The Confrontation

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I have yet to encounter Prince Raji today, but I'm not counting myself lucky just yet. One of the servers is sick so there's a chance that Chef Howl will need someone to step in... and it was just announced that I am to step in. Great. I shouldn't have even had the thought because I cursed myself. Perhaps Prince Raji will starve himself today and I won't have to cross his path again. It unfortunately is highly unlikely. I still haven't seen Obi and Mitsuhide is strangely absent this morning as well. It's like the universe itself is trying to cause problems.

I take a calming breath and plaster a fake smile on my face as I enter the dining room carrying a tray of drink pitchers for the table. Seated at the table are Sakaki and of course Prince Raji. I was told Prince Zen are coming in a moment. I avoid meeting his gaze as I give a quiet greeting and place the tray on the side table. I fill drinks as requested but as I go to leave Prince Raji's side, I feel his hand on my wrist. Unease hits me as I look over at him.

"You. You're the girl from last night. What's your name?"

"I uh- my name?" I manage to stutter out.

"Yes woman, your name."

"A-Arwen Saller." I admit quietly.

"Saller...? That name... that hair... I know you!" His eyes narrow and I mentally curse. "You punched me! You and your horrid grandmother attacked us!"

That's not entirely what happened but I can't exactly correct him.

    I can't look away from Prince Raji, I can't move and I can barely breathe. I don't know what to do or say. He's recognized me by name and there's nothing I can do to cover my tracks. I can't claim that he's mistaken or that I've lied about my name. I dearly wish I could go back in time and fix this.

"I... I'm sorry for our actions." I lie, finally managing to speak.

"You think a simple apology makes up for what you've done? I am royalty and you dared to lay a finger on me!" He snaps, getting to his feet.

I take a half-step backward though my wrist is still trapped in his tightening grip. His free hand raises to strike me so I close my eyes and brace myself for the impact. I can't stop him and I won't let myself react to it. The sooner it happens the sooner I can hopefully put this all behind me.

"I wouldn't recommend that, Prince Raji."

My eyes snap open at the sound of Obi's voice. Obi is standing beside me, his hand stopping Prince Raji's path.

"This harlot-"

"-is not a harlot. She harmed you in self defense and deserves no retaliation for it."

"How dare you! Don't ever put your filthy hands on me and how dare you step into matters of royalty!"

"Prince Raji!"

    The three of us turn at the sound of Prince Zen's voice across the room. I feel Prince Raji release his grip on my wrist so I take another step away from him and closer to Obi. I find myself listening as Prince Raji and Prince Zen argue over his actions. He of course doesn't know what started it and I have no idea when he arrived. Part of me wants to leave so I can disappear somewhere safe, but I know that since it's about me I'm stuck. At least Obi is here to protect me if something else happens. I know Prince Zen wouldn't let anything happen but still. Obi is rather sweet but his voice had an edge to it that I haven't heard before. It actually sent a chill down my spine at the poorly concealed anger. I'm not sure what's going to happen but I want nothing more than to disappear entirely to never be seen again. That sounds amazing, actually.

"Arwen, you're dismissed. Please let Chef Howl that under my orders you're relieved of your duties for the day. Obi, escort her safely."

"She's not dismissed!" Prince Raji cuts in and I notice Prince Zen's glare darken.

"Do not mistake yourself Raji Shenazard. You are a guest of the crown. You hold no power here. Arwen, Obi, you're dismissed."

"Yes Master."

"Yes Prince Zen." I give him a quick bow before allowing Obi to lead me out of the room.

    The doors close behind me, leaving me alone in the corridor with Obi. Relief floods me and I lean back against the wall and allow myself to slowly sink to the floor as I close my eyes. When I open them again, Obi is crouched in front of me with a small, comforting smile on his face.

"Are you alright Miss Arwen?"

"I think so... How did you know I was there? You've been gone for days."

"A true master of skill never reveals his secrets." His smile shifts to a smirk and I roll my eyes.

"Regardless, thank you for stepping in when you did."

"I told you before I wouldn't let anything harm you."

"Yes, but there's no way you could be by my side at all times." I reason logically but he just shrugs.

"I'll be by your side as long as you'll let me, Miss." Obi stands and holds his hand out to help me up. "Now, let's go find Chef Howl while Master puts Prince Raji in his place."

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now