The Rain

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I can't sleep. I've tried everything but all I can do is toss and turn in my bed. I know it's probably been hours and everyone else is asleep. At least I don't have to work in the morning so I won't have to worry about being tired. I sigh in defeat before sitting up and pulling a baggy sweater on over my undershirt, then slip on my shoes. As I leave my room I glance out the window but Obi isn't lounging in the tree as usual. More often than not that's where I find him, lounging in a tree. Perhaps he's actually gone to bed or was sent away again. He typically stays closer to the quarters at night.

I make my way out onto the grounds and my gaze goes out to the endless stretch of stars making up the night sky. There are rain clouds rolling in from the east though and I can smell the oncoming storm in the air. It's beautiful and peaceful. I wrap my sweater tighter around myself as the wind whips across the grounds. It makes me miss living in my tent, there was a field nearby that I would lay in on the warmer nights.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I feel myself jump at the sound of the voice but I quickly recognize it as Obi's and relax. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I forget how quietly I can move sometimes."

"It's alright, I was lost in my thoughts anyways."

"Why are you out here? It's late, you should be sleeping."

"Like you have room to talk," I chuckle as I glance up at him to find his golden eyes trained on the sky as well. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to come out here for some air."

"I do sleep, just not at night."

"And why is that?"

"I've just always preferred the night." He shrugs.

"I feel like there's more to it than that." I sigh.

"You are always so curious, Miss Arwen."

"Only because you are so mysterious, Mr. Obi."

"Never call me that again."

"Then never call me Miss again."

Obi and I settle in the grass on a hill to watch the clouds roll in. I'm not sure why I'm always wondering about Obi and his past but every time something comes up he acts strangely or lies about it. It couldn't have been so bad to have to lie about it, right? He's a really nice guy after all. Besides possibly punching that man I don't believe he'd hurt anyone.

"Hey Obi, I'm sorry I press so much about your life. You just seem so guarded about your past but I don't see why you'd have anything to hide, whatever it is I don't think it'd be anything that could affect our friendship or anything like that."

"It's alright. I- I used to be a thief is all. I was in trouble quite often for it. I've left that all behind me now though. That changed when I met Master and the others. They interested me, I suppose, and I thought that staying around them could be fun and something different."

"So you were a thief who got bored?" I chuckle as I try in vain to tame my hair as the wind casts it into the air again.

"Essentially, yes." He hums, his eyes meeting mine. "So, what about you Miss Arwen? You never revealed anything when I asked the other night."

"There's really not much too it. I lived with my grandmother for a few years until she passed away then I moved to the tent after Prince Raji caused problems."

"What about the rest of your family?"

I take a calming breath but as I open my mouth to speak, the rain begins and we're soaked instantly. I feel a bubble of laughter escape my lips once the shock of the cool water dies away. I wipe my hair out of my face and look to Obi who has an amused grin on his face. The thunder is starting to roll in but the storm isn't here yet, just the downpour.

"Is there any point in trying to hurry out of the rain?" I ask, trying and failing to hold back my laughter.

"No, I don't think so." He chuckles. "I'd rather you not get sick though."

"I'll be alright I promise. A little rain never hurt."

"So, about your family?"

"A story for another time, please."

"Understood Miss Arwen."

"Hey Obi?" I get to my feet and hold my hand out.

"Yes?" He asks, getting to his feet.

"Have you ever danced in the rain?"

"I can't say I have."

This is the most fun I've had in a long time. Back when I was younger and stayed with my grandmother, we would go outside when it rained and danced together. It was incredibly fun but we were only able to do it one time when I came back before she passed. I missed it. I giggle as Obi spins me around in the rain and I can't help but notice the smile on his face that he couldn't fully hide. It's nice, seeing him genuinely happy just for a little while. He seems happy enough but I could see this look in his eye that he was holding back and he'd always try to cover a smile or hold back his laughter.

"You look happy right now. It's a good look for you Obi." I tell him as our eyes meet.

"You look happy as well and I think it's an amazing look for you Miss Arwen." 

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now