The Observation

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 Zen, Kiki, and Mitsuhide assure me that I don't need to repay them for rescuing me but I feel as if I owe them something. I know that I owe Obi but he's asleep so he can't argue with me. Perhaps there's something I can do for them someday. I try to get to my feet so I can at least leave and be out of their way, but my legs give out as soon as I stand. My eyes widen as Mitsuhide catches me. I quickly release his arm as I realize I'd grabbed it when he wrapped his arms around me and offer him a quiet 'thank you'.

"Where were you trying to go Miss? I can help." He asks softly.

"I didn't want to be a further burden so I was going to leave." I mumble, avoiding his gaze.

"It's rather late and you're still weak. You're welcome to stay with us here tonight, Arwen." Zen offers but I shake my head.

"You're staying here? But what if they come back? They're not exactly a threat to be taken lightly, Sir. Besides, I- I really couldn't... You all have been so generous already."

"I think we're rather safe here, even if they do show up. We can handle ourselves and we won't let them harm you. You aren't a burden either so please stop worrying so much." Mitsuhide tells me and I very suddenly realize that he's still holding me but I can't step away or I will fall again.

"I suppose it will be alright if I stay, just for the night though. Thank you."

Mitsuhide helps me over to the empty chair next to Obi who finally sits up and yawns while rubbing his eyes. He focuses on me as he asks what he missed. I hear Zen jokingly call him useless as he and Kiki move over to a chessboard across the room. Obi sticks his tongue out toward him before turning back to me.

"So Miss-"

"Arwen. Please, just call me Arwen. Miss is too formal."

"Miss Arwen," He corrects with a grin and I sigh. "Are you hungry? I was going to cook if you're interested."

I think back to the last time I'd eaten... four days ago. The hunger pains have stopped but there's still a dull ache.

"Food would be lovely, thank you. Would it be alright if I helped?"

I find myself in the kitchen with Obi and Mitsuhide since the others are still playing chess. From the sounds of it, she's winning rather easily. The two men helped me into the kitchen and Mitsuhide lifted me to sit on one of the counters while Obi gathered food from the bags they carried. Mitsuhide approaches me with a small knife and a few potatoes and asks if I'd be willing to peel and cut them. I nod and watch as he busies himself with other vegetables.

"So, Miss Arwen, where are you from?" He asks over his shoulder.

"Originally I am from Koto, but I... live somewhat locally now."

"But this area is mostly just trees and a few small fields?" Obi cuts in and I drop my focus back to the potatoes in my hands.

"I-I have a small home here within the forest. I liked the privacy. No one really ever bothered me until the brothers found me."

"The forests are rather peaceful aren't they?" Obi hums as he takes the finished potatoes from the counter beside me. I smile softly and nod.

A short while later I'm seated at the table beside Kiki as we all eat. I'm a little surprised at Obi's cooking abilities although I hear Zen mumbling under his breath about it being too spicy. I think it tastes just fine. I glance up from my pate at Obi and thank him quietly. A hint of a smile crosses his face but he verbally shrugs off my praise. These people are a lot nicer than I thought, but I think they're hiding something. Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Zen are all dressed rather nicely, far beyond the status of random commoners and they carry themselves differently as well. Obi, he's something else entirely, but I'm not sure what. He moves too fluidly and silently to be a random commoner but he doesn't appear to hold himself in the same way the others do either. I glance over at Kiki and notice an emblem on her top and my fork immediately drops from my hand.

"Are you okay?" She asks and I slowly nod.

"I- I just... Sir?" I move my gaze to Zen who looks at me curiously. "A-Are you a prince?"

His eyes widen and the table falls silent before Obi starts to laugh.

"That took far less time than I thought!" Obi snickers as he looks at me. "How'd you figure it out?"

"I... Well I noticed that you all look to him for leadership and address him more formally than he addresses everyone else. I thought perhaps you all were bandits or something but i recognized the insignia on Mitsuhide's and Kiki's shirts as belonging to the knights of Clarines. The quality of everyone's clothing and ways you hold yourselves set them apart from commoners. It seemed only logical."

"You are really observant, Miss Arwen, but what about me?" Obi pouts though a small smirk is trying to break through.

"You do not dress or carry yourself in the same manner they do, but you move so silently and with a fluidity that sets you apart from a commoner as well. I'm not quite sure what to think of you yet, Sir."

His eye twitches at me calling him Sir and asks for me to call him Obi, though he hasn't done the same for me when I asked.

"You know, I'll choose to take that as a compliment, Miss Arwen."

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now