Chapter 7-Growing apart

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Sanem was sitting on the couch, flipping through the TV channels, but turned it off since there was nothing interesting.

It was a Wednesday. And it was also Jan's birthday; he was turning 27.

And as usual, she had to wait all day for him to come home again. She glanced down at her necklace and wondered if he even wore it today. She still couldn't believe he bought it for her...and the fact that he was so mad at the guy for harassing her. Was he really jealous?

She blushed, also remembering how he held her hand so tightly. It was the first time he's ever been so possessive over her.

But she hated how it was giving her false hopes when she knew that Jan would never fall in love with her.

Sanem glanced over at the time and sighed. He wasn't going to be home until another five hours.

But that's ok...she needed time to go shopping anyways. She already had a big dinner planned for him tonight with all his favorite dishes...just hopefully, he'll like it.

Jan leaned back on his office chair and sighed. He seriously would like a break off of work.

He reached his arm up and fiddled around with his heart necklace...he wondered what Sanem was doing right now. His heart fluttered when he remembered how tightly he held her hand the other day. It still pissed him off when he thought about that guy who was flirting around with her, though. He didn't know he'd get that jealous.

He was torn out of his thoughts when someone knocked on the door. "...come in."

A girl with blonde hair came in, holding a clipboard of papers.

"Polen. What do you want?" Jan got irritated whenever she came in his office. He knew that she a little "thing" for him and it was so annoying how she tried to flirt with him all the time.

"Oh Jan, don't be like that." She fluttered her eyes innocently. "I just came in to tell you how the business is going..."

Jan grabbed the clipboard from her and scanned the paperwork. "'s going fine. You're excused now." He replied and gave her back the clipboard, resuming to his own paperworks.

Polen  pouted and sat on his desk.

"Get off." Jan said bluntly without looking up at her.

"Ugh, you're always so rude to me." She rolled her eyes. "...anyways, I just wanted to ask if you want to go out for dinner-,"


She frowned. "Just for tonight!"

"No." Jam repeated.

"Oh come on, I'll treat you." Polen pleaded.

"Listen, Polen...I'm married. I have a wife. I go home and eat dinner with her everynight. I don't need you to treat me to anything."

"I know you're married. It's not like a date or anything. It's just dinner. Come on, pleeease? Just as co-workers?"

"I'm more of your boss." Jan corrected.

"Ugh, please? Just tonight..." She quickly thought of something. "...if you go with me, I promise I won't bother you anymore. I won't even come into your office anymore unless you need me for something. Ok?"

Jan stayed quiet. He had to think it over. If he went with her...she won't bother him anymore. It seemed like a good thing, but then he didn't really want to spend two hours alone with her at a restaurant. That was like torture.

"Jan, please!" She whined and clamped her hands together. "I promise I won't bother you anymore. Promise! I'm serious. Promise, promise, promise, promise!"

Jan leaned back on his chair and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Then he let out a deep breath and glared up at her. "'re fired if you come bother me again after this..."

Polen's eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly. "Of course! I promise, I absolutely will not bother you again after this! Thank youuuuu!" She grinned and hopped out of his office.
Jan sighed in frustration. He couldn't believe he actually agreed...but aw well...whatever it takes to get her annoying face out of his sight. He took out his cell phone and scrolled down to Sanem's phone number.

He didn't know what he would tell her, honestly. It would sound kind of like he's going on a date if he told her that he's eating dinner with a female worker. And frankly, they've never called each other much. He couldn't even recall the last time they've talked on the phone.

He just flipped the phone shut and put it back in his pocket. It's ok...she wouldn't mind waiting an extra two hours, would she?

...Of course not.

She waited for him everynight. It didn't matter if he was late or early.

Sanem set the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and checked off her list. "Got tomatoes, beef stew, chicken alfredo, pasta, red wine...and of course, the cake. That should be good." She smiled.

She opened the cabinets and got out a few pots and pans to cook. Her eyes glanced over at the time; Jan would be home in 3 hours. Hopefully, she'll be done with the cooking by then.

'I wonder if he'll think I'm being weird if he comes home to a birthday dinner like this...' Sanem didn't do anything for his birthday last year...but that was because she wasn't in love with him yet, and besides, he seemed like the type who really wouldn't care if someone celebrated his birthday or not.

Honestly, she was scared that he might just glare at her and scold her for making such a big deal just for his birthday...but it's a worth a try to impress him, right? Sane. took a deep breath and resumed to her cooking.

Oh fuck!!!
Wattpad sucks!!
I don't know what's happening but I had to rewrite the entire chapter two time in a row. I saved it earlier then I saw its gone!The earlier storyline was visible when I actually wrote the newer chapter.... freaking with previous chapter. I edited the mistakes,saved it yet when I opened it the previous one was visible. Sheeshhhhh........

Anyways, please drop your review and what do you think would happen next.

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