Chapter 20: no where to run to

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I quietly slipped my shoes on and grabbed my bag. Once out the front door I ran as fast as my legs was carry me. It was the middle of the night and the pavement was slick. I felt my cheeks began to burn from the cool night air. I struggled back and forth on who to call. Dean wasn't close enough to come to my rescue but I trusted him with my life. Jo was near by but do I know her well enough to at least share some of this information. Will she think I'm crazy? Having gotten far enough away from the house I felt safe enough to stop. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Dean looked back at me with a loving smile. I had made my decision.

I continued on down the road and saw I was finally close to town. I called Dean,
my words coming out in a rushed and panicked tone. "Something is wrong, REALLY, REALLY wrong here Dean! PLEASE DEAN! I don't know what to do!" "Whoah, calm down Andrea. What is happening?" I told him that Sam was acting strange but hesitated to go into detail. When I did decide to divulge the part about Sam's black eyes he was suddenly speaking in more urgent tones. "Andrea, get back to your dorm now! Find some salt and put it along the doorway and window seal. I'm going to talk to my dad and see if there is a hunter in the area to help. Someone that might be able to get to you quicker. "

I was more confused then ever but I also trusted Dean to keep me safe. "Dean listen, I'll do it but please explain to me what the hell is going on!" "I will Andy, please hurry though. There is no time now and I need to know you're safe." I could hear Dean talking to his dad in the background but I was no longer listening. My blood ran cold. A man stood under a street lamp but he was filling me with the same dread Sam had. The light above him flickered and turned off. He gave me that same empty, soulless smile then his eyes appeared to glow a sinister shade of yellow in the night. "Oh god.. Dean? Dean! There's a man here in the street looking at me. His eyes, his eyes are yellow! What is going on Dean?!"

"Andy! Get out of there now!" Dean suddenly wasn't so sure of himself. I heard the panic rise in his voice. I began to run fast again, my breathing ragging and I had no idea which way I was going. Panic swelled in my chest. I could hear his dad's muffled voice in the background. "We've got to get there now Dean! Yellow eyes has been there this entire time. How could I have been so foolish? We can't let him take Sam!" I didn't even try to make sense of what any of that meant. I just ran. I began to realize I was actually closer to Jo then my own dorm. I didn't want to be alone and I somehow felt like she would be able to help.

"Dean, I'm not anywhere near my dorm. I'm going to Jo's." "Jo? Ellen's Jo?" "Dean, I don't know what that means. Remember I told you I made a new friend?" Dean's father spoke up in the background. "Yes, Ellen told me Jo was in the area working a case. It makes sense now why she didn't want to work with Sam. Dean, we've got to go!" Dean's confidence returned, "Andy listen, get to Jo. She'll know what to do. We are on our way!" I was closing in on Jo's apartment across the street from campus. I threw my phone in my bag and sprinted like my life depended on it because well, it most certainly did.

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