Chapter 5

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*third person POV*

As the head of one of the most prominent mafia families in the city, Luciano's mansion was always a magnificent representation of his power and influence. But that strength was under attack tonight. Attractive and intelligent, Luciano had assembled his greatest soldiers in his dimly lighted study.

Aria, one of Luciano's most loyal and resourceful members, stood beside him, her eyes scanning the room with a sharp intensity. They had been sabotaged, and Luciano's empire was in danger, with rival mafia leader Salvatore Vittorio hot on their trail.

*Isabella POV*

I was sitting in the corner, my fingers navigating a delicate porcelain teacup, I had a calm expression but deep down I was furious, my beauty is a weapon and my intelligence is an even stronger weapon.

Luciano addressed his trusted circle, his voice steady but filled with anger, "We're dealing with a traitor, someone from within our ranks who's been feeding information to Vittorio. He knows too much about our operations."

Aria's eyes flashed with determination. "We must expose this traitor, Luciano. Their treachery has cost us too much already." My eyes immediately shot up, The fact that she was calling him by his first name enraged me she was nothing but a member to him, call me jealous but I was extremely close to ripping her head off her body rn (Damon Salvatore moment).

"Aria is right. But we need to be discreet, and strategic. We can't let them know we're onto them." I spoke, and Luciano nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We can use their overconfidence against them. Isabella, you have a plan?"

setting down my teacup and smiling, my eyes sparkling. "I do, Luciano. It's time to host a 'celebratory' gathering, inviting Vittorio and his men. We'll make them think we're weakened and vulnerable."

Aria's eyes lit up with understanding. "And then we strike when they least expect it. But how will we uncover the traitor's identity?"

I revealed a folded piece of paper, placing it on the table. "This, my dear Aria, is an invitation with a false message, carefully crafted to arouse the traitor's suspicion. They won't be able to resist investigating."

Luciano grinned, admiration in his eyes. "And once they reveal themselves, we'll unmask the snake within our midst."

The plan was set into motion. Vittorio received the invitation and took the bait. He and his entourage arrived at the mansion, expecting to find a weakened Luciano. Little did they know that they were walking into a trap.

As the evening progressed, Aria and I discreetly observed the behavior of their own members, paying particular attention to anyone who appeared nervous or overly curious about the situation. It didn't take long before a shadowy figure made a move that would reveal their true intentions.

With a subtle signal, Aria and I cornered the traitor, exposing their duplicity and intentions. The traitor, desperate and cornered, revealed vital information about Vittorio's plan to overthrow Luciano's family."He wants to overtake your company tonight, just please don't kill me!" the coward spoke.

Armed with this new knowledge, Luciano and his loyal forces launched a swift and calculated counterattack, "Vittorio's men think they can take us down," Luciano growled, his voice low and dangerous. "But they underestimate our unity and our strength. Tonight, we show them what it means to challenge the most powerful mafia leader."

"We'll make them regret ever crossing us," Matteo spoke, the tense silence, broken only by the distant echoes of city sounds. Then, Vittorio's men emerged from the shadows, a menacing group of hardened criminals ready for battle.

Without further ado, the first shot rang out, shattering the silence and igniting the street in chaos. Bullets whizzed past, punctuating the night with flashes of gunfire. The clash between the two factions was intense, with neither side willing to back down.

"ISABELLA AND ARIA GO INTO THE CLUB AND DISTRACT VITTORIO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!" we both looked at each other before nodding, we managed to escape without his men noticing us before we went inside the club I slid a dagger under the slit of my dress and a drug into my bra knowing I could slip it into his drink.

Now we were ready, "Act slutty that's all we need to do" I smirked at Aria before straightening my hair out and pushing my dress down to attract more attention to my chest (think of the Elena scene from tvd lol). Before we knew it we were walking over to the enemy.

He was sitting there man spreading with girls all around him, we brushed past all the girls and sat next to him."heyy me and my girlfriend thought u were really cute and we were wondering if you wanted to get a drink with us??" I spoke before getting a bottle of bourbon and 3 glasses.

I poured a good amount of the liquid in each glass but when Aria was distracting him I slipped the drug into his glass. When I was done me and Aria raised our glasses signaling to him we wanted to make a toast "Heres to living in the moment" Aria spoke before all 3 of us clinked glasses.

Aria and I smiled at each other when we saw him down the entire glass in one go. Suddenly Aria straddled onto his lap and whispered something in his ear which made his eyes widen, but before he could react I took the knife from the slit of my dress and pushed it deep into his stomach.

The drug I had slipped into his drink would paralyze him almost instantly, he couldn't do anything. I pulled the knife out of his stomach and put it near his heart "Don't mess with my fiance he's twice the man you are" I said before pushing the knife into his heart.

Aria and I quickly took the gun from his belt before escaping the scene and going back to Luciano and his men. Shots hitting their marks with precision, Luciano himself stood at the center of the maelstrom, his authority unmistakable. With calculated precision, he fired rounds into the heart of the enemy forces, and his enemies quickly learned that crossing him was a grave mistake.

Suddenly I saw someone at the corner of my eye raising his gun at Luciano while he was dealing with someone, I moved swiftly, my hand reaching for the concealed firearm I had tucked into her elegant gown. In one fluid motion, I aimed and fired at the approaching threat. The gunshot echoed through the hall, momentarily silencing the room as our men turned to look.

Luciano, his eyes locked onto mine, knew that my swift and calculated action had just saved his life. He rushed to my side, his face a mix of relief and gratitude, his hand on my shoulder. The nightclub, once a haven for pulsating music and carefree dancing, had turned into a battleground.

Luciano addressed his loyal allies with urgency. "We've won the battle, but the war isn't over. We need to get out of here swiftly and discreetly."

the sound of sirens echoed in the distance, signaling the arrival of law enforcement. The situation was precarious. we had to slip away before the police arrived and complicated matters further.

 Matteo had arranged for a getaway vehicle, a sleek black car parked a short distance away. They slipped into the vehicle, Luciano taking the wheel. With a roar of the engine, they sped away from the scene, leaving the nightclub and the battle behind.

The journey was tense, every set of headlights behind them a potential threat. Isabella's driving was skillful, and they wove through the city streets, evading pursuit at every turn.

The sense of unity and determination within the car was palpable. we were battle-worn, but we had emerged victorious, and we were stronger for it. As the city lights faded in the distance, we drove into the night, our escape marking another chapter in our ongoing life.

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