap and rests his head on my shoulder. I smile back at him before closing the door.

Time skip

I step out of the car and look up at the huge building. "I'm so excited!!" Bill squeals. He's clearly the happiest out of us. Tom is just nervous and it's hard to be positive when you think about the fact that your boyfriend got raped...

"Cmon darling.." I take toms hand. He flinched slightly but not much at all. He was really traumatized and I couldn't blame him, I never could. We walked inside the huge building, into the reception.

I saw and old lady with low glasses writing some paperwork. Bill was the first to run up to her, she looked up at bill and her eyes widened with disgust as she saw him. I didn't quite understand why.

"Hi we're here for Tom ka-" bill git interrupted by the old lady. "I don't talk to fags, or to emos." The lady muttered and I walked up to her looking pissed. Who did she think she was. "We'll luckily for you, this NORMAL GUY doesn't talk to old hags, or to people who look like someone scrunched their face up like a fucking paper" I fake smiled at her and took bills hand with the hand I had left and stormed off.

Bill chuckled. "Thanks" he said as we walked into the big court room. There she was. The fucking queen of sluts, Stella. She was standing with a random guy in a suit which I assumed was her lawyer. She was crying, that fucking bitch.

"Bill go take Tom to his seat." I looked at bill sternly, since I knew he was gonna try to protest but as he saw my look he nodded and walked away with Tom.

I walked up to Stella. I wanted to beat that bitches ass but I kept calm.

"You won't win."

I told her and she froze in place as I walked past her. After a few minutes the trial started. Tom started explaining what happened.

"Uhm... we- we went into... my room. And she told me to uh- undress... I said no but she.. she threatened to.. uh- she uhm.." Tom clearly had a hard time speaking. I looked at him with comforting eyes and nodded.

"She threatened to accuse me of rape.." he mumbled but still loud enough to hear. "I was scared... so I did it."


"Your honor that is not what happened at all. Tom forcefully removed my clothes... he raped me your honor!!" I wanted to rip Stella's head off. She was lying and it made my blood boil. "she's lying your honor!!!" Bill yelled and the judge yelled back. "Order, order!!!" Bill sat down. His mood was clearly not as excited as he was before.


It was me, Tom and bill against Stella. The judge was up to make a decision.

"Suspect Tom kaulitz, rape. Case, denied." The judge said and me and bill high-fived eachother. I hugged Tom and hoped that it would go the way I wanted.

"Suspect Stella kaulitz, rape. Case accepted." I hugged Tom and laughed in tears. I dont know why I was crying, but I just was.


Bill was jumping around and cheering. "We did it!! Yesss!" Bill yelled. Tom was also smiling. I took his hand.

Tom looked at me with his kind eyes. Ohh those eyes that would make me melt. I looked into them. Those beautiful brown eyes...

"Y/N?!??" Bill yelled and I snapped back to reality. "Uh yeah what's going on?" I say confused. Bill rolls his eyes. "You've been staring at Tom for like a thousand minutes now. He's not even that attractive." Bill stuck his tongue out at Tom and he scoffed.

"Your getting it now!" Tom laughed and chased after bill. They ran around as I walked to the car. They looked so happy together. "Guys! I wanna go hooomeee!" I whined and they stopped running and bill sighed. "Yeah me too" he said and we all got in the car.

The whole car ride was fun, we listened to music and talked. Even though it was only like half an hour it was really nice.

When we got home we all went inside and into our rooms. I laid in our bed and hugged my stuffed animals. Tom came in. "I'm gonna take a shower" he said and I sat up. "Can I join you?" I asked him. He looked at me, he looked the slightest bit shocked that I asked him that but he didn't look upset about it.

"Yeah sure, come here baby" he reached out for me and I jumped in his arms. He Carried me into the bathroom and we both undressed and I got in, Tom following.

The hot water relaxes my body and I turned around letting it hit my back. "Will you even let me have some water?" Tom chuckled. "never" I stuck out my tongue at him. He grinned and kissed my tongue. I blushed and backed away a little so he could get the water.

The moment he touched the water he pulled away. "Ow!" He yelled. "Oh, what happened?" I walked up to him. "That water is fucking boiling!" He yelled and laughed. He turned the tap making it cold. "Hey! It's freezing!" I laugh harder. "No way!!" Tom says and picks me up. He pressed me against the wall and kissed me.

I smiled into the kiss and kissed him back. He pulled away with a teasing grin. "Hotter now?"




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