Extended version (21)

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"So, what are you thinking about my offer to become the brand ambassador of our products?" Jan said to his wife with a twinkle in his eyes, exuding a sense of luxury and elegance. Sanem sighed, attempting to remain composed despite the flutter of emotions that washed over her. Ever since the success of the ad featuring Sanem, Jan had persistently urged her to represent their products as their brand ambassador. She had also received numerous offers from other companies, all desperately vying for her participation in their shoots, but she had declined them all.

Sanem harbored a desire to explore and further develop her artistic skills, yearning to showcase her talent in a museum, just as her renowned grandmother had done in her time. "I am not into this corporate world, Jan," she explained gently, as Jan tenderly caressed her arm, placing a loving kiss on her cheek. "Yes... I won't force you," he replied, understandingly.

"And besides, I don't want to rely on you for my own accomplishments in life," Sanem asserted, emphasizing her desire for independence. "You should bring back Gamze. She is dedicated to her work, no matter the circumstances, and she remained loyal to you." Jan beamed with pride, amazed by Sanem's selflessness and kindness, day by day. "I think I am head over heels in love with my wife," he thought, making the decision to reintroduce Gamze into the picture. Gamze, who had initially been annoyed, eventually resolved everything with Jan.

In the midst of this luxurious tale, Jan and Sanem's love and understanding triumph, showcasing the depth of their relationship and the values they hold dear.

Jan focused on running his business, while Sanem poured her attention into her passion. She had a unique talent for turning scraps into beautiful works of art. Sanem would carve intricate models out of wood and create abstract paintings. One day, a distant relative came to visit her and was amazed by her handiwork. They believed that Sanem had immense potential that should not be hidden from the world. The relative handed her an invitation to a well-known art carnival, urging her to display her work and possibly have her artworks accepted for bidding.

Filled with hope, Sanem attended the carnival, where one of her paintings was selected by the judges. She was called up on stage by the host to describe her artwork. Jan, who was hiding in the crowd, felt immense pride as he watched Sanem. With the microphone in hand, Sanem looked at her painting—a depiction of a woman with a face divided symmetrically, one half in white and the other in black. She took a deep breath and began speaking.

"First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the judges for accepting my entry and giving me this incredible opportunity. Painting is my passion, something that was passed down to me by my late grandmother, Hoor Aydin. As a child, I would marvel at her artistic skill and how she used multiple colors to escape the drabness of the real world, where everything seemed gray. Her paintings were a gateway to a different reality."

Sanem's voice trembled with emotion as she continued, "When she passed away, I was devastated. I fell into a state of deep depression. As I grew older, I yearned to pursue my own artistic talent, but circumstances led to my marriage being arranged at a young age. I don't blame my parents for it; sometimes life just takes unexpected turns."

Taking a moment to compose herself, Sanem pressed on, tears welling up in her eyes as painful memories resurfaced. "At one point, my life felt like an emotional turmoil. I was alone and felt unwanted, as if my dreams and aspirations were insignificant. But then, someone entered my life—my beloved husband, my love, Jan. Although he is not physically here with us today, I want to acknowledge how much I love him and miss him. Thank you, Jan, for spoiling me rotten and instilling in me the confidence to pursue my dreams."

The crowd erupted in applause and admiration for Sanem's heartfelt words. Jan stood there, overcome with shock and admiration for his incredible wife. Little did she know, there was an even bigger surprise waiting for her. Her painting had been selected for auction. The host announced, "I would like to call our chief guest, Mr. Jan Divit, to join us on stage and present the prize money to the winner, Mrs. Sanem Divit."

Sanem was in disbelief as she heard her husband's name being called. She watched in awe as Jan made his way towards her, wearing a mischievous smirk on his face. "Congratulations, Mrs. Sanem," he said, his voice filled with love and pride.

Sanem was at a loss for words, her stuttering reply, "Yeah...thank you," failing to convey her overwhelming joy. Sensing her speechlessness, Jan leaned in closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Should I kiss you, sweetheart?" he teased.

Sanem was caught off guard, the excitement and happiness bubbling within her. Before she could respond, Jan pulled her closer, capturing her lips with a passionate kiss. The crowd erupted in cheers, and their picture, representing the power couple, went viral all over the internet.

The moment was not just a celebration of Sanem's artistic success, but also a testament to the unwavering love and support shared between between them,proving that dreams can come true with the right person by your side.

After her painting was sold at an auction for a hefty amount, Sanem discovered that it was purchased by someone named Yigit. Filled with gratitude, she desired to personally thank him for investing in her artwork. Sanem managed to obtain Yigit's address and made her way to his residence, eagerly anticipating their meeting.

As she arrived at Yigit's house, the man who greeted her, Sanem was taken aback by this revelation as she realized that this was the same person responsible for her father's accident.

"Welcome, Miss Sanem. What a pleasure to see you again. It seems fate has brought us together," Yigit said in a tone that puzzled Sanem.

"Umm, actually, it's Mrs.... I'm married," she quickly clarified, sensing an unsettling tension in the air. "The pleasure should be mine for you purchasing my painting. I never thought it would captivate someone."

"Everything about you fascinates me," Yigit whispered, his words tinged with an unknown meaning.

Confused, Sanem furrowed her brows. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Yigit regained his composure. "No, nothing... It's just that paintings fascinate me. Yours was unique and mind-boggling, which compelled me to buy it. By the way, you don't hold any grudges against me for the incident, do you?"

"Oh no, let's keep that aside," Sanem replied, trying to brush off the painful memory. "And thank you for the honor. I should be on my way now." With a bit of small talk, Sanem politely excused herself and left the premises.

Yigit stared longingly at the painting, his heart filled with jealousy. Sanem had mentioned that it symbolized her unity with her husband, Jan. Unable to bear the thought of their connection, Yigit pulled out a lighter and set the painting ablaze, watching as it turned to ashes. His eyes burned with a dangerous intensity.

Suddenly, the acrid smell of smoke alarmed Polen, Yigit's sister, who rushed to his room. "What are you doing?"

"I want Sanem," Yigit charged at Polen, gripping her shoulders tightly. Madness consumed his gaze. "You understand, right? I want Sanem at any cost. Her innocence belongs to me."

Polen was taken aback by her brother's obsessive and deranged state. "Abhay... you know she is married to Jan, who will protect his wife like a shield."

Yigit's eyes flashed with determination. "And you will be the one to break that shield. You need Jan, and I need Sanem. Do whatever it takes to tear them apart."

Polen was tainted by his malevolent words and began to devise a wicked plan. She understood the lengths her brother was willing to go for his irrational desires.

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