Chapter 17: there goes reality

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I awoke late in the morning the next day on Sam's couch snuggled under a warm blanket. I shot up to a sitting position as the memories from last night came rushing back to the surface. Immediately I stuck my hand under the blanket and noticed that my underwear were intact. The memories were there but blurry and unclear. Sam walked into the entryway covered in sweat and gulping out of a water bottle. It looked like he'd just returned from a run. "Good morning sleepy head. " he stated with an innocent, boyish grin. All my worries began to quickly fade into my subconscious. Last night had to have been some crazy drunken dream right?

I told Sam I had some homework and needed to head to the library for the afternoon. Not forgetting to grab my keys this time I smiled and nodded before heading out the door. After getting to my dorm and showering I rang up Jo. We decided to meet at the library for a couple of hours then grab a bite at the cafeteria on campus. I really liked Jo. We were almost the same age and had the same taste in music. We agreed to meet once more mid week at the library to study then made plans to meet at a local bar called Scotty's on Friday night.

I showered after returning to my dorm that evening then grabbed my keys to head out. My phone started buzzing on my nightstand. It was Sam. "Hey there Sam. Hope you made it through the week intact." I said with a friendly smile. "Just barely." He chuckled. "You coming over for dinner this weekend? Haven't seen you all week." A pang of guilt thumped in my chest. "I've got good news actually, I've made a new friend. We've got plans tonight. Can I get back to you on dinner?" The line went silent for a moment. "Sam?" "Oh yes, sorry. Absolutely and congrats on finally finding your social life." He laughed but I could hear the disappointment in his voice. Sam rushed off the phone and I stood there a few minutes longer. I have been avoiding him after that wild dream I had at his house and I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

I met up with Jo and we sipped drinks while playing a couple rounds of pool. She was good. Hell, she was wiping the floor with me. I was really enjoyed myself though and her next words confirmed the feeling was mutual. "Maybe this college thing will be worth it after all." She replied with a grin. "Glad we found each other." Jo and I selected some songs on the jukebox and danced our butts off for the next hour. At one point a couple guys tried to hassle us and she shut it down real quick. One guy slapped her ass and she swirled around to put him in a headlock. Wow, she had some moves. I was initially shocked but then I couldn't stop laughing. Jo and I played another round of pool before calling it a night. She walked me back to my dorm before heading off herself. I was feeling quite content as I opened the door to head in for the night. Out of the corner of my eye stood a looming silhouette off in the treeline. I suddenly felt very vulnerable. I rushed up to my dorm and locked the door. I looked down onto the grounds and there was nobody there. Was I losing my mind?

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