Present Day

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His hands grasped firmly at my hips while his thumbs drew circles, threatening to dive lower down my body. I sat steady on his seated lap as I matched his gaze and he looked me deep in the eyes. I could see the indecision reflected in the green of his irises as his thoughts weighed heavily on what his next move would be.

I cupped his bristled jaw line in my hands, yearning to pull his lips in to mine as the spark began to ignite low in my belly. I needed him in every way, more then words could describe. I knew now more then ever what this man meant to me and I only hoped he would be willing to take this leap together.

His gaze remained on mine as his hands repositioned just enough that his thumbs were now drawing circles on the innermost parts of my thighs. My breath drew in sharp, threatening to release a moan. I wanted nothing more then to move in on him like a hawk to its prey but I knew if I was too quick it would bring this moment to an end.

I could ever so slightly feel the stirring between his legs as his manhood began to react to my every move. Gently, I moved my bottom as to ease him into what I knew we both so desperately wanted. He shuttered, I could feel the struggle in his form to remain composed and not take this any further then we already had.

I moved in closer, my lips less then an inch from his. I could feel his chest rising quicker now as his resistance began to fall away. I knew I had him. This moment would finally be ours. I ran my fingers up into the bottom of his hairline and began to finally close the space between us. Just as I thought I had sealed the deal, the faint sound of foot steps shuffled past his bedroom door. He froze and immediately moved to remove me from his lap on the bed.

"Dean.. please," I whispered urgently. "Andy, I need you to leave."
"But we.."
"No, Andrea. Return to your room."
I knew I shouldn't push it but the hunger in my belly was heavy and persistent.
"Dean, that was just the butler retiring to his room for the night. It is late and nobody will know." The desperation began to rise in my voice, threatening to turn into an argument that I would soon regret. Dean's jaw set firm and the fire in my belly was replaced with regret. He gestured harshly towards the door with those hands that had only moments before drawn me into him. "Miss Thurston. Good night." After one last meaningful look into his eyes, I bowed my head and left the room. I swiftly made my way to my own bedroom on the other side of the hallway and took care to shut my door as quietly as possible.

I flopped dramatically on my bed, tears threatening to escape my eyes. I thought back to 7 years ago when I met Dean. Thoughts of our time together over the years swam through my mind as my eyelids suddenly grew heavy with sleep. I know how we got here but I had no idea where we were going after tonight. I have come to love this man with every fiber of my being. He has been working for my family since I was 12 years old. Is it unreasonable and foolish of me to want this man whom I know will always be there to protect me?

Guarded: The Alternate Path of Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now