Chapter 3

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A/n:I just realized how cringe this is forgive me for being a shit book writer if I can even call myself that. As usual.

 TW there is abuse mentioned in this chapter and also stuff like panic attacks so please click off if you are uncomfortable your mental health matters more than a book.

I just sat there and let him, I let him destroy me as the blood from my body pooled down onto the floor and sank into my clothes I was helpless I tried to scream but no words came out, All I could do was sit there and cry until he was done hurting me, he kicked me in the stomach and I coughed out blood "You're useless no one will ever love you" were the words he said that triggered something in me as I started crying a whole river.

that's when I was shaken awake by someone "Hey it's ok you're fine everything's fine" I heard him say Only then did I realize I was having a nightmare I shot up and tried to breathe but I couldn't." Bella tell me 3 things you see" he said with worry evident in his voice. "Y-you..the blanket..m-my heels on the floor," I said as a tear fell from my eye "You're doing great Amore, now tell me 3 things you can hear," he said while rubbing my back, It took me a while to stabilize my breathing and the exercises helped a lot.

I was quietly resting my head on Luciano's chest and his arms were around me rubbing circles on my back which calmed me down a lot."I'm so sorry I woke you up, you have work to do tomorrow and you'll be tired" I said clearly feeling awful. "I'm not going to work love it's my day off now get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow with wedding planning." 

normally if anyone spoke to me about getting married I would avoid the topic but for some reason, I didn't mind marrying Luciano anymore, he was nothing like what I had heard. he would protect me and treat me right and that's all that matters to me I would finally be safe.

I woke up only to realize the right side of the bed that filled Luciano was now empty, I frowned slightly and got up to go to the bathroom, It was only when I opened the door that I realized that the shower had been running. My eyes widened at the sight of water dripping down Luciano's built body, my heart quickened, and he turned to face me, our eyes met, and an unspoken connection crackled between us."I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE IN HERE" I screamed while covering my eyes. I heard him chuckle which was my sign to run out and never return.

I bellyflopped into the bed and shoved my face into the pillow before letting out a nice long scream. (relatable cause we all delulu) I looked into the mirror on my nightstand only to realize I was blushing. A few minutes after my screaming session Luciano came out of the bathroom fully dressed He was wearing a black button-up with three buttons open revealing his chest and black dress pants with a belt, and a tattoo of a cross behind his ear came into my view when his head slightly turned. His attractiveness lured me in, and when his icy gaze met mine, I snapped out of my fantasy and was forced to glance back down at the ground.

The tension had just then been broken by his ringtone but before he answered the call he looked at me and finally spoke "Get ready they want us to confirm designs for the venue today." I nodded before hopping off the bed, I walked into the large bathroom and removed my clothes to shower. I didn't really know what to wear so I'd just have to work with the clothes the maids had bought for me.

After taking a shower, I got a towel and wrapped it around my body, My things were laid out on the bed, so I went outside to retrieve them. I wore a light blue flowery dress with a tiny white jacket on top. I then pulled my hair up into a high ponytail before putting on some white airforces. (call me basic idc)

I rushed downstairs and sat at the table that was presented with all different types of breakfast foods I decided to wait for Luciano to come before eating when I sat down just in case he'd get mad at me for wanting to eat before he even arrived. Suddenly, when he got to the table, I was reminded of last night—the nightmare, how he soothed me, got me to sleep, and helped me relax." thank you for yesterday" I said before flashing him a warm smile. He looked at me blankly before nodding.

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