Chapter 4

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Today was the day I was supposed to meet Luciano's family, and truth be told, I was terrified. His parents, Antonio and Rosaria, were very powerful people in the Italian community, and their approval meant everything to Luciano. If they didn't like me, it was over.

I carefully considered my options for an outfit all morning, trying to strike a balance between being myself and leaving a positive impression. I kept feeling nervous even though Luciano had told me a thousand times that his family would love me.

once I settled in a formal black dress with a corset top, Luciano was already waiting for me in the car so I rushed down to the car where the driver had held the door open for me."I will never understand why it takes you so long to get ready" Luciano said while rolling his eyes.I gave him a death stare before putting my seatbelt on. 

The gorgeous sights as the sun sank and the moon began to take over the starry sky kept us too preoccupied to notice the quiet, yet not uncomfortable, journey to the Santoro family's home. As soon as we got there, my heart started to race because I was so nervous to meet my in-laws. Luciano's parents believed that Luciano and I were only seeking a marriage out of love and were unaware of the terms of the contract.

The vibe changed as soon as we walked in. There was the aroma of boiling tomato sauce and fresh basil in the kitchen. I was surrounded by laughing and Italian conversation, which made me feel both welcomed and overpowered.

Luciano led me to the cozy living room, where his parents awaited. Antonio, a distinguished man with salt-and-pepper hair, welcomed me with a warm smile, and Rosaria, a woman of grace and charm, gave me a loving hug. Their genuine kindness and warmth put me at ease instantly.

"oh my gosh you're so beautiful, sweetie," she said while squeezing me in a tight hug " Thank you Mrs. Sanotoro you're so beautiful too I can see where Luciano gets his looks from," I said while giggling. "Oh please sweetie call us Mom and Dad, you are our daughter-in-law after all," she said which melted my heart.

We laughed and told stories over an extravagant seemingly endless Italian dinner. Family was obviously the most important thing in their lives, and I couldn't help but notice the love that radiated from their home.

As the evening drew to a close, Antonio raised his glass and said, "To new beginnings and new family members." The sentiment brought tears to my eyes. I had not only survived the meeting but had been fully embraced by the people who mattered most to Luciano.

"Hai fatto bene, figliolo, è una donna bellissima e gentile. Sono felice di chiamarla mia figlia" his mother said and I quickly turned to Luciano with a loom that meant "What'd she say" he smiled to himself and whispered in my ear "You did well, son, she is a beautiful and kind woman. I'm happy to call her my daughter" 

The fear I had felt earlier in the day had transformed into a deep sense of belonging, and I knew that this day marked the beginning of a beautiful chapter in my life.

The car ride home after meeting Luciano's parents was filled with a mixture of emotions. As I sat in the passenger seat, the events of the evening replayed in my mind like a well-worn movie reel. The tension that had gripped me before the meeting had given way to a sense of warmth and acceptance, but a small knot of worry still lingered.

Luciano, who was driving, glanced over at me and smiled. "You did great, you know. My parents loved you."  I couldn't help but return his smile. "I was so nervous, but they were amazing. Your family is incredible, Luciano." There was no better setting for this moment than the winding, moonlight roads of Tuscany as the car drove quickly. The enchanted surroundings appeared to reflect the enchantment of the night.

We drove in comfortable silence for a while, both lost in our thoughts. I gazed out of the window, taking in the rolling hills and the twinkling lights of distant villages. It felt like a dream, and I didn't want it to end.

Luciano broke the silence. "You know, my parents can be quite intimidating, but they're also incredibly loving. They see something in you that I've seen from the very beginning." I turned to him, touched by his words. "What do they see?" He glanced at me with an affectionate glint in his eyes. "They see the love and happiness you've brought into my life. You're the missing piece in our family puzzle."

The knot of anxiety in my gut had totally untied as he was speaking. I was extremely thankful for Luciano, his family's warm acceptance, and the route that had brought me to this point. The car carried us forward into the night, and I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, I had a strong, loving partner by my side and the support of a family that had, in a single evening, become my own.

 the memories of the evening still danced in my mind as we arrived back at our mansion. Luciano and I exchanged a tired but contented smile, the warmth of his family's approval still lingering in our hearts. The delicate aroma of lavender and the warm glow of dimmed lights welcomed us as we approached the property. As always, Luciano managed to create a calm and cozy feeling, and this evening was no different.

I went upstairs to the bedroom with him. Fresh flowers from our yard decorated the space, their scent adding a subtle sweetness to the atmosphere. when I lay down on my side of the bed I noticed a bottle of wine It was most likely Gina's doing

We shared the wine, clinking our glasses together we needed it after this long stressful day After finishing our wine, we changed into our comfortable sleepwear.  and I slipped it on with a smile. The fabric felt luxurious against my skin which was enough to make my eyes feel heavy the day had been long, filled with emotions and experiences. As I settled into bed, my body welcomed the cool embrace of soft sheets and a plush pillow. The events of the day played in my mind like a hazy dream. Exhaustion swept over me and drew me further into my dream world. I sighed contentedly, releasing the cares of the day and giving in to the quiet darkness of sleep.

A/n: this was kind of a wholesome chapter what do you think of Luciano and Isabella's relationship? Is it going too fast?? give me some ideas for the next chapters I really need it lol

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