Extended version (16)

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It was a picturesque morning as Sanem slowly awakened from her slumber, basking in the warm embrace of the sun's gentle rays. With graceful steps, she made her way to the window, drawing back the exquisite curtains to reveal the breathtaking view of Turkey, adorned in its timeless beauty.

As her eyes danced across the landscape, they eventually settled upon Jan, who lay in peaceful repose upon the bed, his physique showcased magnificently. Sanem couldn't resist the urge to lean in and plant a tender kiss on his enticingly toned back, a gesture that stirred him from his slumber.

"Wake up, my dear husband," she cooed gently, her voice carrying hints of desire. "You need to prepare for another day of work."

Jan, still groggy from sleep, yawned lazily as he turned towards Sanem. His hands tenderly cradled her radiant face, his touch exuding an air of adoration.

"Ah, my love," he murmured, his voice dripping with affection. "You look absolutely ravishing in my shirt."

A rosy hue spread across Sanem's cheeks, the luxury of their relationship palpable in the air. "Thank you, my darling," she whispered, a touch of bashfulness coloring her words. "But now, it's time for you to rise. Work awaits, my love."

With a mixture of reluctance and appreciation, Jan finally roused himself from the bed, knowing that another day of success and opulence awaited.

As Jan walked into his office after a long holiday break, his colleagues couldn't help but notice a newfound radiance emanating from him. The air was filled with joyous greetings and warmly welcomed him back. Among the crowd, Polen couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy creeping into her heart.

Polen had always known that Jan's marriage was not based on love but rather a forced arrangement. The girl's name slipped from her memory for a moment before it came rushing back. Sanem. The very thought of her ignited a whirlwind of emotions within Polen - anger, hatred, and of course, jealousy.

In a calculated move, Polen decided to use the excuse of giving Jan a file to enter his office. Her eyes wandered around the room until they landed on something that instantly made her blood run cold. A distinct lipstick mark stained his collar, a sharp contrast against the fabric of his shirt.

A surge of murderous thoughts flooded Polen's mind as she stared at the evidence before her. Sanem. The woman she believed had manipulated her way into Jan's life, capturing his attention and affection. In that moment, Polen's adventurous spirit embraced a different kind of adventure, one fueled by revenge and a desire to rid Sanem from Jan's life forever.

Jan was engrossed in his work, going through the files on his desk, when Ceycey burst into his office with an excited grin on his face. "Jan, guess what? I'm getting married this weekend!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his joy.

Jan looked up, surprised by the sudden announcement. "That's wonderful news, Ceycey! Congratulations!" he said, genuinely happy for his employee. "Of course, as your boss, I'll make sure to be there on your special day."

Ceycey beamed with gratitude and thanked Jan profusely. He couldn't have asked for a better boss and friend. As Ceycey left the office, Jan thought about sharing the invitation with his wife, Sanem. He knew she would be thrilled to attend the wedding with him.

Later that evening, as Jan and Sanem sat together, he excitedly told her about Ceycey's upcoming wedding. To his surprise, Sanem smiled and said, "Oh, I already know about it. My best friend, Aiyhan, is the bride!"

Jan's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't realized that Sanem and Aiyhan were close friends. He felt a sense of relief knowing that they would have someone familiar at the wedding. They both eagerly looked forward to the weekend, excited to celebrate Ceycey and Aiyhan's love.

The day of the wedding arrived, and Jan and Sanem arrived at the venue, looking stunning as a couple. Jan held Sanem protectively around his arms, and people couldn't help but admire how perfect they looked together. Their love was evident in the way they looked at each other, and it warmed the hearts of those around them.

However, amidst the joyous atmosphere, there was one person who couldn't handle seeing Jan and Sanem together. Polen,who always harbored feelings of jealousy towards Sanem. Unable to control her emotions, she began chugging glasses of drinks, one after the other, until she was completely intoxicated.

In her drunken state, Polen's jealousy consumed her, and she screamed out hurtful words about Sanem. She accused her of being unworthy of Jan, claiming that she had only married him for his money and looks. The room fell into a stunned silence as Sanem's eyes filled with tears, her heart shattered by Polen's cruel words.

People quickly intervened, trying to calm the situation and escort Polen out of the venue. Jan, his face red with anger, stood up and declared, "Polen, you have crossed a line. Consider yourself fired from my office."

The fiasco had cast a dark shadow over the wedding, but Jan and Sanem refused to let it ruin their evening. They found solace in each other's arms, supporting one another through the pain. The love they shared only grew stronger in the face of adversity.

As the night went on, Jan and Sanem danced together, their hearts healing with every step. They were determined to not let Polen's bitter words define their relationship. Love had triumphed over jealousy, and they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

As Polen sat at home, she realized the gravity of her foolish actions. She knew that if she didn't find a way to get her job back, she would lose the opportunity to see Jan, feel his presence, and even catch a whiff of his scent.

Determined to rectify her mistake, Polen devised a plan. She decided to visit Jan's house and seek forgiveness from his wife, Sanem. With false tears streaming down her face, Polen spun a tale about her mother's grave illness and how she desperately needed her job to support her family.

"My mother is dying.....and I need the money...... please....."

Sanem, initially hesitant to forgive Polen, couldn't help but be moved by her family's plight. She promised Polen that she would talk to Jan about the situation and do her best to convince him to give Polen another chance. Polen, wearing a villainous smile, left Sanem's house, feeling confident that her twisted desire for Jan would soon be fulfilled.

Sanem, determined to bring Polen back into Jan's good graces, tried to coerce him into forgiving her. However, Jan was a hard nut to crack. He staunchly refused to forgive Polen, believing that her actions were unforgivable.

Undeterred, Sanem hatched a plan. That night, she decorated their bedroom with romantic flair, creating an atmosphere that would captivate Jan's attention. As Jan entered the room, he was awestruck by the beauty before him. Sanem, dressed in a seductive outfit, ignited a fire within him.

Jan approached Sanem slowly, his desire growing with each step. But just as he was about to touch her, Sanem swiftly moved away, teasing him with a wink and a seductive touch. Jan's arousal intensified, and he desperately longed to feel her touch.

"You aren't doing it right wifey..... rejecting your husband's affection is bad.Only bad girls do that." His voice grew huskier as she ran her fingers on his face.

Sanem, knowing the power she held over Jan in that moment, made a proposition. She would fulfill his desires only if he agreed to bring Polen back to the office and forgive her. Jan sighed, realizing the lengths Sanem was willing to go to for Polen's redemption. Agreeing he grabbed Sanem, throwing her over his shoulder, and carried her to the bed.

Sanem allowed Jan to quench his thirst, knowing that in the end, it would all be worth it.

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