You just don't want to know: Part 3

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He's going to jail.

After two hours of waiting for mom to come home and change my life, I decided to pack my shit and just leave, I started to put somethings in a bag, and mom busted in my room and said she's calling the police Jas is going to jail for what he did to me. I told her he didn't do anything to me that I didn't want to happen, I told her I'm gay I tried so many times to tell her, but she wouldn't hear me, and I love Jas. 

Mom slapped me and said repeat after her, she said in my mother's house I don't lay with my brother or anyone of the same sex. I told her I won't say that she told me to say it, I just stood there she slapped me again, and told me to repeat what she said or else, I said in my mother's house I will love Jas and I am gay, she slapped me again and again.

Mom said she'd see me dead before she lets me live like that it's sick, she said fine I'm going to military school for my senior year and Jasper is going to jail, I told her send me a way because she can't face the fact that her son is gay, and I just want to be happy.

Mom screamed at me and said I'm not gay Jasper forced himself on me that's what happened right, I told her wrong we had sex because I wanted it to happen, I know what I'm doing, mom said I don't know what I'm saying once she gets me in therapy, I'll see that Jasper has me thinking like him and he's sick.

Dad walked in and said he got mom's message and stop telling me that I'm sick, and don't blame Jasper for this, she said his son is sick and he raped me she's going to press charges against him, he'll pay for what he did to me.

Dad told her to stop this, we're in love she looked at him and said that's why Jas is the way he is he condones what he did to me, and he knew that Jasper is a sick person and didn't protect me from him. I hollered stop saying that about Jasper, I started this he didn't want to, but we ended up falling in love.

Mom said her chest is hurting, she told dad to call for help, I just watched mom she's tried the heart thing before when I wouldn't do what she wanted, I told her to stop the bullshit there's nothing wrong with her, she said I'm hurting her please let her get me the help I need, and Jas will pay for what he did.

I told her she's known it for a long time what I am, I knew before dad died, he was going to divorce her and live with his lover, like father like son, mom slapped me I said she can hit me as much as she wants, I know the truth about my father he was going to divorce her only dad died before he could do it, that's why she hates the gays so much. Mom said he was sick too, I told her she knew what she was marrying she married him for the money, I heard them arguing I just didn't know what gay was when I was a kid. 

She said either I get help for this sick shit I'm doing, or get the hell out of her house, I said she really means that, she said what's it going to be get help or get out of her life and if I leave don't come back.

Dad told her that's not going to happen, they started arguing, I ran out of the room Jas was in the hall he stopped me, I heard mom calling me and said if I leave this property, she's through with me.

I told Jas I have to get out of her, dad came out and told us to go to the Alexander hotel, he gave Jas his credit card and we left, now dads going to catch mom's hell, in the car Jas told me just let mom calm down. I told him this will never be over, because once she thinks about everything she won't have anything to do with me, she hated my dad and now she hates me.

We got to the hotel and Jas got us a room, he called dad and gave him our room number, Jas put dad on speaker, he said he'll bring us some clothes later, and he loves us Jas hung up and I sat on the bed and cried. I asked him what we are going to do, he said be together like I said we can get married, and he'll get a job and when I'm twenty-one, mom will have to give me my money that my real father left me, and he's sure dad will help us.

I put my head on Jas's chest and cried like a baby, I knew one day this would come out, I never thought my own mother would hate me enough to cut me out of her life. Jas asked me am I hungry, I told him I don't feel like eating just hold me, he did that for hours, there's a knock on the door, Jas got out of bed. I told him don't answer it mom might have called the police, they could take him away from me, he told me to calm down, he answered the door and its dad. He came into the room and put our bags down, I jumped out of bed and hugged him; he said no tears in time things will be better.

I told him mom's never going to accept who I am, let alone let Jas and I be together, I asked him did mom call the cops on Jas, he said she did, but they can't do anything I'm of legal age, but she told him if I don't get help, she's cutting me off and no more private school, or credit cards. Dad said he'll pay for my education and Jas can keep the card he gave him for us, and I can keep the car he bought me. He brought the car he'll get a ride home, and he wants me back in school next week, that goes for Jas too.

Dad said he'll get us an apartment, I told him mom's not going to like it, he said he loves my mother, and he loves us too, if mom can't be happy for us, he can. He asked Jas is he okay, bae said he's fine and thanked dad for supporting us, he said that's what a father does, he gave Jas some cash and told him if we need more just call him, he hugged both of us and said we're his boys, he gave me the keys to my car and left.

I told Jas, dad is the best dad a guy could have he loves us unconditionally, I think I can eat something, he said he'll go and get us something a steak sandwich for me right, I said he knows what I like and what I love and that's him he kissed me and left, I felt sorry for dad he's going to catch hell for helping us.

 My phone rang, I checked the caller I.D it's Pete this is all his fault, I answered his call and asked him what he wants, he said my mom called his mom and told her don't let me come around him, and she put me out, I told him that's a lie I left on my own. He asked me where I am, I told him I'm alright where I am, I didn't want to tell him in case he tells his mom, I don't trust Pete he did ask if I'm with Jas, I said yes and we're going to be fine. I asked him anymore questions, he said don't blame him I'm the one fucking my stepbrother and he hung up, maybe he was calling me for my mom.

I took a shower and waited for Jas to come back after ten minutes he's back with our food, I asked him what took him so long, he said Lennox had a big crowd, he gave me my food and we ate. I told him about Pete calling me, I think he was calling for mom, and she told his mom I'm not a loud around his house.

For the rest of the week, we just chilled dad called us every day, today dad didn't call, he came to see us, he brought the rest of our things, he didn't talk about mom, he told me I'm getting so tall he's going to take me to get new school uniforms, he brought me a new laptop. He said mom went through my old one and found same sex porn, and she took a hammer to it. And she also found other things in my room she burnt them; I knew what she found all the thong's I bought.

Dad said tomorrow after we go shopping, for clothes he's taking us to dinner, maybe he didn't want to be at home with mom, he also said on Saturday we're going to look at some apartments and remember he's paying for everything, so don't worry about that, just keep getting good grades in school that's all he wants from us, we told him we can do that.

Dad said he better get going he looked so sad, I guess it's no pleasure living with mom, if I know her, she's upset that dad is supporting us. He said he'll see us tomorrow he hugged us and left, I told Jas it's my fault that dad is catching hell, he said dad can take it he said let's pray we did I still felt bad for dad.

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