The Beginning

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 I wake up in total darkness, wrists and ankles burning from the coarse ropes biting into my flesh. There's a cloth tied over my mouth, muffling any chances of calling for help. I'm totally and completely helpless, just as they had wanted. They got what they wanted so I'm no longer of use... They've left me here to die alone. In a last ditch effort to save myself, I try to use what I can to investigate my surroundings. I'm on the floor, based off the rough texture of the old wood on my bare legs. There's nothing in my immediate area that I can feel no matter how much I try to move. Even if I were to get to my feet, with my ankles bound I can't get anywhere and wouldn't be able to see regardless. Where would I even go if I escaped? I have no home to go back to. My back hits a wall from shuffling around and I let out a small muffled sob as my tears soak the cloth covering my eyes. I'm going to die here...

My head lifts as a thud sounds from below me. Someone's in the house now, perhaps the ones who abducted me, back to finish me off? That fate would at least be more merciful than allowing me to starve here. There's a soft rustling sound drawing closer, but no footsteps. A sharp intake of breath in front of me startles me and it's honestly terrifying, to say the least. As much as I'd no longer like to be in the current situation of being left for dead, there are a lot of outcomes to a random stranger discovering me.

"Uh, Master... We're not alone here." A male voice calls out and his words draw more noises from below. The rustling draws closer and I try in vain to push myself further away from him but I'm trapped. "It's okay Miss, I'm not going to hurt you."

His voice is softer now and I jolt as his calloused fingers brush my face, then the blindfold falls away. I blink a few times as my eyes adjust to the sudden light coming from the dingy windows to find a pair of striking golden eyes staring at me.

"Are you alright?" I slowly nod, then my eyes widen as I notice three more people standing behind him. I'm sooo going to be murdered...

I find myself seated on the floor, surrounded by the slightly dusty old couches in the main room of the house, desperately trying to warm myself in front of the fire that one of the men thankfully lit. The man had untied me the rest of the way and I decided to tempt fate and trust him to help me to my feet. I wasn't able to support myself so he carried me down the stairs as a tall man with teal hair dealt with the hearth. Besides his first few words, none of us have spoken and I'm grateful for it. I'm still trying to process what exactly happened to me. I jump slightly as a soft blanket is wrapped around me and I follow the hands upward to the only female of the group, a stoic faced blonde with surprisingly friendly blue eyes.

"Thank you." I whisper as I pull it tighter around myself.

"Excuse me Miss, is it okay that we ask you some questions? We didn't really expect to find someone when we got here."

I track the voice to the man who lit the fire as I shift around to face them all. I slowly nod as I study the group. They seem helpful and friendly enough but there's no telling what their true intentions are. There does seem to be a clear leader in the group though, the youngest man with silvery blond hair who has been staring at me curiously. I avoid his gaze and instead look back at the man who spoke.

"What is your name?"

"A-Arwen Saller." I answer quickly after noticing that three of these people have swords on their hips.

They can know everything now. Being stabbed to death is not on my list of things I'd like to do today... The only one who appears unarmed and least threatening is the golden eyed man trying his hardest not to fall asleep curled up in the arm chair to my left.

"What led to you being tied up upstairs?"

"I was no longer considered useful so they left me to die."

"Who did that to you and what do you mean 'no longer useful'?" The young man asks in the other's place.

"I do not know their names, but they were brothers with dark blue hair. One of them took me from my home to force me into completing a job for them but when I refused, they beat and starved me into submission. They told me all I had to do was be a distraction so they could take something." "I... I thought that it would be simple and I'd get to go home, but they killed them when they were done. I panicked and tried to escape but they caught me and said I wasn't useful anymore." I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "I woke up tied up. I figure they either left me here to die alone or were leaving me for someone else to get me... You're not here to get me, are you?"

"No, we had no idea anyone was here, but I guess it's lucky we came when we did."

"Yes Sir, I'm in debt to all of you. Thank you for your kindness." I attempt to lean forward in a half bow but the stiffness of my back hinders it. "May I ask your names?"

"I am Zen," The blond says, then goes around the room to introduce the others.

Kiki is the female, the teal haired man is Mitsuhide, and the dark haired man slightly drooling on the chair is named Obi. I owe Obi and the others a great deal for saving me. 

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now