Chapter 10

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I ran out of the building as fast as I could. What did I expect from him he's such an ass. I really thought what everyone had said about him was just assumptions but it's clear that he's a retarded, stupid not even that cute, nevermind scratch that he's really cute.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed a number. "cancel the wedding it's not happening." I said filled with rage.

"But Mrs. Sanotoro the wedding's in less than 24 hours." My lawyer sounded shocked.

"Did I fucking stutter I said cancel the wedding," I shouted angrily before the phone was snatched out of my hand.

"excuse her she's just a little drunk," An annoyingly familiar voice said and then ended the call.

"what the fuck did you just do, and also who tf gets drunk at 3 pm." I blankly looked at him waiting for an answer.

When he didn't answer I turned around and walked away from him as fast as I could. Can he just leave me alone as if cheating was enough he also had to piss me off. Seriously don't know what anyone sees in that asshole anyway.

I kept walking and walking and I didn't stop. That wedding would not be happening if my life depended on it. Seriously what an ass I hope he trips and bangs his head on a rock when he walks he deserves it.

I was lost in thought when I heard a stick snap. "I thought I told you to leave me alone, can you not take a hint," I screamed but my mouth quickly shut when I realized it was not Luciano, but God I wish it was Luciano right now.

Before I could speak I felt something stab into my arm, a needle. Then everything went dark


As I slowly regained consciousness, the harsh reality of my situation began to sink in. My head was pounding, and the room I was in felt dimly lit, with a suffocating, dark atmosphere. Panic and fear coursed through my veins as I frantically tried to remember how I had ended up here.

The marks on my body were new. My wrists were bruised from struggling against the chains that tied me to the chair, and the bruises and scars on my arms and legs hurt like hell.

My heart raced as I focused on looking for any clues about my kidnapper or my surroundings. What had I done to provoke Luciano's enemy? I had always tried to stay out of his business, knowing it was dangerous, but it seemed that had not been enough to protect me.

The door to the room creaked open slowly, and a chill ran down my spine as I heard footsteps approaching. I could see a shadowy figure entering the room, and a feeling of terror washed over me. The kidnapper, my husband's enemy, was coming towards me.

He moved into the dim light of the room, revealing a face shrouded in darkness. A sense of dread hung heavy in the air as he leaned against the wall, his eyes fixed on me. I couldn't see his expression, but the evil intent in his voice was unmistakable.

"So, you finally decided to wake up," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "I hope you're comfortable, my dear, because you're going to be here for a while."

I tried to speak, to demand answers, but the words caught in my throat. Fear had paralyzed me, and I could only manage a shaky, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

The kidnapper's lips curled into a sinister smile as he stepped closer. "Who I am should be the least of your concerns," he replied, his cold gaze never leaving me. "What I want, on the other hand, is quite clear. You're a pawn in a much larger game, my dear, and your husband, Luciano, is at the center of it."

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of his words. Luciano had always been involved in a world of secrets and danger, but I had never imagined it would lead to this.

"You see," he continued, "Luciano has something that I want, and you're the thing I need to ensure he complies. I don't care about you, my dear. You're just a means to an end. If he doesn't cooperate, well, let's just say your suffering will become much, much worse."

 The kidnapper's words echoed in my mind, and I knew that my only chance of survival was to uncover the truth about Luciano's involvement in whatever had led to this nightmare.

Such a dumb fucking bitch Luciano was if he hadn't been making out with a bitch in his office none of this would have happened.

As the kidnapper turned to leave the room, he cast one last sinister glance in my direction. "Don't worry, my dear. We'll be in touch soon, and you'll have a chance to help us persuade Luciano. Until then, enjoy your stay."

he disappeared, leaving me alone in the cold, dark room, my mind racing with questions and fear about what was ahead.

My heart had been heavy with uncertainty and fear for what felt like an eternity. The room remained silent, with only the occasional sound of distant footsteps echoing through the old building. 

Just when despair threatened to consume me, a glimmer of hope appeared as the door to the room swung open once again. My heart raced, and I tensed, unsure of what to expect. But this time, the figure that entered the room was not my tormentor; it was my husband, Luciano.

Tears of relief welled up in my eyes as I saw him, battered and bruised, but alive. He rushed towards me, his face a mix of relief and concern. With trembling hands, he began to untie the ropes that bound me to the chair. I couldn't help but cry out in pain as the blood rushed back into my numb limbs.

He held me close, his voice a soft whisper. "I couldn't let them keep you here, my love. I've been searching for you ever since they took you."

As he continued to free me from my restraints, I looked into his eyes, seeing a fire of determination burning within. Luciano had always been a strong, resourceful man, and it was obvious that he was prepared to do whatever it took to protect me.

"What happened to fucking your bitch in your office," I said with amusement evident in my voice

 that was when he paused mentally and physically before turning to me "Is that seriously what you're worried about when you've been kidnapped and missed our own wedding?"

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