Part 23

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The baby is coming.

Jas and I went out to dinner we needed to get out of the house, when we got back home Jackie met us at the door she said Stacy's in labor, I said very loudly why didn't she call us, she said it's not time yet so go and sit down somewhere she just went upstairs.

Jas said damn that Jackie maybe we do need to let her go, David came downstairs with all the excitement I forgot his car is in the driveway, he said he was with Stacy she's fine soon he'll be an uncle. I said maybe we should be taking her to the hospital, he said soon but for now she wants to wait she's not in any pain in fact she's eating peanut butter and chips, I said yuck I hope the baby doesn't want to eat odd stuff.

David said he called mom and dad, I told him he should've called us, what if Stacy had the baby and we weren't here, he said chill he would step in, by the way which one of us is going to be in the delivery room. Jas and I looked at each other, we didn't think of that now something else to think about.

Jackie came to the top of the stairs and told us to get the car it's time and one of us can get her bag, Jas ran outside, and I ran up the stairs and got her bag, David helped Stacy down the stairs.

We got to the front door and walked out, David put the bag in the car, Jas drove away, David said stop we didn't put Stacy in the car we backed up and David helped her in the car, Jackie got in on the other side she just shook her head and we drove off. I called mom and dad and told them to meet us at the hospital the baby is coming, she told me to calm down babies are born every day, I told her not my baby we'll see them at the hospital.

When we got there we jumped out of the car and took Stacy in, we got her admitted in, Jackie told us to go and sit down she'll go in the delivery room with Stacy, Stacy told her thanks but she wants David to go with her, Jackie said that fool doesn't know what to do, Stacy said that's what the doctors are for they went into the back.

I guess Stacy put Jackie in her place, and she made a decision for us, now we have to think of a name for our baby, we sat down and waited, mom and dad arrived, mom asked what's the news I told her nothing yet, mom sat down. Dad said Hey if we're out here who's with Stacy, please tell him it's not that Nick person, I told him no David is, mom said David! What's he doing in there, one of us should see our baby born. 

Jas told her it's fine and he couldn't deal with all that screaming and crying, I agreed besides Stacy wanted David with her, another hour went by and nothing I hope there's nothing wrong David should've came out and told us something Jas said think good thoughts. Mom told me she was in labor for twenty hours with me, maybe that's why she never had another child after me.

Another hour went by and finally David came out, he said congratulations and called us daddies. I asked is the baby alright and Stacy too, he said all three of them are alright, I said did you hear that mom our son is good, I looked over and Jas is just sitting in the chair not saying anything.

I ran over to him and said bae the baby is fine what's wrong?

Jackson did you hear what David said all three of them are fine, he said yeah Stacy the baby and David, David said no they're twins just like Jackie said. Jackson said twins how could that be, David said one of the babies were behind the other that's why the baby had such a strong heartbeat.

Jackson just broke down and cried, he said not that he didn't want another baby he's just happy and that will help us with a name, dad said we didn't have to name any of them after him if that would help name them after us, Jas said we could do that, David looked disappointed, I told him maybe we'll name one of them David for a middle name he said cool, and John can be a middle name for the other. Dad hollered yes that will be just fine.

Jackie said it looks like all that extra stuff she got is just what we needed, and Jackson didn't want her to get it, we apologized to her. David said as soon as they clean the babies up, we can see them.

Mom asked is David sure they're alright he said again they're just fine and they look like him, we looked at David he said just joking they look like me, Jackson kissed me and called me big daddy Tate. We were told that we could see the babies from the nursery we went there, and two babies were up front saying Tate, I looked at them I told Jac's I can already tell which one will be Jackson, so he'll have David for a middle name, and of course the other one will be John Jasper.

Jac's said let's call him David Jac's, I asked him if he's sure he said yes and David deserves the baby to have his first name, mom told dad look at their babies there so cute, I said one is kind of small. Jackie said he'll fatten up now that he has room to grow, we just watched them our babies.

We went to see Stacy, again we thanked her, she said it was her pleasure to help us, Jas told her the rest of her money will be put in her account tomorrow, he asked her did she need anything she said no, we asked her would she like to see the babies' she said not right now she wants to rest, we said thanks again and walked out of the room Nick's coming down the hall he congratulated us on the babies I told him thanks. He went into the room, and we went back to see our son's.

(Nick and Stacy)

Hey girl so you did it, and you gave those fags two babies' I hope they're going to give you more money.

Nick, they didn't offer, and I didn't ask, how did you find out about me having the babies anyway, he said he has a friend that works here and told him which I didn't bother to call him and tell him shit. I told him I don't have to tell him anything and he can leave now. Nick said he'll come back tomorrow he left; I hope he doesn't say anything to them about more money.

Mr. and Mrs. Tate came in the room she asked me did I need anything, I told her I'm fine, she said I brought great joy to her son's and their entire family, and there going to reward me for it, I told her I'm fine really I am, I'll have enough money to pay for the rest of my schooling and that's enough for me.

Mr. Tate said it's not enough and tomorrow he'll bring me a check for a hundred thousand dollars and not another word about it, and like his wife said I gave his family so much joy, they said they'll see me tomorrow and they left, I will take the money and leave her, and get away from Nick.

(Jas and Jac's)

Mom and dad came back, dad said he's given Stacy another hundred thousand dollars for giving them two grandsons', I told Jas we should've given Stacy more her contract didn't say anything about carrying twins, dad said it's taken care of, he said look and little John. 

Jas told dad that's David he's pointing too, dad said oh, but anyway both his grandsons are handsome like there grandfather. We said goodbye to the twins and went home, Jas said we better get all the sleep we can, I told him just as soon as he gives me some dick, we had sex, but after we finished, we couldn't go to sleep. I guess being fathers, had us to excited to go to sleep.

The next day we went to the hospital to see Stacy and the baby's we brought her flowers, I said wow we weren't the only ones that gave her flowers, she said there from our parents and uncle Drake and Nick too, I knew which ones were from Nick. I told Stacy, dad sent his check and Jac's told her the money was put in her account again we thanked her. We left and saw the babies, one lady asked which one is my baby I said the twin Tate babies, she asked which one of us is the father, we told her we both are, she said times have changed but that's the way of the world and congratulated us.

We just watched the babies I told Jas I was happy when we got married and I'm even more happy having our babies together, he kissed me and said same with him, we heard someone clear there throat and turned around and it's uncle Drake, he said he's happy for us, and this is what it's all about, he looked at the babies and said the next baby better be named after him, I said what if it's a girl he said he doesn't care.

Well, that's our story, but they'll be more about our family, (In our kind of love)

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