Chapter 15: campus life

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I tried to put Dean out of my mind over the next few months as I got into the swing of things in college. Once a week Sam and I would have dinner and watch a movie or play board games. It was nice to have him to go to and we got closer as the weeks pressed on. However, I was still struggling to make new friends and he knew it. One night over dinner he brought it up, yet again.

"Andy, you've got to put yourself out there. I appreciate your dedication to your school work but the college experience is more then that." I gave him a bit of a forced smiled and turned away uncomfortably. We watched a movie and I decided to stay over on the couch again. I woke the next morning to a flyer staring me in the face for a college mixer happening tonight. I shook my head and took a deep breath. Okay Andrea, let's make a real go of this. Even if just to get Sam to quit pestering me. I smiled to myself. I left Sam a note on the fridge and headed out the door.

I decided to spend the late morning shopping for a new outfit to wear to the mixer. After trying on a few different pieces, I went with a plaid miniskirt and a simple white tank top. A little sexy but not over the top, I thought to myself feeling satisfied. I grabbed a quick bite at the Cafe in town and headed back to Sam's house around 2 in the afternoon. I knocked on the front door to no answer but heard music playing inside. The door was unlocked. I hesitantly opened it a few inches and called out his name. No answer. I walked into the living room to find all the furniture pushed aside and Sam doing push-ups in nothing but shorts. Damn. A few seconds later he pushed up and flexed all the muscles in his back. I couldn't bring myself to look away.

Sam suddenly cocked his head to the side and looked at me. He didn't seem surprised for some reason. There was fire there glowing behind the green of his irises and.. a little bit of danger. I felt myself flush and turned away in embarrassment. I could feel him smiling at me as he hopped up off the ground and walked slowly towards me. Instinctively, I backed up into the wall in the entryway. Sam came towards me closer until we were only inches apart. He placed his hands on my upper arms firmly and pulled me in, ever so slightly. Not touching, but so close the heat between us was palpable.

I felt very conflicted in that moment. My heart was telling me to be cautious, that something wasn't quite right here. That Sam wasn't himself. My loins on the other hand. They were absolutely on fire, beckoning to the man looking down at me. There was a wreckless hunger in his eyes and I wasn't sure if I had what it took to fill those needs. I closed my eyes for a moment as he drew his hands down my arms. I took a deep breath in. I began to tremble. With excitement or fear, I couldn't seem to tell. 'Andy, you okay?" My eyes snapped open and it was like the air around us had changed. Sam's hands were still on my arms but his touch was gentle and caring. He gazed down to me with those puppy dog eyes looking oh so damn innocent. What the hell was going on here? I brushed it off and let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in.

"Maybe the heat just got to me." I smiled up at him. "Let me get you a glass of water." He said out of concern then guided me to the couch. I convinced myself it was all just in my head. I've been so pint up with desire for Dean I was surely imagining things. I shook it off and smiled up at Sam as he entered the room and handed me a glass of water. "Thanks." Sam sat across from me in a wingback chair and spoke. "So, you are going to the mixer tonight?" I nodded at him and he beamed at me victoriously. We visited for a few hours then I told him I needed to get ready. I headed to the guest bathroom and took a quick shower. Happy with my look, I put the finishing touches on my makeup.

I went back into the living room to grab my bag and Sam was on the couch, hunched over a laptop. I caught a glimpse of what he was reading just before he snapped it shut. "Strange disappearances close to campass.." he looked up at me and noticed my outfit. There was a flash of.. something in his eyes then he shook his head and it was gone, just like that. He stood and began to usher me out the door. "Remember to have fun tonight Andy."

Guarded: The Alternate Path of Dean WinchesterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora