The Prince

19 1 8

There's a problem. A major, major problem. I'm recovering from being sick after my night in the rain with Obi, but that's not the issue. The issue is Prince Raji has arrived... and Obi is gone. Mitsuhide will be with Prince Zen for a majority of the time that Prince Raji is here. Prince Zen also has a meeting with someone else during the stay so there will be a day where Prince Raji has nothing to do... which means we may cross paths. I'm thankfully still only prepping and cooking so I won't be part of the staff that waits on them at meal times so I won't see him then. I don't think it would go over so well if he recognizes me as the girl who turned him down and punched him then disappeared. Garak and Shirayuki had offered for me to hang out at the medical buildings after work if I needed some company but then they realized they had inventory to contend with so they'd be too busy and messy. Lillith was sent off to one of the forts to help with training a new group of archers so she's no help either. This week will be lots of fun I can feel it already...

I hurry across the grounds from the kitchens and keep my head down. I've almost run into Prince Raji four times now and it's only been two days. I'm not sure how it keeps happening but I'm not okay with it. I haven't seen Mitsuhide at all. Obi is still missing so I assume he's been sent away on a job. I just need to make it to the quarters and I'll be fine. I'll hide there for the night and everything will be o- oh no. I just walked into someone and they fell over. That's not good. I start to apologize but my words die in my throat as I lock eyes with Prince Raji.

"I-I'm so sorry your highness." I manage to choke out before starting to leave but his attendant's voice stops me.

"You weren't dismissed."

"Sorry Sir." I try to keep my face hidden in case they recognize me.

It's been about a year since it happened but considering how things went down, there's a slight chance. He helps Prince Raji stand and I give another apology while silently praying that this will end soon.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry that you would knock me over?" Prince Raji asks.

"I- I was just headed to the staff quarters. I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention... I should have looked where I was going." I really wasn't intending to do this and now I have to play nice with him when I want to run.

"What is your name, Girl?"

Oh no... "It's-"

"-None of your concern Prince Raji. She apologized multiple times, that should suffice given there's no injury besides to your ego I'm sure." I look up to find Mitsuhide beside me, his hand on my shoulder protectively. "She is considered a guest of Prince Zen and should be treated with respect."


"It's alright Miss, go on ahead. I was sent to find Prince Raji anyways."

I now owe Mitsuhide my entire life. I don't know where he came from or if he was actually looking for them, but I can't thank him enough for getting me out of that. I enter my room and shut the door behind me. I know they won't come here and he'll hopefully just forget about me, but I want nothing more than to disappear into the ether. I change from my work uniform into comfier clothing then fold myself into a chair in the main room with a book. If I get summoned to Prince Zen's office later, I'll know why, but at least for now I'm safe. I greet Garak as she enters the quarters and collapses on one of the couches with a long, drawn out groan. When I don't respond she begins the groaning again.

"Yes Garak?" I sigh as I move my bookmark.

"I hate inventory. I don't even have Lillith to get drunk with."

"What a pity, I'm sure your liver thanks you."

"Oh, no, I still had a few drinks, but without her." She chuckles. "How's the whole 'prince avoidance maneuver' thing going?"

"It was going rather well until I literally walked into him just a few minutes ago. I don't think they recognized me but Mitsuhide came to my rescue as they asked my name. I'm not sure if it would have triggered their memories but I'd rather not take my chances."

"You're going to be lucky if he doesn't, but that boy is rather stupid so there's a fighting chance." She pauses before chuckling darkly. "Good on Mitsuhide for coming to the rescue. Looks like there's going to be a competition brewing. Good, good."

"What are you talking about?" I arch a brow as I watch the blonde pull a flask from her jacket pocket.

"Oh nothing. You'll see in time, I'm sure." She hums. "Where's Obi? Is he still not back yet?"

"Not that I'm aware of. I don't even know where he went since Prince Raji is here."

"He went to deliver a letter to Prince Izana at another castle. Prince Izana takes a while to reply to annoy Zen."

"That just ties Obi up in waiting."

"Oh, are you concerned about him? Missing him, perhaps?"

"You're the one who brought him up."

"Because you're never without one or the other of them. You three are just soo close, but it seems Obi is winning out a little more."

"Winning what?"

Instead of answering, she laughs again and moves to search the cabinets for more alcohol I assume. I start to open my book but Mitsuhide walks in and our eyes meet. I start to get to my feet but he crosses the room and sits down in one of the arm chairs near me. Before I can open my mouth to apologize for being a bother, he asks if I'm alright.

"I'm fine, but I'm sorry that I put you in that situation. I just stumbled into Prince Raji and knocked him over and-"

He holds up a hand to stop my rambling and I'm silently grateful. "It's alright. His ego is bruised but that's about the end of it. I don't think he recognized you, though he did complain to Zen about it. Prince Zen of course just said he'd handle it which is just a formality. He won't actually do anything because he can't stand Raji either."

"He's still going to be here another five days." I whine. "It's been hard enough to avoid him in passing but now he at least knows me as the woman who knocked him over so he may focus on me now."

"If anything happens, he says anything or causes any trouble, come to me immediately, okay?"

I nod. "Thank you Mitsuhide. I always seem to find a way to be a burden."

"You're never a burden Miss Arwen." 

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ