Chapter 16

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A/N:  I apologize in advance if this kills you guys.  I tried to make it super cute and fluffy, so hopefully I did an okay job of it and you enjoy it!

Song to listen to while reading: The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy

Party's POV:

The next day passed the same as before. Toxic Torrent sat unmoving in her room, either asleep or lost in thought. I walked in quietly as the rest of the group went on patrol.

"Hey Tox," I said, sitting next to her on the unmade bed. She made no move to tell me that she even knew I was here. "Can you even hear me?" Again, no response.

I decided to talk to her anyway. Maybe she could hear me, and was just unresponsive. It was worth a shot, right? I filled the rest of the day with small talk. Nothing major, what we had done in the time she was gone, more about Jet and Silver, since she always gushed about 'how cute!' they were, and anything else I could think of.

When the boys came back, I left her. I got up, and exited the room. I threw back one last glance at her to find that she had turned and was now looking at me. I smiled and she gave a small nod before I left the room. It wasn't much, but gave me a small amount of hope. She had heard me, and she was in there deep down.

The next day, I woke up in good spirits, which was odd for me. It usually took at least twenty minutes and a cup of coffee before I was even able to think about smiling. But something was different today, I could just feel it.

I strolled into the diner and picked up a can of Power Pup, but my good mood wasn't enough to make up for its awful taste. I slid into the booth next to Ghoul, who filled me in on his new ideas for repainting the trans-am.

"Bright purple? Really, Ghoul? I don't see it working," I laughed, and he scowled.

"He's got a point. Purple just isn't a good color for that car," Kobra backed me up, and we started arguing over different car colors, because apparently we couldn't keep it how it was.

"Guys!" Jet said, running over to us. "Toxic's up, and she's talking again."

I rushed over to her room, followed by the rest of the boys. "Let's introduce ourselves, start small," Kobra reminded us from behind me.

We entered the room single file, to find her, again, sitting motionless. "Hey Toxic," Ghoul started, sitting next to her and winking. "Remember me? I'm Fun Ghoul, and I was your favorite, just saying."

Kobra cursed at him before pulling Ghoul back. "Dude! I was her favorite!" They started arguing again, and I had a feeling this would be a long process.

Jet went next, although he was much more calm and friendly, as per usual. "It's nice to meet you, Jet-Star," she said, as if testing out the name.

Ghoul and Kobra redid their introductions, thankfully without any major casualties, and it was finally my turn, as I had requested to go last.

"Hey Toxic," I said softly, kneeling next her. "I'm sure this is a lot to take in right now, and I know you're confused. My name's Party Poison. I know you don't remember me, and that I'm probably freaking you out right now." I had brief since of deja vu as I remembered how we first met. She hated us with a passion for trying to get to know her. It was actually quite cute. And terrifying.

"Are you the one who was with me last night?" She asked timidly, and I nodded.

"Yeah, that was me."

"Oh. Well, it's nice to officially meet you, Party Poison. I'm sure we'll be great friends," She gave me a smile that reminded me all too much of the BL/ind advertisements. "But where am I?"

"You're home."

She gave me a confused look, and I simply nodded. "Trust me, you are a million times safer here than you were back in the city."

"Why?" She asked quietly. "What's so wrong about the city?"

I didn't want to explain everything right now and overwhelm her, so I settled with, "There's a lot of things that need to be explained to you. And you'll understand soon, I promise. But it's too much to explain right now, okay? So just trust me when I say that I will do anything to keep you safe, no matter what. You mean the world to me, even if you have no idea who I am. And once you're back to normal, and if you don't want this," I said, motioning between the two of us, although she had no recollection of what we were. "then I'll leave it be and let you go. But I'll get my Toxic Torrent back if it's the last thing I do."

And with that I stood up, kissed her head, and left the room.

"Can we dye her hair back?" I heard Fun Ghoul ask as I walked into the center of the diner. "I mean, it's just so weird seeing her without colored hair."

"I know what you mean," Kobra replied. It seemed the two were back to being friends after arguing all day. "What if we made it even brighter?"

"Or added more colors!" Jet added.

"Guys, maybe we should wait until she's herself again so she can choose," I said, smirking.

"But we don't know how long that will be," Kobra said quietly, causing the conversation to take a dark turn. "Maybe if we do it, it can help her remember. It will be like a piece of her old self."

"That might work," Jet remarked, pulling out our practically endless supply of hair dye. I'm not sure where we acquired the numerous bottles, they kind of just accumulated over the years. "Our only problem is choosing the colors."

"I say we dye it all!" Kobra yelled, rummaging through the bin. It was the most animated I had seen him in a long time, and the protective big brother in me smiled. "We'll leave the bottom black for sure, but dye the blonde...How about red?"

"So she'll be a mix of Party Posion and Ghoul?" Jet laughed. "That sounds scary."

"No! That sounds great!" Ghoul yelled, practically bouncing around the room. I agreed, it sounded cool, and showed that when BL/ind tried to knock us down, we came back ten times stronger.

"I'm all for it," I agreed with a smile, and we set to work. Toxic had slipped back into a funk, so she was practically unresponsive as we put the dye on her hair. But that didn't matter, she'd appreciate it when she was back to normal.

Two hours later, after lots of swearing and bad jokes between us boys as we played hairstylist, Toxic Torrent's hair was done. It looked pretty shiny. A bright red color, similar to mine, was on the top, and jet black on the bottom.

"I like it!" Kobra Kid exclaimed. "We should be professionals at this."

"Forget ghosting dracs," Ghoul joked. "We're becoming professional hairstylists!"

We all laughed as we discussed how much she'd like it when she 'woke up' as we started to refer her detox as. It was the happiest and carefree we had all been for a long time.

A/N (again!): Ok, so story time! (Although you probably don't care but whatever)  So I went to Warped Tour and it was one of the best days  of my life!  I was really deep in the pit during Pierce the Veil's set, and even caught Jaime's pick, which I was totally excited about!  And Black Veil Brides was also incredible, and their set was amazing! I also got a signed poster from BVB, even though I didn't meet them.  I met SayWeCanFly, I Killed the Prom Queen, The Relapse Symphony, Escape the Fate and a bunch of other people and it was just super rad!

Anyway, sorry for ranting, it was just a really cool day, and I felt like I belonged.  So I'll stop ranting now and say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.5K READS!  I appreciate every single one of you, and hope you like the story!


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