Part 13

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Family: Part 1 of 2

It's been another year, and dad called me and said it's time I met my brother, I knew they adopted David, but it didn't sink in that he's my stepbrother he's just been someone my parents took in, Jas and I are meeting them at the Ole Pink House restaurant in an hour.

David knows about Jas and me from dad, I'm sure mom didn't want David near me, but dad said I'm still his son and he wants us to meet, Jas came downstairs and asked me am I ready to go, I said let's get this over with, he asked me did I have a problem meeting David.

I told him of course not he's just some kid, Jas told me don't be like that he's told David all about me and he wants to get to know me, and what's going on with mom has nothing to do with David. I told him maybe when I see David and talk to him, I'll feel different, we left and headed to the restaurant, we got there and parked the car and went in, we saw dad and he waved us over I said okay here goes nothing.

We walked to the table and dad got up and hugged us, David hugged Jas and dad introduced me as Davids's brother, he shook my hand and said we finally meet. We sat down and I said it's been a year since I saw him with his mother at the restaurant, he said he remembers, I told him and I remember what his mother said as though it were yesterday, Jas and dad both looked at me. I said but it's the past and I moved on from her, again Jas looked at me.

David said he's on the swim team maybe I can swim with his since I was on the team when I was in high school, I told him I don't swim anymore, Jas tapped my foot under the table, I told David, but I'll start if dad allows him to come over our house, because I'm not welcome over his mother's house.

Jas said so much from moving on, dad said he can come to my house anytime, I told him maybe he should check with his wife, she might not want David near me since I'm gay it might rub off and Linda would have three gay sons'. Dad said that's enough for my information the woman I called Linda who's my mother said it was alright for David to meet me, I felt stupid.

I apologized to dad and David and told him I'd like to get to know him better, he said same with him only when we're together he doesn't want me to bad mouth mom she's been good to him. I told him I won't, I did ask him what happened to his real parents, David said they died in a car accident, and he was with his grandmother until she died, he was around ten and he's been in foster care until mom and dad took him in.

I told him he has a good dad; he's been great to me I got to know him when I was ten, and I was happy when he married my mom, I mean our mother, mom was strict, but I had a good childhood thanks to dad. David said I don't have to tell him, and he reminds him of his real dad so he's lucky to have to great dads in his life. Dad said okay he doesn't have to butter him up he and mom already talked about getting him a car, David said he wasn't buttering dad up he's a good dad even if he didn't buy him a car, which he didn't ask for. Dad said anyway he's getting a car because he needs one Alice is getting too old to drive him around, and he can drive her where she needs to go.

We ordered and just talked, David's a good kid, I'm still shocked that mom agreed to let him see me, Jas has already got to spend time with him, but mom has gotten over Jas being gay, I don't think she would mind if he were with anybody else but me. 

After lunch I gave David my number and told him call me when he's ready to swim, he gave me his number too, we said our goodbyes and hugged them and left, in the car Jas asked me now how I feel about our kid brother, I said kid brother I once was the kid brother, and now I have one.

He said from that response I like David, I told him I do, and I like that he's protecting mom, even though we bumped heads I once was her protecter until she married dad. We got home and we got undressed and took a swim naked and we had sex in the pool, Jas said we can't be shooting our babies in the pool if I'm going to have our kid brother over here to swim.

We got out of the pool and Jas wanted to play basketball naked so we did one thing about living here the neighbors aren't close where that can see us, after he beat me I checked my phone and I had a miss call from David, he left a message saying he really liked meeting me and he's proud to be our brother he's always wanted a brother being an only child, and now he has two, he just wanted to say thanks for meeting him.

I just stared at the phone, Jas asked me what's wrong, I let him hear the message David left me, he smiled and said see all I needed to do is meet David, he knows I felt some kind of way when he would talk about him. I told him I'm cool and I want to get to know him, but what shocked me is that mom allowed him to meet me, but I'm sure dad had something to do with it.

Jas said actually it was mom who kind of wanted us to meet, she talked it over with dad and him, he just didn't want to say anything until he was sure mom was going to do it.

After that day I got to know David, he would come over and swim and just ask me about myself, I would tell him things about growing up an only kid until mom and dad got married and Jas was my brother, he did ask me how things happened with Jas and I, not that he's judging us.

I told him as he knows we're not blood brothers, so I felt that we didn't cross the line and we got to know each other it didn't start until we were older, and not only were we stepbrothers but friends, Jas always had my back. As he knows mom didn't like it, I'm not sure if it were because I was gay, or that I fell in love with Jas.

David said from what dad told him, mom always knew about me she just didn't want me to be like my real dad, I told him I know, but I'm not him yes, I'm gay but I'm my own man.

David said getting to know me and Jas he doesn't look at us as his gay brother's but just his brother's, I told him thanks. Rex came out and said what's going on out here, am I cheating on Jas with this cute younger dude, I told him to stop playing this is David my brother, he looked at David and said now he remembers him he's the kid that was with my mom at the restaurant he looked him up and down and said yeah, he remembers him.

I introduced them, David said looking at Rex, he remembers him to and he's still staring at him, Rex said he's going in the house and change into his trunks, David jumped into the pool, I told Rex make sure his trunks aren't thongs, the kid doesn't need to see all that ass, he went into the house.

 We spent the afternoon swimming and talking, Jas came home and joined us Rex said he has to get home to EJ, he said nice meeting David and he left. Jas put some steaks on the grill and David ate with us, and later went home Jas told him to call us when he gets home so that we know he made it home safe, he said he will, we hugged him, and David left. Jas said from the smile on my face I enjoy Davids company, I told him I do, and it feels good to be a big brother and I can boss someone around like he did me, we kissed. And we went in the house and didn't make it upstairs we did it on the stairs.

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