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The bustling office filled with hardworking individuals, there was a sense of unease that hung in the air. The reason for this unease was none other than Polen, a woman who had recently returned to the office after a long absence. Her reappearance had sent shockwaves through the entire workplace, as everyone had vivid memories of her previous behavior.

Polen had always been known for her sharp tongue and abrasive attitude, but it was her treatment of their boss's wife that had left a lasting impression on everyone. The incident had occurred during the Ceycey-Aiyhan's wedding where Polen had publicly berated and insulted the boss's wife, causing a scene that left everyone stunned. It was an act of cruelty that no one could forget.

Despite the shock and anger that had filled the office that day, Sanem, the kind-hearted and forgiving soul that she was, had decided to give Polen another chance. She believed in the power of redemption and second chances, and she couldn't help but see the good in people. This decision to bring Polen back to the office was met with mixed reactions from his colleagues.

Ceycey, employee and a close friend of Jan's, couldn't understand why he would take such a risk. He had seen the ruckus caused by Polen at his wedding.He had always been the voice of reason, and he had a hunch that Polen would only cause more trouble. "Jan, I can't believe you brought her back," Ceycey said, his voice filled with concern. "She's going to bite the hand that feeds her, mark my words."

Jan, feeling frustrated and somewhat helpless, sighed deeply. "I know it's a risk, Ceycey, but I did it because of Sanem," he explained. Sanem, his wife, had always been a compassionate and forgiving person, and Jan couldn't help but be influenced by her kindness. "She believes in giving people a chance to change, and I wanted to do the same."

Ceycey shook his head, unable to comprehend Jan's reasoning. "That's dumb, Jan. What got into you to make such a decision?" He asked, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Jan huffed, feeling the weight of his decision. "You'll understand one day, Ceycey. Now that you're married, you'll see what compelled me to take that drastic step," he replied, his frustration evident in his voice.

As days turned into weeks, Polen's presence in the office became a constant reminder of the incident that had shaken them all. However, to everyone's surprise, Polen seemed to have changed. Or she acted to get into Jan's good book.She was more polite, more considerate, and she even apologized to the boss's wife for her past behavior. It was a transformation that no one had expected.

Nihat Aydin, an old man with a kind heart, was having a busy day in his small grocery shop. The shop was bustling with customers, and Nihat found himself getting increasingly tired and overwhelmed. As he served one customer after another, he couldn't help but think about his daughter, Sanem.

Sanem used to handle the shop and ease his load, but she had been married off to Jan Divit. Nihat missed her dearly, even though he knew Jan was a wonderful human being. However, in the middle of their marriage, they had faced some difficulties and were on the verge of divorce for reasons unknown to Nihat. This left him perplexed and worried for both his daughter and Jan. But somehow, they managed to work things out, and now they were okay.

Nihat's wife, Mevkibe, always believed that their problems stemmed from being a young and melodramatic couple. She often reminded Nihat that love could be complicated, but it was worth fighting for. Nihat pondered over her words as he crossed the road with a heavy carton, lost in his thoughts.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car came speeding towards him, crushing him under its weight. Nihat lay injured on the ground, unable to move. Panic filled the air as onlookers gathered around, unsure of what to do. But then, the driver who was none the n Yigit emerged from the car and rushed to Nihat's side.

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