Part 10

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A wedding she didn't want.

It's our wedding day, Jas spent the night at our godfather's house, that's where the wedding will be, Rex and EJ stayed with me, EJ said he wishes it were there day, but one day it will happen, but today is about Jas and me. I thanked them for being good friends to us, Rex said he knows we'll be there for them when they get married, EJ asked me did I think my mother would come, Rex said of course not. He didn't have a mom and neither did EJ, and there just fine without the drama of a mother trying to control them.

I did ask EJ why he asked, I know our dads talk did he hear something, he said no he just wondered. I told him it's her loss if she feels the way she does we don't want her near us especially today. Rex told me I better shower and get dressed I can't be late for my own wedding, they'll use the hall bathroom and take a quick shower, I told them no fooling around I know them they'll be the ones to make me late.

EJ said he'll make sure Rex's hot ass just needs to do what he needs and gets dressed they walked to the back, and I went to our room, before I showered, I called Jas, he said it's bad luck to talk to the groom before the wedding, I told him that's only if the groom sees the bride and there's no bride here. I just wanted to tell him that I love him and soon we will be as one, he said he loves me too and can't wait for me to be a Tate.

I told him I better get showered so that I can get to him, he said OKAY and hung up, it just hit me I'm going to be a Tate by marriage, I'll be Jackson Jacob Tate the happiest man in the world, I went into the bathroom and did a quick facial and after that I got into the shower, if this shower could talk it would have plenty of stories about what Jas and I did in here.

I started getting an erection, but I'll save it for our honeymoon, I finished showering and got dried off and brushed my teeth, my hands are shaking, I guess this groom is nerves, I managed to finish brushing my teeth and rinsed my mouth out, I looked in the mirror and said to myself I deserve this and so does Jasper Tate the love of my life.

There's a knock on the door, I heard Rex's voice saying stop beating off, and come out of there, save it for the honeymoon, I put a towel around me and walked out, EJ told me to get dressed his dad sent a limo for me Rex and I are going to ride in it, and he's going to drive his car to the house now, he hugged me and said he'll meet us at the estate. He kissed Rex what seemed like five minutes, I told them enough they can save that, EJ left, and I got dressed Rex said for a slim dude I got a fat ass, don't worry he wouldn't dare ask me to do anything on my last few hours of being single, and besides he loves EJ.

I told him he's seen me naked when we were on the swim team, and I never thought about anything like that I love Jasper so no other man will do. I finished getting dressed my hands were shaking again, Rex tied my tie for me and said I'm looking good let's go, we left the apartment and on the way to the elevator Kim came out and asked what are we dressed up for, I said my wedding, we haven't seen her in a while she's invited, she said oh shit let her get changed, give her the address where the wedding is and she'll come.

Rex gave it to her, and we left we got on the elevator and my legs are now shaking, Rex told me just think how much I love Jas, the jitters will go away, that's what I did, and I felt better. The doors opened and we walked to the limo and got in Rex said I grow up with money so none of this is new to me but for him and Dex it is and thank God for EJ's dad caring about him and Dex. I told him he'll have it all once he and EJ get married, he said he'd marry EJ if he wasn't an Alexander, I told him that's the way it should be love doesn't have a price tag.

We got to the Alexander compound and drove through the gates we got to the ballroom of the house that's how big this place is and got out of the car, EJ is waiting for us, he said we're going to wait in a room until the wedding starts, I asked him has he seen Jasper he said yes he's with our dad and he looks just as scared as I do.

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