Chapter 12

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 A/n:this chapter has some 18+ so gtfo if you're a minor respectfully. This is rlly cringe for me to write btw so bare with me

I stood in front of the full-length mirror, my reflection a vision of pure radiance. The wedding dress I had always dreamed of wearing clung to my body like a second skin, complementing my graceful figure. My bridesmaids watched with adoration in their eyes as they helped me with the final adjustments.

"Isabella, you look absolutely stunning," rose whispered with tears glistening in her eyes.

I smiled, my heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was the moment I'd been waiting for my entire life.


Luciano was dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit, surrounded by his groomsmen. He couldn't help but feel a sense of joy. His heart raced as he thought about the woman he was about to marry, the one who had stolen his heart from the very first moment they met.

As Isabella descended the stairs, Matteo walked her down the aisle, arm in arm. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears, and she couldn't help but smile as she spotted Luciano waiting for her at the altar. The guests, seated in anticipation, turned their heads to catch a glimpse of the beautiful bride.

Luciano's breath caught in his throat as he watched Isabella approach. She was the definition of elegance and beauty. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, it felt as if the world had ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them in their own world of love and happiness.

Isabella reached the altar, and Matteo gave her hand to Luciano with a reassuring smile


As the priest began the ceremony, my mind focused only on Luciano. I listened to his vows, each word filled with sincerity and love. His voice was unwavering, and it was as though he was speaking directly to my heart.

"I swear to love you unconditionally, to stand by you for the rest of my life, and I will always protect you from harm's way until the day I die no one and nothing can harm you."

Tears of joy welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't help but smile through them. It was my turn to speak, and I wanted to show just how much he meant to me, and how I felt about our future together.

I responded, "I promise to stand by your side in every problem, to cherish every moment we have together, and to support you, to be the one that will always be by your side."

With the exchange of these vows, Luciano and I sealed our commitment with a kiss, and the room was filled with applause and joy. We were now husband and wife. It was a moment I would cherish forever.

The rest of the night flew by and now It was just me and Luciano in his car driving to a penthouse that he owned.

When we arrived at the massive penthouse. I stepped out of the car almost tripping over my dress.

As I approached the building Luciano was opening the front door with his keys.


 You guys stepped through, the cool air hitting you both. Luciano sighed behind you as he softly closed the door and put the keys on the counter. He spun you by the arm to make you face him, your back now against the wall.

"I didn't know if I could keep my hands off you." He said quietly while looking deep into your eyes with a look of lust. He tilted your chin up so you were looking at him, and planted a few kisses along your jawline, then took his thumb and dragged it across your bottom lip.

 You waited a moment before you pulled him into you, your lips pressed together as your hands draped over his shoulders. One of his hands went down to your waist as he picked you up. Your legs hooked around his waist as he walked you over to your bed, never once letting your lip contact break apart.

He laid you flat on the bed, "Isabella, do you know what you do to me." He asked in a low cold tone. You shook your head and he smirked, "Well let me show you." His lips crashed onto yours as he bit your lower lip for entrance, you let out a soft moan into your kiss as Luciano's tongue dominated over yours. Your hands traveled up and down his back, gently playing with his soft hair.

He tugged on your dress asking for you to take it off, with one swift motion you threw it on the ground and took off Luciano's shirt as well. His mouth unhinged from yours as he unclipped your bra with one hand. His sweet kisses made their way down your neck leaving dark marks all the way down to your thighs.


You laid down on top of Luciano playing with his hair, while he nuzzled his head into your neck.

Who would have thought the scariest mafia leader would be such a softie? I need this for some blackmail.

I quietly got my phone from the nightstand and snapped a photo of him cuddling me.

I smiled at the photo before saving it to my memories.

"delete that." he mumbled while making his grip a little bit tighter around me.

"how" I smirked, little did he know that the photo was now my wallpaper.

I closed my phone and left it on the nightstand, before turning around and wrapping my arms around him until we both fell asleep.


A/n: can't just be me that feels so single after reading/writing stuff like this

skipped school today to write cause I'm sick and have nothing better to do so yeah

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