Part 17

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Finding Ms. Right:

It's such a nice evening Jas and I decided to walk over Dexter's house since he's just around the corner from us, we had dinner with Dexter and his son now I really want a kid, little Dexter is so cute, Bell came in the room and told little Dexter it's time for his bath say good night to everyone, I told little Dexter it's nice seeing him again, he said OKAY, Dexter told him he'll come up and tuck him in bed. Little man said and read him a story too, Dex told him he'll get a story and Bell took him upstairs, Dex said that boy means everything to him.

Just wait until we have our own kids our life will change for the good, kids bring that out in us adults, I asked him how things are going with Marco and him, Jas looked at me, I said was I wrong to ask.

Dex said actually he didn't tell Jas, but he and Marco are going to counseling, I said good for them, we weren't at their wedding the first time maybe we'll get a second chance to come. Dex said let them get through with counseling and maybe we will, fifteen minutes later little Dex is at the top of the stairs saying daddy he's ready for his story. I asked Dexter can I come up and say good night again, he said why don't I read the baby his story, I said sure I'll do that we went up the stairs and Dexter asked little man if it were okay if I read him a story, he said if I can read okay.

 Jas said I can read a little, I told little man I can read he said come with him he took my hand and led me to his room, we stopped, and he let go of my hand he told me to stay right here come in when he calls me, I told him sure I'll wait. He called me in the room, there's something in his bed, I put him in bed he said he already said his prayers with Ms. Bell, and they prayed for us too.

I thanked him and said I'll pray for him too, he said and Chewey too, I asked him who's Chewey, he said his pup I saw what he had in bed moving it must be Chewey, little Dexter gave me the book and asked do I read to my little boy. I told him I don't have one yet, but I'm working on getting one, and they can play together he said OKAY, now read him a story.

I said once a pond a time there was a little boy named Dexter, and he had a special pup named Chewy he said that's his and Chewey's name that's not what his book says now read what the book says, about the three little pigs I told him he's very smart, okay I'll read the story.

I read him the real story, someday I'll be reading to our child, halfway through the story little Dexter fell asleep, I put the blanket over him because Chewey pulled it off of him, I turned around and Dexter and Jas were standing in the doorway. Dexter said I'll make a great father, he called for Chewey we all went downstairs and talked, I told Dexter tomorrow I'm having lunch with a maybe surrogate he said just let him know which one we choose he'll do the paperwork, I told him we'll meet with her again if I like her so that Jas can meet her, and we'll go from there.

Jas said we better get going he has to drive up to ATL in the morning, that's the only reason why he's not meeting the girl, we said our good nights, Dex said he'll walk halfway with us he's going to take Chewey for a short walk. We left and walked down the driveway, I told Dex again thanks for letting me put little man to bed and read him a story, he said I need the practice and one day he'll let me spend the day with little man, I told him I'd like that. 

We walked a little further and Chewey stopped at every tree, we hugged Dex and went home. We got home and Jas said he liked seeing me with little Dexter, I told him so did I soon we'll have our own child to read to and do other things with.

We went upstairs and got undressed and watched T.V, Jas fell asleep I smiled at my baby, I guess I'll be the one getting up for the late-night feedings, shit maybe that's why Jas doesn't want me to work, I hit him, he jumped up he said what, what's wrong. I told him I know why he doesn't want me to work, so that I can be the one up late with the baby, he said no, and if I want to work, he'll be helping too.

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