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Amidst the crowded airport, Sanem was hyperventilating like a kid running from one corner to another. She had nothing to do while Jan was completing the necessary paperwork for their flight. He was talking to the girl at the counter when Sanem came running from behind and hugged him.

"Jan, can I get a chicken burger please? I think I am hungry," Sanem blurted out, her excitement evident. Jan looked at her, surprised. "As far as I remember, you ate a lot, Sanem. You will get sick on the plane if you overeat."

Sanem pouted, trying to use her puppy eyes attack on Jan, but it didn't budge him. He was right, though. As much as she could recall, she had already eaten a whole chicken broth. However, she still felt famished, which was strange for her since she was usually very picky with her food and ate in small portions.

When they boarded the plane and the hostess came by with lunch, there was a chicken burger on her plate. Jan gave her his burger, saying that she was lucky that God must have heard her cravings. But instead of joy, Sanem's face turned purple as she scrunched her nose. It was true that she had been craving a chicken burger earlier, but now the thought of eating it made her feel nauseous. She placed her plate in Jan's direction.

"I can't eat," Sanem said, surprising Jan. She had just been craving the chicken burger a while ago. When he tried to ask her what the problem was, she almost yelled at his face, "I don't want to eat. It's simple."

Jan was taken aback and chose to remain quiet, assuming it might be her time of the month. However, Sanem felt horrible for behaving rashly towards him. She knew she wasn't in her period and couldn't understand her sudden change in appetite.

Greece, their next destination, was a beautiful country with so many things to see. From the Greek Parliament to the ancient sanctuaries, the remnants of its grandeur still lingered on the broken pieces. The luxurious vibe of the place exuded a sense of enchantment, promising an unforgettable experience for Sanem and Jan.

Jan's company specialized in the production and proper reach out, and they had just secured the most valuable model, Gamze Osnür, as the face for their latest perfume advertisement. Sanem, Jan's wife, observed the preparations for the shoot and noticed that something was lacking in the overall concept. Sanem glanced at Jan, who clearly shared her dissatisfaction. Although she had no official role in the company and lacked any direct authority in the business, Sanem wanted to support her husband. Summoning her courage, she mustered the words to speak up.

"Jan... if you don't mind, may I offer a suggestion?" she cautiously asked.

"What is it?" he responded, looking surprised. He assumed she was getting bored and wanted to return to their suite.

"I believe we should change the dialogue and think outside the box," Sanem proposed. "Instead of using the same generic lines that we often hear in cosmetic ads, we should strive for something different. Additionally, I think Gamze is talented, but her acting appears rigid. There's a certain sparkle missing in her eyes that would make her more relatable."

Jan pondered her words, while Gamze became visibly incensed. Suppressing her anger, Gamze shot a challenging look at Sanem and exclaimed, "I apologize for any inconvenience, Madam, but if my acting is so rigid, can you demonstrate how it's done? Perhaps I can learn something from your expertise!"

A few crew members snickered, but Sanem maintained her composure, gesturing for Jan to remain calm. Gamze had thrown down the gauntlet, intending to belittle her. Sanem confidently accepted the challenge, surprising Jan. Meanwhile, Polen, one of the crew members, cynically thought, "Huh! Now this girl will try to teach a top-notch model how to act! It will be a colossal failure, and she'll only end up embarrassing herself!"

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