The Result

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 Obi and I return to Zen's office once my food is ready to serve on a rolling cart complete with a drink. He was nice enough to push the cart but it took several swats at his hand for him to stop trying to steal food off of it. I don't think Prince Zen would appreciate part of his meal being stolen. I did remind Obi though that if he ate the food I'd have failed the test and would be sent away and it stopped his efforts much faster than smacking his hand.

I follow Obi into the room and after bowing politely, I present Zen with my meal. With the pie, I only served a slice so the rest is available for the taking. I'm sure Obi will help himself shortly. I busy myself with staring out of the rather large balcony windows behind Prince Zen as he samples the food. This simple meal will decide if I go back to my tent or not. I glance over at Obi who is rocking back and forth on his heels, but when he meets my gaze he gives me a hopeful smile. Mitsuhide keeps looking between Prince Zen and me, waiting for the outcome. I don't know why they're so antsy about it. In the end it's one outcome or another. Prince Zen clears his throat and all eyes fall on him.

"Well, Miss Arwen, it was delicious. You did very well."

"I told you you could do it!" Obi cheers.

"That doesn't mean Prince Zen would give me employment, just that I did well." I retort. "I would still not mind being allowed to return to my tent. I've already been a burden, even entertaining this test... It's unfair to ask favors of someone I barely know."

"Arwen, I do believe you never asked a favor of me. My attendants did. If I felt the desire to tell them no, I would have. I believe in fair opportunities and working hard. I'm going to appoint you a position within the castle as a chef that allows you shelter as well, but if your performance suffers you will lose your position. Does that sound fair?"

"I- uh, yes Sir. Thank you very much for the opportunity. I will do my best not to let you down."

"Keep cooking like this and you definitely won't."

"Hey Master, there's still a lot of pie left over and-"

"Yes, you and Mitsuhide, Kiki and Arwen too if you'd like, are welcome to have the rest of the pie." Prince Zen sighs. "Obi will take you to the quarters for a room and to get settled in, you'll be in his care for the night. In the morning Mitsuhide will take you to the kitchens to meet the head chef and get your assignment. You'll report to him at your specified times from then on."

Obi leads me through the castle corridors toward what I thought was supposed to be my new lodgings, but I recognize the path toward the kitchens. I choke back a laugh and shake my head, asking if we really had to go back for the pie immediately. His response is a curt 'yes' and me being told that it's 'of the utmost importance'. I think he's just worried Mitsuhide may take it all for himself. I hate to tell him that it's not likely he would steal the entire pie. Obi on the other hand, I could see it. I'm not sure why but he gives me that sort of aura, like he'd take something, but only innocent purposes like that. I don't think I could see him actually being a criminal.

"You're thinking too much." He chuckles as he pokes my forehead. "Coin for your thoughts?"

"Just thinking it would be quite funny if you were some sort of criminal. I couldn't imagine it. Stealing the entire pie, yes, but otherwise no. You're so calm and friendly, like you wouldn't hurt a fly."

He tries and fails to stifle a laugh but when I ask what's so funny he says it's nothing. He's such a peculiar man.

After our detour to the kitchen, we leave the castle and head across the grounds to a rather large building nestled in the far corner. Around bites of pie that he says is the best he's ever eaten, Obi explains that it's the workers' quarters. There are enough rooms for everyone unless people choose to share with someone, a few baths, and a decent sized kitchenette for us to make food if the kitchens aren't staffed. It sounds lovely, but I don't know how I feel about living with so many people since I hadn't really been around anyone since my Nana passed away last year, even then it was just me and her. The rest of my family had already passed.

"I'm glad you get to stay here with us, Miss."

"I appreciate all that you and Mitsuhide and Prince Zen have done for me, but at the same time, you all barely know me. I'm not a bad person I don't think, but what if I was? Just because I cooked a decent meal I've gained unsupervised access to the castle. If I were an assassin or something, I could go unnoticed."

"No offense, Miss, but I don't think you'd make a good assassin. I do think, however, that it's rather odd you think so much about criminals and such."

"In my spare time I would read documents about murders and criminals. It fascinates me in a way. I could never do it, but it's exciting to read and interesting to see into how their minds work. Like why they do what they do. Being a victim of abduction wasn't fun either, but still..."

"You're a peculiar woman."

"And you're a peculiar man."

Obi and I stop near the end of a long hallway in front of the second to last door.

"Welcome home Miss Arwen. This will be your room. If you ever need anything, I'm in this last room, Mitsuhide is on your other side, and Miss Kiki is right across the hall. If you're a drinker, you'll get along well with the woman across from me. She's the Chief Herbalist, Garak. I'll introduce you sometime anyway. We get together a lot to drink and play cards."

"Sounds lovely." I give him a small smile.

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now