Chapter 4: A road less traveled

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I was woken abruptly the next morning by my curtains being torn open and the sun hitting me in the face. Dean was uncharacteristically energetic and cheerful with the biggest grin on his face. A song came wafting through my bedroom door and Dean was bopping his head to the music. "Rise and shine Andrea!"
"What is going on?" I groaned as I pulled my legs over the side of my bed. I noticed he wasn't wearing his usual security uniform. Dean wore jeans and a faded green jacket. "Road trip!" Dean flashed me another smile and left my room while mouthing the words to the music playing from the other room. I couldn't help but giggle as I shut my door to get dressed. I walked down the grand staircase to find Dean waiting for me and I followed him out the front door.

Once outside I put sun glasses on and stopped confused to see a sleek black car pulled up in our circle drive. "This yours?" I asked in surprise. My interest was peeked. Who was this man and what had he done with the ultra serious bodyguard of mine? Dean smiled wide once again. "This, is baby." He affectionately patted the hood of his car. "Use to belong to my dad. Now she's all mine." Dean chuckled and jumped inside. He fired the car up and AC/DC came blasting out of the speakers. "What were we about to do?" I wondered as I cautiously stepped towards the impala. "Don't take all day now Andy." Dean winked at me and I laughed softly before sitting on the shiny leather seat. No sooner had I closed my door then Dean took off like a bat out of hell. He laughed heartily as I held onto my seat.

Dean drove quietly for near an hour before we spoke again. I was happy laying my head on the windowsill and watching the scenery. He seemed itching to say something to me. I could feel his gaze at the back of my head. Moments later he broke the silence.

"You got plans for college next year when you graduate high-school?" I thought about it for a moment or two, "I suppose that is what is expected of me. I don't see as I have a choice in the matter. Come to think of it, I've been thinking more and more of becoming a lawyer. Just like my dad." Dean cleared his throat and shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Are you sure that's a good idea Andrea?" I sat up quickly and turned my head to look at him. "Why not though?? I know the police found out the man that killed my father was hired by someone else. Nothing ever came of it! Obviously they need better lawyers and that's where I'll come in."

Dean seemed to be struggling to choose his next words wisely. "I'm not sure that's what your dad would of wanted for you. He wouldn't want you putting yourself in danger." I quickly started to pipe up when Dean cleared his throat again. "Anyways, I wanted to take you to visit the college coming up here and get you a feel for what you may be getting yourself into next year." I looked forward to see the entryway to a sprawling campus just ahead. This man continued to surprise me today.

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