Chapter 26: a very supernatural Christmas

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As things seem to settle down, I dug into my college work. I would spend weekends with the guys at Sam's house and stayed in my dorm during the week. Time went by and we were well into the fall season. Thanksgiving was spent at Sam's house and Bobby even came came to eat with us. It seemed as though we all finally were able to lead a normal life. One Sunday afternoon towards the end of November, Dean came to me about teaching me some basic skills about self defense and gun safety. "I can't always be here with you Andy and I want to know you aren't completely helpless." We drove out to the California redwoods, I packed some lunch in hopes we could have a romantic picnic after target practice.

Dean set up a target and handed me a revolver. I was not oblivious to his taking the opportunity to put his hands on me. I sighed as he slid a hand down my body and placed it on my hip. Dean grinned at me and cleared his throat, struggling to switch direction and be more serious. "Let's focus please." I rolled my eyes and giggled, "Yes, because I'm the one who copped a fill right?" Dean looked away with a guilty smile then we continued on with the lesson. We took a break and had a nice picnic. After I packed everything up but the blanket, Dean decided to show me some basic self defense maneuvers. I honestly had trouble concentrating as he put his hands on me. I was definitely distracted by his touch.

I was finally able to take him down and sat on him in triumph. I raised my arms and cheered. Dean scoffed, "Psshh, you got lucky." I laughed as I looked down at him, the fading sunlight lit up his eyes. His smile was suddenly replaced by longing as he reached up to pull me down into a passionate kiss. I moaned and he used one hand to grab me firmly by the thigh. Things heated up as I separated momentarily to pull off my shirt and take off my bra. Dean groaned and pulled one of my breasts down into his mouth. Pleasure ignited between my legs and I quickly assisted him with pulling off his own shirt. I planted my hands on his chest and began to rub against him through our pants. Dean moaned and pulled me down into another kiss.

I felt his hardness start to grow and I stood to quickly remove the rest of my clothes, Dean simultaneously removed his as he watch me standing above him. I sat back down on top of him and gripped his hardened shaft with my hand. Dean closed his eyes and gasped as I ran my hand up and down his manhood. He pulled me into a hungry kiss and brought his hands between my legs. He stuck his fingers inside me and moved his thumb in a circular motion. My orgasm began to build. I came closer and closer to the edge as his tip sat hard and wanting just cintameters away from my opening. Dean knew I was close and positioned me just above him as we continued to kiss.

He slowly drew out the beginning of my orgasm and guided himself into me. With a loud moan I moved my hips up and down, he filled me completely as my pleasure came crashing down. I moved over him, feeling it all the way down to my toes. As my own orgasm started to subside I glanced down to see the look on Dean's face as he came close to the edge of his own pleasure. He desperately grabbed my hips and began to guide my body down on him, harder and harder. His grunting mingled with my moans as he brought me down over and over again. Dean let out a guttural moan as he brought me down one last time and his orgasm spilled out into me. The heat was thick and wet between our legs as he came. Dean shuttered and brought me to his lips in a breathless kiss. We lay there for a few moments catching our breath, his arm across my back. The sun was setting as we headed back home to Sam's house.

In a few weeks time it was December. Sam and I were ganging up on Dean to help us set up a Christmas tree in the living room. He groaned as he took another swig from his beer. He smiled at me and grabbed another box from the attic. We sat snuggling sleepily that evening by the twinkling light of the tree and the warmth of a fire. I couldn't remember the last time I anticipated the coming of Christmas. Christmas morning came and Dean was the first one to run to the living room. He pestured Sam and I until we woke. Just an hour into the morning almost everyone else showed up.

Afternoon approached and Bobby still hadn't arrived. I expressed my concern to Dean. He told me Bobby said he was rapping up a case then he'd join us for dinner. I had a bad feeling but nodded my head and began to sit the table. We all sat and began to eat. Halfway through the meal it seemed everyone ate silently thinking the same thing. Was Bobby okay? Sam broke the silence, "I'm just going to give him a quick call." He picked up his phone and suddenly Ellen's phone went off. We all looked down at her caller ID to see it was him. She picked up and we could hear yelling on the other end. She looked to Dean as she listened to Bobby then spoke, "The boys will be headed your way. Just hang in there Bobby."

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