The Meeting

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A/N: Lillith is an OC from the book Let's Play A Game which can be found on my profile(:

 I thank Chef Howl for training me for the day and exit the kitchens to find Mitsuhide waiting for me. He greets me with a smile and asks how things went and what my scheduling would look like. I'll be on the lunch times so I will have some time in the mornings and each night on my own unless we have a visitor or event going on, then I'll be expected the entire day. It doesn't sound bad. I ask how his day was and I'm told it was rather boring, just watching over Prince Zen as he did paperwork. That does sound rather dull, I don't envy that.

I spent my day learning where everything was and what was expected of me. I was also shown the proper ways they wanted things to be prepped based off what it was, like the way they wanted onions to be chopped and things of that nature. I wasn't aware that it mattered that much, but I'm too grateful for this experience to argue. While I wasn't able to sleep last night, I thought over what occurred and even though I still feel guilty, I have made a decision. I will consider this a great opportunity to be able to work for Wistal Castle instead of thinking of it as me being a burden. Prince Zen is not responsible for me directly, so long as I do what Chef Howl asks. I can earn my housing and hopefully do something good. I can also possibly make friends with Mitsuhide and Obi since I'm rather fond of their company.

Mitsuhide and I make it back to the quarters and he asks me to meet him in the main area once I'm cleaned up. I nod and go into my new room to change out of my dirty clothing. Thankfully I was able to clean the flour and other mess off my face and arms before I left the kitchens. I'm honestly surprised I hadn't come across Obi throughout my morning. He was overly eager last night for me to start my job because it meant he could have access to my cooking and baking again. I return to the main room a short while later and find both men waiting for me.

"How was your first day Miss Arwen?"

"It was pleasant. I'm surprised you didn't come to spy on me."

"Who says I didn't?" Obi replies with a smirk.

"Don't let him lie to you, he fell asleep in a tree outside of Zen's office." Mitsuhide cuts in and Obi deflates slightly.

"I can't help it I'm nocturnal."

"So... can I know why I was asked to come out here?" I ask, breaking up their conversation.

"Well, this evening we're having a little get together with everyone to drink and play cards, like I told you about last night. Some of our friends heard we had a new arrival so they really want to meet you."

"When is this happening? I'm not exactly good with new people... You two are exceptions considering the situation."

"You'll do fine. Just step outside with us and we'll protect you."

"Is there risk to my safety?" I arch a brow.

"Not as long as Garak doesn't get blackout drunk. Once she's that far gone, there's no telling what can happen."

"That's reassuring..." I sigh. "Just please don't leave me by myself."

I find myself behind the quarters sitting at a long bench table between Mitsuhide and Obi. Across from me is a woman around my age with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Mitsuhide called her Lillith. Further down was a dark haired woman who keeps shooting death glares at Obi. I asked about it but all Obi would say is that he and Imrei didn't get along very well. She left the table not long ago and joined a group of musicians off to the side playing music. Across from Obi is a slightly older blonde woman who is grinning wildly at the selection of alcohol off to the side. That must be Garak.

"Ladies, this is Miss Arwen. She's joined Chef Howl's group in the kitchens. Miss Arwen, this is Garak and Lillith. Garak is Chief Herbalist and Lillith is part of The Points."

"The Points?" I repeat quietly.

"We're archers that are set at strategic points along the walls of the castle. We use our arrows for defense and to send messages across the walls." Lillith explains. "It's nice to meet you, shall we get drunk together?"

"Pour it up Twiggy Wench!" Garak cheers and they both take shots.

"They're best friends, if you can't tell." Mitsuhide whispers. "Lillith doesn't talk to Obi though, at least not directly."

Lillith and Garak are rather funny. Between drinks they've been talking and joking with all of us while we play poker, using snacks as betting chips. I glance up from my hand as I notice Shirayuki walk in and settle across from Mitsuhide. She's offered a drink but immediately declines, sending snickers around the group. I arch a brow but before I can ask, Lillith tells me that the last time she had a shot, Shirayuki could barely walk but tried to steal a horse.

"Hey, you look familiar, but I can't place you. Have we met before?" Shirayuki asks, drawing all attention to me.

"I- uh, yeah. My Nana used to get her medicines from you back in Tanbarun. She'd had me pick them up from time to time. I'm Arwen Saller."

"Oh! I remember you now. I loved Granny Saller."

"She talked about you often. She preferred you over the herbalist she used to buy from. She was rather sad when you left, though she tried to go after the Prince once she found out why."

Shirayuki laughs. "I would have loved to see that. How is she?"

I drop my gaze to the table for a moment before going to speak but that moment is just long enough for her to understand. 

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz