Chapter 19: sinister

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Sam went to his bedroom after bringing me fresh bedding. I snuggled in and drifted off to sleep. I awoke a few hours later and thought I overheard Sam arguing on the phone with someone. I shifted to my other side and fell back to sleep. I dreamt that Dean and I were on a date on the beach, watching the sun set. It was pure bliss. The sunset suddenly turned a disturbing shade of red and the water lapping at our feet turned into blood. I turned to Dean, a look of horror in his eyes. "Andrea. Andrea! ANDY! WAKE UP NOW!" I shot up in a cold sweat. The air around me felt charged and that same sense of dread came back in full force.

I looked around the living room, feeling rooted to the spot and absolutely terrified to move. Everything looked normal. My eyes stopped at Sam's bedroom door. It was open wide but there were no lights on. As my eyes adjusted I started to make out a silhouette leaning against the bed. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck and my knuckles went white gripping the couch. The dark figure began to move in rhythm agressively against the bed. I knew I needed to escape but it just didn't feel safe to move. A soft moaning started to come from the room and I thought that might be my chance to leave. I began to inch my way backword off the couch. In that moment the side table lamp switched on and the head of the dark figure snapped around to look at me.

Sam stared back at me, his eyes appeared empty but the grin was pure evil. I wanted to scream but all I could do was watch in horror. There was a lady laying naked on the edge of the bed with her legs open wide. Sam was shirtless, his jeans open in the front. He was driving himself hard into the woman, hands clinched at her hips all while he maintained eye contact with me. I sunk back to the coach, after a few seconds I thought it might be safe to slide to the floor and crawl away.

"ANDREA!" He was suddenly over me with a terribly wide grin. One blink and his eyes turned black and empty. I screamed at the top of my lungs and shot up to the edge of the couch. The room was dark again and the house was silent. I put my head in my hands and leaned forward. I lay there silently weeping for awhile. As my tears ran dry there was no more doubt. I had to get out of this house.

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