The Princes

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The rest of the evening seemed to go smoothly and I think I started to warm up to their friends but the last thing I remember is getting tired but I don't remember going to bed, yet here I am. Perhaps one of the guys walked me back and that happened. I vaguely recall resting my head against something though but what could it have been? I stayed sitting throughout the evening even when Lillith and Garak tried to get me to dance on the tables with them. I shake away my confusing thoughts and get out of bed to get dressed and washed up for the day. I have three hours until I have to report to Chef Howl for work so it gives me time to have something for breakfast and maybe get some answers from Obi or Mitsuhide.

When I step out of my room, I glance out the window to find Obi sprawled out across one of the branches. Mitsuhide had said something yesterday about him napping in the trees but I didn't expect for that to be true... How peculiar. I open the window and tell him good morning, startling him, but he catches himself before he can lose balance.

"Good morning Miss Arwen," He greets with a smile. "Did you rest well?"

"I did, but I don't remember going to bed. How did I end up here? I don't think I drank that much."

"You fell asleep on Mitsuhide's shoulder so I carried you back and put you in bed. That was around the time that Lillith fell off the table and Garak and Shirayuki had to take her to the medical buildings."

"Oh, I'm sorry I troubled you, you could have woken me up." I sigh. "Is Lillith alright?"

"She's fine, just some bruises and a sprained ankle. She's resilient. And trust me Miss Arwen, it wasn't a problem."

"That's good. Have you eaten? I was just going to prepare breakfast for myself but I can cook for you as well to make up for carrying me."

"Oohh, what are you making?" He asks, surprising me as he sits up and climbs through the window in a swift, graceful movement.

"I was thinking blueberry french toast with maple syrup and powdered sugar."

"I'm definitely not going to decline your offer. That sounds amazing."

After breakfast, which Obi praised as one of his new favorites, Obi walked me to the kitchens and told me he'd be around on the grounds if I needed him. Chef Howl kept me busy throughout the day though, having me prep vegetables for the soup we made for the staff and roasted turkey for the princes. It caught me off guard to hear 'princes' because I'd only seen Prince Zen and no one else had made mention of any other until now. According to one of the other staff members, a brunette named Adelaine, Prince Izana is Prince Zen's older brother. He's apparently rather cold in demeanor and keeps to himself when he's at this castle, otherwise he's off somewhere else. He sounds like the opposite of Prince Zen so I'm not sure I would enjoy being in his company.

The sun is out without a cloud in the sky when I step out of the kitchens, making me smile. I've always enjoyed the sunlight. I start to make my way across the grounds to the quarters but slow as I scan the grounds for Obi. I find him laying in the grass on a small hill, his hands behind his head and he appears to be fast asleep. He really must be nocturnal. I have only ever encountered him sleeping in the daylight or he's yawning. I wonder if he sleeps at night at all and if not, what does he do while the rest of us sleep? I turn to leave to let him rest, but his voice stops me.

"Where are you going, Miss Arwen?"

I turn back to find one of his bright golden eyes half open and focused on me.

"I- uh, I was going to let you rest. I thought you were asleep."

"So you weren't going to carry me back to my room like I did for you? I'm insulted." He jokes with a slight pout. "Did you have a good day? The soup was good. I'm sure you played a big part in it."

"I prepped a few vegetables, that's all. The rest of it was everyone else. I haven't gotten enough experience in the kitchens for anything important." I tell him as I settle on the ground beside him. "I heard that Prince Zen has an older brother. I didn't know that."

"Yeah, Prince Izana." His nose crinkles slightly in distaste. "He's definitely not my favorite person."

"Is he really that bad? Some of the kitchen staff felt the same way."

"He's just not a people person and despite being the 'First Prince' he casts all dealings with the Tanbarun prince off on Master because the brat is annoying, which means I have to deal with the brat."

"I've heard plently about Prince Raji, unfortunately... He'd tried to acquire me as a concubine just as he'd done to Shirayuki. He said my hair was unusual and would be a great feature to show off."

"How did you get away from it? Shirayuki cut her hair off and ran away."

"I punched Prince Raji in the nose and my Nana beat his attendant with her cane. She passed not long after and I left her cottage behind and moved to my tent so no one could find me."

"Good job punching him. I'm surprised the big baby didn't have you both arrested."

"I am too, but he only ever came back with just his attendant to try to win me over."

"Well sadly, he is often a guest of the crown here, so you can't punch him without getting in trouble, but if he ever comes around you and causes a problem, come to me and I'll protect you, okay?"

"No offense but you seem to be the least capable of violence out of your group." I chuckle and he shakes his head with a barely covered laugh.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I feel safe around you, of course."

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now