Part 12

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I'm having lunch with Rex, he asked me is everything alright between Jasper and I, I told him we're fine he's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, he said than what's wrong we've been friends long enough to know that somethings up.

I told him it's been three years now and I haven't spoken to my mother, and she hasn't spoken to me, but she does talk to Jas every once in a while she never asks about me, and as of two weeks ago my parents now has a foster child, named David he's fifteen years old he's into sports and Jas told me that my mom is giving him everything he wants including my old room, dad told her to stop trying to replace me with him, and mom's trying to talk dad into adopting him. What the fuck it's only been two weeks

Rex said its obvious that's what's bothering me, I told him it kind of hurts that she still hates me and now this kid she's trying to replace me with is everything she wants in a son.

Rex said but one good thing has happened as far as my mother she gave me my inheritance without a fight, I said yeah, my dad brought me the papers when Jas gave me my surprise party, and since I'm twenty- one she had to give it to me. I have five point nine million dollars, to do what I want, and mom has no say so in what I do with it. Since I started college early this is my last year, Rex asked me why I chose business management, I told him because I wanted to know all I could about the family business. One thing mom couldn't do is stop me from joining the family business, if I wanted to do that after college, and my dad wouldn't let her.

I'm still not sure what I'll be doing after I graduate, Pete said I should just travel, and I can come to L.A and visit him and Charles, oh did I tell you they got married last weekend, Pete's parents supported them, and mom went to their wedding while she was in L.A, so mom just has a problem with our kind of love me loving Jas who isn't even a blood brother.

Rex said no shit what happened to our invite, I said it was just a small wedding, Rex said Pete really came out to his parents, that he never thought would happen, he thought Pete was just fucking Charles and now there married too. Rex said Jas and I just celebrated our third wedding anniversary and he and EJ will be celebrating their first in a few days, damn it feels good to be with the one person who really understands him other than Dex, but EJ knows him in a different way that his brother will never know.

He said Jas knows me in every way, I told him yeah that's true, we finished our lunch and Rex said we should do lunch every week, and since I got all that money, he's sure I don't mind paying. I told him I was paying for lunch before I got the money so nothing's changed, but he's richer than I am being an Alexander now.

He said EJ still gets an allowance, but his dad gives him an allowance too now that their married, they get three grand each a month, I said he needs to be buying me lunch. My dad's accountant has me on an allowance as well, but he pays all of my bills, so I hardly ever spend my allowance up, plus Jas makes good money. Rex said one thing we won't be is hurting for money.

He asked me when will Jas be back from his trip, I told him tonight and that one week felt like a month, Rex said boy please he's sure Jas popped my pussy before he left, I told him before I don't have a pussy, he said he's just joking, I told him don't joke about that there's no female anatomy here.

My man likes ass, he was staring at something behind me, I turned to see what he was looking at, it's my mom, I told Rex I guess the kid with her is David he's tall for his age, Rex said and from the look of his print in his pants dude is packing. I told him remember one he's married, and two the boy is only fifteen, he said he has eyes and he's not interested he gets enough dick from EJ.

They walked right by our table, David looked at me and I heard him asking mom isn't that the guy in the picture on John's desk her son. Mom said I'm not her son, and they walked to their table. Rex looked at me, I told him I'm fine if that's what she wants cool with me, at least she's not focused on her hate for me, and my parents are back together.

Rex said she just denied me if that's not hate he doesn't know what is, but anyway help him pick out EJ an anniversary gift, I told him we can do that, Rex said but what do you give a dude that has just about everything he wants. He has an expensive car clothes and jewelry so what can he give him, I told him something that no one else can give EJ and that's him, but we can buy Rex a real sex outfit, and he can have a romantic dinner that's what Jas and I did.

I told Rex, EJ will love that, rather than something materialistic because it comes from his heart, there are somethings money can't buy, he said I'm right, and after lunch we can go shopping for that special outfit.

I did keep looking over at mom's table she was laughing at something, I hardly ever remember seeing my mother laugh much after she found out about Jas and I, Rex said we should leave, I'm just torturing myself deep down I wish I were having lunch with my mother. I told him that isn't going to happen I've been replaced; David is everything she wants in a son.

They got up and walked past our table mom made it clear that David could start calling my dad his dad, Rex looked at me and said mom said that to hurt me, I told him I know I paid the check and we left.

We went to a store, and I helped Rex pick out some sexy underwear, and I got a few things myself, Jas is going to get this ass tonight. As long as I thought about Jas, I didn't think about what Linda Tate had to say about me, I don't know why after all these years I still let her get to me. Rex said because she's my mother and deep down I still love her so naturally it hurts, we paid for our things and left.

Rex dropped me off at my house, he said enjoy my night with Jas, and call him tomorrow, I told him I'll call him the day after tomorrow Jas and I have some making up to do, he called me a hoe, I told him I'm a good one, and in a few days, he'll be a bigger one for EJ, he said he loves me and drove off. I went into the house and put the things away and made a special dinner for tonight, cooking school paid off, I learned how to cook all of Jasper's favorites and for dessert he gets me.

I cleaned the house from top to bottom, Jas keeps telling me to hire some help maybe one day I will, but for now I can do the cooking and cleaning and still go to school. After I set things up, I showered and put on the sexy underwear and put on an apron and waited for Jas to come home. After two hours bae came home, he said damn I look hot, I kissed him and said he likes, bae said hell yeah this is just what he needs me, we had sex first and afterwards I went and got his dinner, he said damn I even cooked all of his favorites. I told him I got to feed my man, because he's going to need his energy for what I'm going to put on him for dessert.

We ate, and I told Jas about seeing mom with David, and I told him what she said, he said he's sorry and mom needs to stop it, after all this time if she doesn't have anything nice to say keep her damn mouth shut, that pisses him off hurting me like that, he should tell her how he feels about it. I told him don't do that she's just now speaking to him again from the last time he went off on her, Jas said she needs to stop hurting me, I told him I'll be alright since he's back home. 

He held me and said don't let mom get to me, she's the one who's misses out, and just wait until we have kids, I told him the same thing she has power over us when we let her get to us. I asked him can we work on having a baby, he said as soon as I graduate remember I made a deal, I told him he's right and I just wanted to get back at mom. I'm not going to play her game, I kissed Jas and said this is why I need him, he said he needs me too.

Let's get our day started with a run, and after that I'll make him breakfast while he showers, bae kissed me and said always remember he loves me and I have our dad who's been there for us no matter what, I kissed him, and smiled bae always makes me feel good.

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