Chapter 6

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The garden looked beautiful and there were bright, hanging lights everywhere. Everyone was dressed in expensive-looking suits and dresses, their eyes watching us carefully as we walked through the large brown doors leading outside.

The grand hall of Luciano's mansion had been transformed into a dreamlike setting, a stunning backdrop for the engagement party, the atmosphere was filled with music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. Our friends and family took turns toasting to their love and future. Luciano's parents, beaming with pride, shared stories of his childhood, while Luciano's best friend, Matteo, recounted funny memories of their time together.

The celebration was filled with exquisite cuisine, dancing, and an air of enchantment. A live band played classic melodies, inviting guests to the dance floor. 

At the stroke of midnight, a brilliant display of fireworks lit up the night sky, a dazzling spectacle that left everyone in awe. It was a fitting finale to a night filled with magic.

But little did we expect someone would come and ruin it...

As the engagement party reached its peak of joy and celebration, someone very unexpected showed up, My father..who had always been a source of pain, unexpectedly made a scene. Fueled by disapproval of my choice, he voiced his objections loudly, causing an uncomfortable silence to fall over the room. my heart ached as I struggled to maintain my composure, torn by the strained relationship with my father, as our special night was ruined by his unwelcome outburst.

This had only happened because Luciano and I decided to cut my father out of the contract a bit ago, I guess the news had only now reached him, he hurt me. He was greedy, selfish, and worst of all he was a stranger to me. He was soon escorted out by Luciano's men but the pain still remained in my heart even if I covered it with a smile.

I wouldn't have a father to walk me down the aisle."It's ok he's gone now" Luciano calmly said wrapping his arms around me. As the party came to an end, the guests departed, leaving us alone in the grand hall. Luciano and I stood there, our eyes locked once again."To a lifetime of happiness and adventure, my love," Luciano whispered, his voice filled with deep affection. Hand in hand, we left the grand hall, stepping into the night, ready to face the future together, knowing that our love was our greatest strength, and our engagement was just the beginning of a new chapter in this extraordinary journey.

The engagement party had been a whirlwind of emotions and grandeur, leaving me both elated and exhausted. As I stood there, the grand hall now empty and quiet, I felt a strange mixture of relief and longing for the quiet solitude that awaited us.

Luciano, ever the gracious host, had been tirelessly attending to our guests, his charismatic smile never fading. I could see the fatigue in his eyes, hidden beneath a veneer of unwavering strength. He was a force to be reckoned with, both in our world and in our hearts.

We moved toward the center of the room, our fingers entwined. The remnants of the evening's grandeur surrounded us, the petals of wilting flowers scattered on the floor. Luciano's gaze, filled with tenderness, met mine, and for a moment, we were transported back to the night when he asked me to be his forever.

"We should call it a night, my love," he whispered, his voice a soft murmur that caressed my soul. "I see the exhaustion in your eyes."

I nodded, a grateful smile curving my lips. "It's been an extraordinary night, Luciano, and I wouldn't trade it for the world."

He leaned in, brushing a gentle kiss against my forehead. "Nor would I. You make every moment magical, Isabella."

As we made our way out of the grand hall, hand in hand, I felt a sense of completeness and contentment wash over me. The night had been a whirlwind, but the quiet moments with Luciano were always the ones that resonated most deeply in my heart.

Once we reached our bedroom, we changed into comfortable sleepwear, shedding the elegant attire that had defined the night's celebration. The weight of the world seemed to lift as we settled into the soft embrace of the luxurious bed.

Luciano reached for me, pulling me close, and I nestled into the curve of his arm. As he whispered sweet words and promises, I knew that this was where I belonged. Our love had been tested, and through the trials and tribulations, it had grown stronger, unyielding.

As sleep slowly beckoned, I closed my eyes, my heart filled with love and gratitude. The night was over, but the journey was far from finished. In Luciano's arms, I knew that the future held countless moments, each one more extraordinary than the last, and I couldn't wait to embrace every one of them.

A/n this is a short chapter and i have like no ideas for other chapters and i wanted this book to be at least like 40 chapters so idk.

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