Our kind of love Part 1

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I caught my sons right under my roof:

(John Tate) I woke up and Linda is still asleep, I checked the time its after one I decided to get a late-night snack, I got out of bed and walked toward the backstairs, I noticed a light on in Jackson's room, I was going to tell him if he's going to the office with me in the morning, he better get some sleep. I knocked on his door and the door opened up, I thought he might be in his bathroom, I walked into the room and the bathroom door is open and he's not in there.

I hope he didn't go out Linda will have a fit, I walked out of his room and went to ask Jasper if he knows where his brother is, I opened his door and he's not in his room either, I hope he doesn't have his brother out with him.

I went downstairs and got the leftover chicken, and I walked out on the patio to enjoy the night air, I saw a light on in the garage apartment Jasper turned it into a gym. They must be up there, I went over to the apartment and saw them having sex, I had a feeling Jackson was into the same sex, and I suspected that Jasper might be bisexual, but I never thought they would be together.

I started to bust in there, but I just walked away and went back to the main house, I just went back upstairs and got in bed, Linda is still asleep.  I wonder how long this has been going on, an hour later I heard a door closing, I guess I'll have to talk to Jasper, if Linda finds out there's no telling what she'll do. I was afraid for both of my boys especially Jackson he has a lot to learn about that lifestyle.

The next morning, we had breakfast, I didn't say anything about what I saw last night, the boys were dressed to go to the office, Linda said all of her men look good, Jasper straighten Jackson tie the way they were looking at each other I thought they were going to kiss. I told them we better be going, I kissed Linda. She told Jackson it's time he learned the family business, some day he and Jasper will be running the company when I retire.

We left and Jackson drove I sat in the backseat and just watched them, I thought I saw them holding hands, I told Jackson when he drives me around, use two hands he scares me with his driving, he said to me pops he's safe.

We got to Tate industries, and he parked the car, we got out as we were walking in the building Jackson said it's going to be a long summer if he's going to spend most of his summer working. Jasper told him they'll have plenty of free time after work to hang out, we walked to my office I told Jackson he can get doughnuts in the break room they're fresh every day, I need to speak with Jasper, he said cool, he asked Jasper does he want one, he told him jelly if they have it, and we went in my office.

I sat behind my desk, Jasper said he knows I want him to keep an eye on Jackson he really doesn't want to be here, but he has to because of there mother, she won't let Jasper touch the money his real father left him. I told him that's one reason why I wanted to speak with him, the other is that I love him no matter what, he gave me a puzzling look and said he loves me too, but what's this about.

I just asked him about his sexuality, he asked me what brought this on I never asked him about his sexuality before. But if I must know he likes both sexes, he wanted to tell me, but he didn't know how, I told him we can talk about anything, and he knows I will never judge him. He's my son and I love him unconditionally.

Thanks dad, but you never said why you asked me this now, dad hesitated, he said he saw me and Jasper last night in the garage apartment, I asked him if mom knows, he said no and he's not going to tell her. Dad asked me how long this has been going on, I told him it's been going on since I came home last year, I told dad that Jackson and I are in love, but we know mom won't understand how we can love each other, not only being stepbrothers but of the same sex, he knows how she feels about that.

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